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3.22.1 (2023-02-02)#


  • Fix the token authentication key pair being non-identical across hosts. If they already exist non-identical, 1 will be selected at random to be copied to the other hosts. #1456

3.22.0 (2023-01-19)#


  • Update packages mode to install the 3.21 RPMs instead of the 3.18 RPMs when on el8 or el9. #1453


  • Remove access logging from gunicorn command line options within the pulpcore-api.service file #1422
  • Fix webserver conf file not setting HSTS header properly #1423
  • Fix failure on task "Set crypto policy for Fedora" on Fedora 35 due to update-crypto-policies not being installed. #1431
  • It's no longer necessary to reinstall tzdata on EL9 #1446
  • Fix make vendor failing to find . #1448
  • Fix failing to load the PostgreSQL extension hstore during migrations by loading the hstore extension ahead of time as the postgresql_user account (default postgres). Also document that this needs to be done manually for external PostgreSQL hosts/clusters. #1457

Improved Documentation#

  • Update docs to show a unix:// URL for redis rather than a unix:/ URL. The new python redis packages requires this. #1452

3.21.4 (2022-09-28)#


  • Fix failure when enabling repos on RHEL with the error message Ansible "register" is not templatable, but we found: {{ reg_variable }}. Also fix the ability to not attempt to enable any subsequent possible names for the repo after the actual repo name has been found. Also fix the order of the CodeReady Builder repo names: The RHUI names are now 1st. #1398

3.21.3 (2022-09-23)#


  • Allow packages to be excluded from upgrade and a repo to be specified for upgrade. #1394
  • Do not fail if pulp_settings.media_root is set to an empty string. This is what is documented to do for S3 object storage. #1402

3.21.2 (2022-09-16)#


  • Run pulpcore-manager container-repair-media-type when upgrading from a version of pulp-container that needs to be repaired, to a version of pulp-container that has the command. Introduces the variable pulp_container_repair_media_type. #1387

Improved Documentation#

  • Document the dependency on sudo. #804

3.21.1 (2022-09-14)#


  • Install python3-setuptools on Debian and Ubuntu. Fixes an issue with Ubuntu 20.04 (which is not officially supported.) #1368
  • Speed up CI using mitogen on Ansible 2.10 tests #1377
  • Fix wrong permissions for /etc/pulp/certs when pulp_user/pulp_group are not set, and both pulp_common and pulp_webserver are run on the same host. #1378
  • Fix galaxy-ng UI not loading due to pulp_installer overriding pulp_setting.static_url from "/static/" to "/assets/". #1384

3.21.0 (2022-09-13)#

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Remove logic to add the repo ppa:directhex/mock-dnf on Ubuntu 20.04 and earlier when pulp-rpm is being installed. The PPA was only ever made available for Ubuntu 16.04, and the installer definitely will not support such an old version of Ubuntu now. Note that there is no known way to install pulp-rpm on Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04, but it installs on Ubuntu 22.04. #1366

3.20.5 (2022-09-06)#


  • Add support for pulp_container signing service #1347


  • Fix the jinja2 indent for the nginx template in the pulp_webserver role. #1365

3.20.4 (2022-08-30)#


  • Add support for Ubuntu 22.04. #1356


  • Fix error Failed to set permissions on the temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user on the task pulp_common : Upgrade to a recent edition of pip (supporting manylinux2014) on Ubuntu and possibly Debian by installing the acl package. #1351
  • Fix compatiblity with ansible-lint 6.5. #1357

3.20.3 (2022-08-17)#


  • Automatically configure postgresql_hba_entries based on __pulp_database_merged_pulp_settings.databases.default.HOST #1219
  • Add support for Rocky Linux 8 and 9, including workarounds for Ansible 2 & 2.10. #1343


  • Make pulp_database FIPS compliant by using scram-sha-256 authenitcation if FIPS mode is enabled. #1338

Improved Documentation#

  • Added documentation for mounting NFS shares and SELinux context. #1138
  • docs: Differentiate orchestration vs installation, and provide architectural diagrams. These 2 related changes make it clear whether pulp_installer is touching external services and when. #1328

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Remove the firewall functionality from pulp_installer. All the ports are now documented. #906
  • Cleanup unnecessarily specifying ansible_python_interpreter #1166


  • Test all the latest distros for release-upgrade/source-upgrade tests. Includes creating new upgrade images on #875
  • Fix CI tests with Ansible 2.9 and Python 3 failing to install prereleases of community.docker due to molecule-docker 2.0.0 being released. #1330

3.20.2 (2022-07-29)#


  • Fix the ability to specify pulp_settings.file_upload_temp_dir. #1269
  • Fix the ability to specify pulp_settings.db_encryption_key. #1282
  • Fix "Too many open files" error when syncing with pulp_ansible. #1289
  • Fix failure on pulp_webserver : reload apache on EL9 by explicitly installing the httpd package. #1315

Improved Documentation#

  • Use a table to describe the pulp_settings variables. #1278

Deprecations and Removals#

  • The variable pulp_media_dir has been removed. It has been replaced with pulp_settings.media_root, which mimics the behavior of pulpcore with the MEDIA_ROOT variable. #1265


