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Firewall Configuration#

Pulp on a Single Server#

If installed on a single server, Pulp only needs the 2 webserver ports open:

Port Variable Purpose
80 pulp_webserver_http_port Redirecting to https
443 pulp_webserver_https_port The entire Pulp application

To open these ports with firewalld (default firewall on Fedora, RHEL, CentOS)

firewall-cmd --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https

To open these ports on ufw (default firewall on Ubuntu)

ufw allow "Nginx Full"

Pulp on a Cluster#

If each role is installed to a cluster, the host must have open the ports for its role:

Port Variable Role Accessed by Purpose
80 pulp_webserver_http_port pulp_webserver API and content users/clients Redirecting to https
443 pulp_webserver_https_port pulp_webserver API and content users/clients The entire Pulp application
5432 See "Purpose" pulp_database pulp_api, pulp_content, pulp_workers The PostgreSQL database server. It is configured by overrding the variable postgresql_global_config_options ( as seen in pulp_database vars.yml) to include an additional array item of a dictionary, with the variable under it "option" set to "port", and the variable "value" set to the port number.
6379 pulp_redis_bind pulp_redis pulp_api, pulp_content, pulp_workers Redis cache server
24816 pulp_content_bind pulp_content pulp_webserver The pulp Content service
24817 pulp_api_bind pulp_api pulp_webserver The pulp API service

Last update: 2023-01-23