  • Fix source-dynamic CI failing to install community.docker on ansible 2.9 with python3. #1281
  • Vagrant: Drop support for cloud backends other than google in order to fix compatibility with latest forklift. #1296

3.20.1 (2022-07-21)#


  • Implement new feature to remount /var/lib/pulp with the SELinux context (label.) See the new variable pulp_selinux_remount_data_dir's description in pulp_common's README for more info. #1196
  • Name gunicorn api/content processes #1207
  • Provide the option pulp_force_change_admin_password to force an admin password change. #1257


  • Fix working logic with symmetric database key to not end up with the duplicate. #1092
  • Update pulpcore-selinux policies from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 to enable API/Content processes to read the kernel keyring of the worker processes. #1223
  • Fix failure on task "pulp_common : Install dependencies for LDAP via dnf" when not running the entire playbook with become==true. #1227
  • Fix building SELInux policies on CentOS 9 Stream by updating the libselinux package. #1232
  • Fix pulp_installer failing to label ports when pulp_install_selinux_policies is set to false. #1233
  • Fix "pulp_devel : Initialize virtualenvwrapper" failing on CentOS 9. #1236
  • Fix situational SELinux denials for nginx/apache to connect to ports 24816 or 24817. #1239
  • Fix geerlingguy.postgresql role >=3.3.1 failing on the task "Define postgresql_log_dir." #1242
  • Fix setting pulp_settings.static_root not changing the STATIC_ROOT of the pulp application. #1254
  • Fix setting pulp_settings.deploy_root not changing the DEPLOY_ROOT of the pulp application. #1263

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Support for upgrading from installs prior to pulp_installer 3.6.1 (Aug 2020) has been partially removed. To upgrade from them successfully, run chgrp pulp /var/lib/pulp -R before running the installer. This removal fixes a sporadic error with the task "pulp_common : Set group on all files in '/var/lib/pulp'" when run against an NFS /var/lib/pulp (by removing that task.) #1238
  • The variable pulp_cache_dir has been removed. Instead of setting both pulp_cache_dir and pulp_settings.working_directory to change this directory's location, you know only have to set pulp_settings.working_directory. The ability to set it has also been fixed. #1252



  • Create 2 trios of vagrant boxes for galaxy_ng HA development: libvirt-galaxy-ha-a (Postgres & NFS), libvirt-galaxy-ha-b (redis, pulp & webserver) & libvirt-galaxy-ha-c (redis, pulp & webserver). Also vbox-galaxy-ha-a, vbox-galaxy-ha-b, & vbox-galaxy-ha-c. #1222
  • Fix CentOS 7 box #1230

3.20.0 (2022-06-24)#


  • Fixed file #1175
  • Fix gnutls error on the webserver Peer's certificate does not allow digital signatures. Key usage violation detected. by adding the key_usage digitalSignature to the CSR. #1182
  • Fix an issue where by the pulp_webserver role would fail on "Copy Snippets" if it were run after pulp_devel is run. #1186
  • Fix failure on the task pulp_webserver : Copy snippets from the pulp_database_config host when there is extra output on stdout in the prior task pulp_webserver: Identify Nginx snippets on the pulp_database_config. #1202


3.19.5 (2022-06-15)#


  • Fix HTTP 404 "not found" errors by making pulp_settings.content_path_prefix default to "/pulp/content/" rather than "/pulp/content". #1157
  • Fix the pulp user getting created with incorrect settings, such as having its home dir under /home/pulp, when pulp_redis_bind is set to a UNIX domain socket. #1173

Improved Documentation#

  • Added documentation for uninstalling Pulp. #1000
  • Added documentation for the "artifacts missing checksum" error. #1093

3.19.4 (2022-06-13)#


  • Only check the hosts running pulp_database_config to see if they have the database fields encryption key. Checking all hosts in the ansible playbook run was checking stray hosts already running a separate pulp instance, and checking hosts (such as network devices) that cannot run the stat module, thus proeducing an error. #1133

Improved Documentation#

  • Refine markups and fix some typos. #1163


3.19.3 (2022-06-08)#


  • Update vars to reference pulp_user_home instead of "hard coding" /var/lib/pulp. #934
  • pulp_webserver: Add support for proxying to multiple api or content hosts, i.e., load balancing. Introduces new variables pulp_webserver_api_hosts, pulp_webserver_content_hosts, pulp_webserver_api_balancer_nginx_directives, pulp_webserver_content_balancer_nginx_directives, pulp_webserver_content_balancer_apache_parameters, and pulp_webserver_api_balancer_apache_parameters. #1030
  • Add fedora 36 support #1104
  • Add a new variable under pulp_install_plugins, extras, as in pip extra dependencies. Also install a special set of RPM/deb packages if galaxy-ng[ldap] is to be installed. #1143


  • Fix subject_alt_name prefix when generating a cert. #1051
  • When installing the galaxy-ng plugin from source, only unlock its version requirements if the "main" branch is used, or if the branch (git_revision) is unspecified. #1073
  • Fix occassional error on Run pip-compile to check pulpcore/plugin compatibility with error message ImportError: cannot import name 'BAR_TYPES' from 'pip._internal.cli.progress_bars'. #1100
  • Fix the error "no test named 'equalto'" on the task "pulp_database_config : Check if any hosts already have the database fields encryption key" when running on EL7 RPM-installed Ansible (or any python distribution with "jinja2" prior to version 2.8). #1105
  • Fix 2 copies of webserver snippets breaking nginx and possibly apache. The 2nd copy existed on upgrades, and was a symlink. It is now deleted. #1119
  • Fix webserver snippets not getting installed when pulp_database_config runs on EL7. #1129
  • Fix failure when pulp_database_config_host is set. It failed in the task "pulp_database_config : Fail if some hosts in the play have the key, but pulp_database_config_host does not". #1130
  • Fix galaxy_ng being confused by pulp_settings.galaxy_collection_signing_service defaulting to ansible-default, even when the signing service is not being installed. galaxy_ng users with the signing service must now set pulp_settings.galaxy_collection_signing_service==ansible-default #1141
  • Fix being unable to install openssl-devel on Fedora 36 when pulp-rpm is being installed. #1145

Improved Documentation#

  • Updates and multiple fixes to clustering section in the docs. Includes renaming it from "Deployment Scenarios" to "Clustering". #1116


  • Vagrant no longer builds and installs the pulp.pulp_installer collection, but instead runs the roles out of the pulp_installer folder. To continue running using vagrant environments, run rm -rf ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/pulp/. #1098

3.19.2 (2022-05-16)#


  • Make the pulp_webserver role no longer install pulp (no longer depend on pulp_common), and instead obtain the webserver snippets from the host that runs pulp_database_config. #1007
  • Add support for Pulpcore 3.18 that runs with python 3.9 runtime. #1043


  • CONTENT_PATH_PREFIX option reflected in installer. #989
  • Fix pulpcore-content failing to start when pulp_content is run against a host with no other role on it, due to the database fields key being missing. #1069
  • pulp_common: Always add EPEL on EL7. Prevents a libmodulemd2 package error when installing from packages. #1071
  • pulp_database_config: Accomodate users having inventory hosts that cannot run sudo. #1085


  • Replace the dynamic CI tests with cluster CI tests. #1029

3.19.1 (2022-05-06)#


  • Update the SELinux polcies (pulpcore-selinux) to 1.3.1 to support the galaxy-importer plugin. #1022


  • Fix the database fields key being generated as non-identical across multiple hosts, which in turn broke multiple runtime actions (for clustered setups with multiple hosts) such as syncing remotes for galaxy_ng. Also install the key on worker hosts. Introduces the advanced variable pulp_database_config_host to set which host will have its key copied to all the others (otherwise, random.) #964
  • When in pip install mode, fix SELinux accidentally blocking the pulp appplication from doing certain tasks. This was due to the pulp application during the install (before it completes) getting accidentally labeled as init_t. #1023
  • Fix SELinux policies not taking effect early enough during certain cluster installs (e.g., when pulp_workers is run on a host with pulp_database_config being run on it.) #1026
  • On EL7 & EL8, do not add the pulpcore RPM repository to systems when pulp_install_source=="pip". #1046

3.19.0 (2022-04-20)#


  • Fix pulp_health_check : Checking Pulp services sometimes failing during upgrades due to the pulpcore-resource-manager service still exisitng. #1016



  • Added a .curlrc file with the parameter to check the .netrc #1005

3.18.17 (2022-09-29)#


  • Run pulpcore-manager container-repair-media-type when upgrading from a version of pulp-container that needs to be repaired, to a version of pulp-container that has the command. Introduces the variable pulp_container_repair_media_type. #1387


  • Allow packages to be excluded from upgrade and a repo to be specified for upgrade. #1394
  • Fix failure when enabling repos on RHEL with the error message Ansible "register" is not templatable, but we found: {{ reg_variable }}. Also fix the ability to not attempt to enable any subsequent possible names for the repo after the actual repo name has been found. Also fix the order of the CodeReady Builder repo names: The RHUI names are now 1st. #1398

3.18.16 (2022-08-09)#


  • Fix failure on pulp_webserver : reload apache on EL9 by explicitly installing the httpd package. #1315

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Support for upgrading from installs prior to pulp_installer 3.6.1 (Aug 2020) has been partially removed. To upgrade from them successfully, run chgrp pulp /var/lib/pulp -R before running the installer. This removal fixes a sporadic error with the task "pulp_common : Set group on all files in '/var/lib/pulp'" when run against an NFS /var/lib/pulp (by removing that task.) #1238


  • Fix CI tests with Ansible 2.9 and Python 3 failing to install prereleases of community.docker due to molecule-docker 2.0.0 being released. #1330

3.18.15 (2022-07-26)#


  • Fix "Too many open files" error when syncing with pulp_ansible. #1289

3.18.14 (2022-07-20)#


  • Provide the option pulp_force_change_admin_password to force an admin password change. #1257

3.18.13 (2022-07-12)#


  • Update pulpcore-selinux policies from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 to enable API/Content processes to read the kernel keyring of the worker processes. #1223
  • Fix geerlingguy.postgresql role >=3.3.1 failing on the task "Define postgresql_log_dir." #1242

3.18.12 (2022-06-27)#


  • Implement new feature to remount /var/lib/pulp with the SELinux context (label.) See the new variable pulp_selinux_remount_data_dir's description in pulp_common's README for more info. #1196

3.18.11 (2022-06-14)#


  • Fix the pulp user getting created with incorrect settings, such as having its home dir under /home/pulp, when pulp_redis_bind is set to a UNIX domain socket. #1173

3.18.10 (2022-06-08)#


  • Fix subject_alt_name prefix when generating a cert. #1051

3.18.9 (2022-06-06)#


  • When installing the galaxy-ng plugin from source, only unlock its version requirements if the "main" branch is used, or if the branch (git_revision) is unspecified. #1073
  • Fix occassional error on Run pip-compile to check pulpcore/plugin compatibility with error message ImportError: cannot import name 'BAR_TYPES' from 'pip._internal.cli.progress_bars'. #1100
  • Fix galaxy_ng being confused by pulp_settings.galaxy_collection_signing_service defaulting to ansible-default, even when the signing service is not being installed. galaxy_ng users with the signing service must now set pulp_settings.galaxy_collection_signing_service==ansible-default #1141


  • Vagrant no longer builds and installs the pulp.pulp_installer collection, but instead runs the roles out of the pulp_installer folder. To continue running using vagrant environments, run rm -rf ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/pulp/. #1098

3.18.8 (2022-05-18)#


  • Fix the error "no test named 'equalto'" on the task "pulp_database_config : Check if any hosts already have the database fields encryption key" when running on EL7 RPM-installed Ansible (or any python distribution with "jinja2" prior to version 2.8). #1105

3.18.7 (2022-05-13)#


  • pulp_database_config: Accomodate users having inventory hosts that cannot run sudo. #1085

3.18.6 (2022-05-10)#


  • Add support for Pulpcore 3.18 that runs with python 3.9 runtime. #1043

3.18.5 (2022-05-06)#


  • Update the SELinux polcies (pulpcore-selinux) to 1.3.1 to support the galaxy-importer plugin. #1022


  • Fix the database fields key being generated as non-identical across multiple hosts, which in turn broke multiple runtime actions (for clustered setups with multiple hosts) such as syncing remotes for galaxy_ng. Also install the key on worker hosts. Introduces the advanced variable pulp_database_config_host to set which host will have its key copied to all the others (otherwise, random.) #964
  • When in pip install mode, fix SELinux accidentally blocking the pulp appplication from doing certain tasks. This was due to the pulp application during the install (before it completes) getting accidentally labeled as init_t. #1023
  • Fix SELinux policies not taking effect early enough during certain cluster installs (e.g., when pulp_workers is run on a host with pulp_database_config being run on it.) #1026
  • On EL7 & EL8, do not add the pulpcore RPM repository to systems when pulp_install_source=="pip". #1046

3.18.5 (2022-05-06)#


  • Update the SELinux polcies (pulpcore-selinux) to 1.3.1 to support the galaxy-importer plugin. #1022


  • Fix the database fields key being generated as non-identical across multiple hosts, which in turn broke multiple runtime actions (for clustered setups with multiple hosts) such as syncing remotes for galaxy_ng. Also install the key on worker hosts. Introduces the advanced variable pulp_database_config_host to set which host will have its key copied to all the others (otherwise, random.) #964
  • When in pip install mode, fix SELinux accidentally blocking the pulp appplication from doing certain tasks. This was due to the pulp application during the install (before it completes) getting accidentally labeled as init_t. #1023
  • Fix SELinux policies not taking effect early enough during certain cluster installs (e.g., when pulp_workers is run on a host with pulp_database_config being run on it.) #1026
  • On EL7 & EL8, do not add the pulpcore RPM repository to systems when pulp_install_source=="pip". #1046

3.18.4 (2022-04-29)#


  • Fix pulp_health_check : Checking Pulp services sometimes failing during upgrades due to the pulpcore-resource-manager service still exisitng. #1016



  • Added a .curlrc file with the parameter to check the .netrc #1005

3.18.4 (2022-04-29)#


  • Fix pulp_health_check : Checking Pulp services sometimes failing during upgrades due to the pulpcore-resource-manager service still exisitng. #1016



  • Added a .curlrc file with the parameter to check the .netrc #1005

3.18.3 (2022-04-06)#


  • Enable uploading the galaxy collections signing service script and gpg key files by introducing the 2 new variables galaxy_collection_signing_service_key and galaxy_collection_signing_service_script. #994


3.18.2 (2022-03-23)#


  • Update packages mode to install the 3.17 RPMs instead of 3.16. #920
  • Implement the galaxy collection signing service. Introduces new variables galaxy_create_default_collection_signing_service and pulp_settings.galaxy_collection_signing_service. #951
  • The Pulp services now accept environment variable overrides via /etc/default/pulpcore (all services, lowest priority), /etc/default/pulpcore-api, /etc/default/pulpcore-content, /etc/default/pulpcore-worker and /etc/default/pulpcore-worker-%i (the number of the worker service instance, highest priority.) /etc/default/pulp-workers and /etc/default/pulp-workers-%i no longer function. #961
  • Add OSTree dependencies #967


  • Enable EPEL for Redis role when needed. #894
  • Update webserver symlink when needed #939
  • Ensure certs directory is created #941
  • Cleanup duplicate code to create /etc/pulp/certs #944
  • Fix SELinux errors due to labels not being set on multiple files created by the installer. #962
  • Fix pulp_installer failing on pulp_common: Install prerequisites on EL7 when pulp_database was not applied. #965
  • Fix pulp_common : Gather package facts failing with a message like "no package manager found" when running pulp_common (e.g., pulp_api) against a minimal debian system. #969
  • Fix pulp_common Run pip-compile to check pulpcore/plugin compatibility failing on EL7 when pulp_database is not run before pulp_common (e,g, pulp_api) is run. #973

3.18.1 (2022-02-28)#


  • Optimize the role pulp_database for better performance. #908
  • When in packages mode, install the package with the SELinux policies via an ansible task, rather than assuming it is a dependency (which is no longer the case.) The variable pulp_pkg_selinux_name was introduced to specify the name. Also introduce the variable pulp_install_selinux_policies to enable or disable installing the SELinux policies, regardless of whether in packages mode or pip mode. #916


  • Fix being unable to install from katello's latest RPMs by no longer ignoring libcomps (reverts bugfix for #809) #913

3.18.0 (2022-02-22)#


  • The Pulp API can now be rerooted using the new API_ROOT setting. By default it is set to /pulp/. Pulp appends the string api/v3/ onto the value of API_ROOT. #892


  • Added force_handlers: True in every Playbook in order to flush handlers even if some tasks fail. Because we decided that this change will leave the system in a better more correct state if something went wrong. #829
  • Removed extraneous use of become_user: root from devel role. #844
  • Address failures on the task pulp_common : Set state of pulpcore app by having it do 5 retries over 60 seconds. #868, #886
  • Allow pulp to use pip>=22 again. This reverts the bugfix 'Fix pulp_installer failing on "pulp_common: Run pip-compile to check pulpcore/plugin compatibility" on most distros.' We can do this thanks to pip-tools 6.5.0 being released with pip 22 compatibility. #876
  • Fix pulp_webserver : Start and enable Apache failing on CentOS Stream 8 container images ( #878



  • vagrant: Remove all EOL CentOS 8 (non-stream) boxes and environments, add centos8-stream-fips box and environments. #881
  • Fixed unexpected download failures when we have the message Failure downloading. #903

3.17.2 (2022-02-02)#


  • Fixed a problem in pulp_installer 3.17.0 that it would only install pulpcore 3.17.0 rather than the latest 3.17.z micro release. pulp_installer 3.17.0 users can work around by setting the variable pulpcore_version: 3.17 #862

3.17.1 (2022-02-01)#


  • Setting explicit permissions to files we modify or copy by installation process. Default is world readable (644 or 755). #800
  • Set pulp_pkg_repo by default. Users can now install from packages merely by setting pulp_install_source=packages. #816
  • Adds a ptest command to the pulp_devel role to run the functional tests for a specific project. #848
  • Update SELinux policies to 1.2.7. Adds support for Pulp 3 connecting to remote repos through Squid and other web proxies. #9450


  • Fix building the collection failing on MacOS due to an install command error. #823
  • Update pulpcore-selinux policies to 1.2.8. Fixes SELinux denials, and pulpcore-worker not starting when SELinux is enforcing, when using the new pulpcore tasking system. #826
  • Workaround the geerlingguy.postgresql role failing to find the locale_gen module (and thus ansible runs failing) when using ansible-core. #831
  • Fix pulp_installer failing to install rubygems on Debian 11 when using Ansible's main branch. #833
  • Fix webservers symlinks #834
  • Fix pulp_installer failing on "pulp_common: Run pip-compile to check pulpcore/plugin compatibility" on most distros. This occurs with pip 22.0 (just released) and pip-tools 6.4.0 (several months old and incompatible), so we are fixing it by limiting pip to 21 for now. #858
  • Fixed a problem in pulp_installer 3.17.0 that it would only install pulpcore 3.17.0 rather than the latest 3.17.z micro release. pulp_installer 3.17.0 users can work around by setting the variable pulpcore_version: 3.17 #862

Deprecations and Removals#

  • No longer support upgrading from packages prior to 3.6. Instead, users should download and run pulp_installer 3.14 with a 3.14 rpm repo, then upgrade to the current version. #814
  • Ansible 2.9 and Python 2.7 are now further deprecated. We observed a bug whereby a pip_package_info task in the playbook fails after running the task include_role: pulp_all_services. The only fix for this bug is to upgrade to a known working and tested configuration like Python 3 and ansible-base 2.10+. #836
  • CentOS 8 is now EOL, and thus Pulp no longer formally supports it. Pulp now only tests fresh installs with CentOS Stream 8, and with upgrades from CentOS 8 to CentOS Stream 8 (see migration instructions here #860


  • The installer is now tested against installing Pulp 3.16 RPM packages from . #811

3.17.0 (2021-12-14)


  • Add Fedora 35 support #799
  • Setting explicit permissions to files we modify or copy by installation process. Default is world readable (644 or 755). #800
  • Update SELinux policies to 1.2.7. Adds support for Pulp 3 connecting to remote repos through Squid and other web proxies. #9450


  • Fix pulp_common : Collect static content sporadically failing when using a shared filesystem (.e.g, NFS) for /var/lib/pulp by running it sequentially across multiple Pulp nodes. #790
  • Update packages mode support for Pulp 3.15 by changing the default package name prefix (pulp_pkg_name_prefix) from python3- to tfm-pulpcore-python3-. #795
  • When installing from packages, fix pulpcore getting upgraded prematurely during "pulp_common : Install the Pulp undeclared yum package dependencies" by no longer installing pulpcore-selinux there. pulpcore-selinux will be installed as a declared dependency of pulpcore. #798
  • Fixed pulp_installer failing when variables like pulp_user_home are set by specifying them in /etc/pulp/ #801
  • When installing in "packages" mode on EL7, workaround upgrading RPM packages by ignoring the latest libcomps. (Fixes error with upgrading python2-libcomps.) #809
  • When installing in "packages" mode on EL8, fix upgrading from RPMs prior to 3.8 by excluding the no-longer-needed dependency python3-drf-yasg from upgrade. #810

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Removed the use_new_worker_type from dev-playbook example. And adjusted the resource-manager test in the health checks. #9158


  • Added pazurite alias for enabling Azurite tests #9499
  • Fixed pulplift for installations with ansible 2.9 #9520

3.16.0 (2021-10-06)#


  • Added support for specifying a minor version for pulpcore_version. A single version of pulp_installer can be used to install all bug fix releases within a minor release of pulpcore. #8847
  • Add SELinux support for the pulp-2to3-migration plugin by updating pulpcore-selinux (SELinux policies) to 1.2.6 #9468

Deprecations and Removals#

  • pulp_version variable has been replaced with pulpcore_version. #8847
  • Ensure resource manager is not started for pulpcore >= 3.16 #9386


  • Fix systemctl aliases from pulp_devel #9460
  • Set client_max_body_size to 10m for dev environments #9463

3.15.2-2 (2021-09-22)#


  • Added a single systemd service to restart Pulp #7006

3.15.2+1 (2021-09-10)#



  • Run pulp_installer collection on pulplift #9371

3.15.9 (2022-07-13)#


  • Update pulpcore-selinux policies from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 to enable API/Content processes to read the kernel keyring of the worker processes. #1223
  • Fix geerlingguy.postgresql role >=3.3.1 failing on the task "Define postgresql_log_dir." #1242

3.15.8-2 (2022-06-27)#


  • Implement new feature to remount /var/lib/pulp with the SELinux context (label.) See the new variable pulp_selinux_remount_data_dir's description in pulp_common's README for more info. #1196

3.15.8-1 (2022-06-14)#


  • Fix the pulp user getting created with incorrect settings, such as having its home dir under /home/pulp, when pulp_redis_bind is set to a UNIX domain socket. #1173

3.15.8 (2022-06-08)#


  • Fix subject_alt_name prefix when generating a cert. #1051
  • When installing the galaxy-ng plugin from source, only unlock its version requirements if the "main" branch is used, or if the branch (git_revision) is unspecified. #1073
  • pulp_database_config: Accomodate users having inventory hosts that cannot run sudo. #1085
  • Fix occassional error on Run pip-compile to check pulpcore/plugin compatibility with error message ImportError: cannot import name 'BAR_TYPES' from 'pip._internal.cli.progress_bars'. #1100


  • Vagrant no longer builds and installs the pulp.pulp_installer collection, but instead runs the roles out of the pulp_installer folder. To continue running using vagrant environments, run rm -rf ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/pulp/. #1098

3.15.7 (2022-05-09)#


  • Fix the database fields key being generated as non-identical across multiple hosts, which in turn broke multiple runtime actions (for clustered setups with multiple hosts) such as syncing remotes for galaxy_ng. Also install the key on worker hosts. Introduces the advanced variable pulp_database_config_host to set which host will have its key copied to all the others (otherwise, random.) #964

3.15.6 (2022-03-23)#

No significant changes.

3.15.5 (2022-03-15)#

No significant changes.

3.15.4-2 (2022-03-11)#


  • Update webserver symlink when needed #939

3.15.4-1 (2022-03-03)#


  • When in packages mode, install the package with the SELinux policies via an ansible task, rather than assuming it is a dependency (which is no longer the case.) The variable pulp_pkg_selinux_name was introduced to specify the name. Also introduce the variable pulp_install_selinux_policies to enable or disable installing the SELinux policies, regardless of whether in packages mode or pip mode. #916

3.15.4 (2022-03-03)#

No significant changes.

3.15.3-1 (2022-03-01)#


  • Removed extraneous use of become_user: root from devel role. #844

Deprecations and Removals#

  • CentOS 8 is now EOL, and thus Pulp no longer formally supports it. Pulp now only tests fresh installs with CentOS Stream 8, and with upgrades from CentOS 8 to CentOS Stream 8 (see migration instructions here #860

3.15.4 (2022-03-03)#

No significant changes.

3.15.3-1 (2022-03-01)#


  • Removed extraneous use of become_user: root from devel role. #844

Deprecations and Removals#

  • CentOS 8 is now EOL, and thus Pulp no longer formally supports it. Pulp now only tests fresh installs with CentOS Stream 8, and with upgrades from CentOS 8 to CentOS Stream 8 (see migration instructions here #860

3.15.3 (2022-01-27)#


  • Fix webservers symlinks #834

3.15.2 (2021-09-02)#


3.15.1 (2021-08-31)#

No significant changes.

3.15.0 (2021-08-26)#


  • Added support for Python 3.8 as needed by pulpcore 3.15. #9127
  • Updated minimum supported version of Debian to 11 (Bullseye). Debian 10 does not provide Python 3.8+ which is needed for pulpcore 3.15 and Django 3.2. #9136


  • Generate DB fields encryption key before migrations #9200
  • Update pulpcore-selinux policies to 1.2.5. Adds support for Type=notify systemd Services (#9271). Hides a harmless SELinux denial from the audit logs when accessing /etc/httpd/mime.types on some systems like EL7 without mailcap installed. #9272

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Removed support for Debian 10 due to lack of Python 3.8+ in that distribution. #9136
  • pulp_db_fields_key_remote is no longer available #9200

3.14.10 (2022-01-07)

No significant changes.

3.14.9 (2022-01-07)

No significant changes.

3.14.8 (2021-10-14)#

No significant changes.

3.14.9 (2022-01-07)

No significant changes.

3.14.8 (2021-10-14)#

No significant changes.

3.14.8 (2021-10-14)#

No significant changes.

3.14.7-1 (2021-09-30)#


  • Add SELinux support for the pulp-2to3-migration plugin by updating pulpcore-selinux (SELinux policies) to 1.2.6 #9468

3.14.7 (2021-09-30)#

No significant changes.

3.14.6-1 (2021-09-09)#

No significant changes.

3.14.6 (2021-09-02)#

No significant changes.

3.14.5 (2021-08-24)#


  • Have systemd manage the pulpcore-api and pulpcore-content services as type=notify rather than type=simple. This means systemd will better understand whether the service is up and running before it lists it as "running". #9271

3.14.4 (2021-08-12)#


  • Add configuration needed for Galaxy api access log #9177

3.14.3-1 (2021-08-04)#


  • Fix occasional failures on the tasks pulp-webserver: Symlink Apache snippets & pulp-webserver: Symlink nginx snippets. #9139
  • Fix the "markuppy" pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound error on the task pulp_common : Collect static content. This occurs when installing from RPM packages on EL8 (ever since EPEL8 released python-tablib-3.0.0-1.el8 on approximately 2021-07-23). #9166


  • Ensure the points to proper value fo the plugin when git_url is specified. Given this is run before the plugins is actually clone, source_dir repo is not yet available at that stage. #9141

3.14.3 (2021-07-23)#

No significant changes.

3.14.2-1 (2021-07-21)#


  • Add ipv6 check for roles/pulp_webserver/templates/nginx.conf.j2 redirect rule using ansible facts #9089
  • Fixed the pre-flight check accidentally producing an error (and accidentally enforcing) on EL7 when not installing pulp-rpm. This bug was introduced in 3.11.0. #9093
  • Fixed the pre-flight check not being run when pulp-rpm is being installed, and prereq_role isn't explicitly specified. #9095
  • Fix pulp_database being incompatible with RHEL7 (since 3.11.0) by enabling the RHEL7 SCL repo on it. Introduces the new variable rhel7_scl_repo. #9114

3.14.2 (2021-07-13)#


  • Fix failure on task pulp_api : Check for existing Pulp Database Encryption Key when connecting to the ansible-managed system as a user account other than root. #9004


3.14.1 (2021-07-08)#

No significant changes.

3.14.0 (2021-07-01)


  • Add git repo and revision to pulcore and plugin installer. #6547
  • Create or import a key for pulp-api to use when encrypting sensitive db fields. Introduces new variables pulp_db_fields & pulp_db_fields_key_remote. #8704


  • Enable installing in FIPS mode whenever installing from RPM packages (pulp_install_source == "packages"), which may be patched for FIPS mode. #8834
  • Ensure we clean the static folder before running collectstatic. This prevents some upgrade issues. #8872
  • Fix installation of molecule on python 2 by limiting the python 2 version of ruamel.yaml.clib to 0.2.2. #8977

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Remove the deprecated variable pulp_install_api_service. (It was previously stated to be removed in #7005, but was actually deprecated.) #8871


  • When CI runs for a tag (release), only run pip release and package tests, not source (devel) tests. #6550
  • Fix upgrade CI tests failing on Debian 10 & CentOS 8 during verification by upgrading systemd. #8887

3.13.0 (2021-05-26)#


  • Adding support to Fedora 34 #8688


  • Append missing slash to the token_server path. #8763

Improved Documentation#

  • Provide a much better explanation of customizing your installation, and how to use variables, in the new documentation section "Customizing Your Pulp Deployment". #8552


  • Adding release script #7961

3.12.2 (2021-04-30)#


  • On some environments we need to escalate privilege for Enumerate default system PATH. #8186
  • Only listen IPv6 when it is configured on the managed host #8536

Improved Documentation#

  • Add more details to & update the "System Requirements" section of the docs. #8551

3.12.1 (2021-04-21)#


  • Fixed a bug where workers did not scale down. #8490
  • Replace yum pulpcore repository base url from to #8586

Improved Documentation#

  • Add workaround to install redis correctly #7773
  • Add hardware requirement link to docs. General doc cleanup. #8477

3.12 (2021-04-09)#


  • Vagrant environment: Created a pair of Pulp 2 / Pulp 3 FIPS boxes, pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-a (Pulp 3 FIPS VM) & pulp2-nightly-pulp3-source-fips-b (Pulp 2 FIPS container that runs on top of the "a" VM.) #8097
  • Allow specifying file upload limit #8212
  • Install object storage support (azure/s3) #8446
  • Introduce advanced variable: pulp_service_timeout #8498


  • Avoid using shared variables from pulp_database role #8519


  • Configure pulp-cli at devel role #8416
  • Adding required collections to requirement.yml #8443

3.11.2 (2021-05-26)

No significant changes.

3.11.1 (2021-04-30)#


  • Only listen IPv6 when it is configured on the managed host #8536

3.11.1 (2021-04-30)#


  • Only listen IPv6 when it is configured on the managed host #8536

3.11.0 (2021-03-16)#


  • The pulp_content_workers option can be used to adjust the number of Gunicorn worker processes handling content app requests. #8267
  • Adding ansible 3 support #8365


  • Fix Pulp clients experience "connection timed out" on very slow machines, such as Qemu emulated machines, by raising the the Pulp server's gunicorn worker timeout to 90 seconds. #8228
  • Fix pulp_installer, on SELinux-enabled systems, not being idemopotent and always restoring SELinux contexts. #8281

Improved Documentation#

  • Adds documentation to on how to configure a Vagrant box on an HDD. #8285

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Require postgreSQL >= 10 due to FIPS Upgrade postgreSQL 9.6 to postgreSQL 10 on CentOS 7 #8154
  • FIPS support is removed due to Django (a dependency of Pulp) not being FIPS compatible. #8258
  • Removing ansible 2.8 support #8365



  • Re-implement FIPS CI and enable future SELinux CI by using Qemu Emulation on Github Actions. #7884
  • Fix compatibility with ansible-lint 5.0.0 by having it not check requirements.yml under the molecule directories. #8234
  • The dev role patches Django to allow continued FIPS compatibility development within Pulp in preparation for Django to add FIPS support at some point. #8258

3.10.0 (2021-02-04)#


  • Added support for upgrading to pulpcore 3.10.

The installer moves an existing 'artifact' directory inside the MEDIA_ROOT path. #8011


3.9.1-1 (2021-01-27)#


  • Install the Linux distro's gpg binary command for the new SigningService functionality in pulpcore. #8163


  • Fix the installer (versioned 3.9.1-x) still installing pulpcore 3.9.0 instead of 3.9.1. #8158

3.9.1 (2021-01-21)#


  • Add support for Fedora 33. #7800
  • Introduce the new variable pulp_firewalld_zone so that users can manually specify the firewalld zone to open up to Pulp traffic. #8107


  • When upgrading from distro packages (pulp_install_source==packages & pulp_pkg_upgrade_all==true), pulp_installer will now configure dnf (CentOS/RHEL 8) to permit upgrading them to newer versions that are not necessarily the latest (dnf option best=false). This addresses the issue of python3-rq from EPEL8 being too new for Pulp, and thus upgrades failing with a depsolve error on the task "pulp_common : Upgrade all existing installed Pulp packages". #8042

3.9.0-1 (2020-12-17)#


  • Fixed inability to install on CentOS 8.3 or CentOS Stream due to the newly renamed "powertools" repo (formerly "PowerTools") not being enabled by the installer. #7996


3.9.0 (2020-12-07)#


  • Updated gunicorn access log format to include correlation id in the pulpcore api service file. #7792


  • Fixed apache config to handle unix sockets. #7524

Improved Documentation#

  • Added documentation how to use the pulplift vagrant facilities. #7878


3.8.1-1 (2020-11-09)#


  • Fixed Ansible error with loop variables when deploying webserver configuration snippets to apache. #7746
  • Fix SELinux denials on symlinking by the galaxy_ng content plugin by updating pulpcore-selinux (SELinux policies) to 1.2.3. #7780

Improved Documentation#

  • Configured content_origin' to properly choose betweenhttpandhttps` in the example playbooks as well as the vagrant playbooks. #7798


3.8.1 (2020-11-02)#


  • Added a pulpcore-manager wrapper to setup the environment and call the real pulpcore-admin command as pulp user. #7155
  • Migrated Vagrant infrastructure from pulplift to this repository. #7527


  • Added become and proper condition to SELinux handlers. This fixes an issue with installations that are not run as root. #7736


3.8.0 (2020-10-21)#


  • Compile and install the pulpcore-selinux policy on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora. #7574
  • When installing from distro packages (pulp_install_source==packages), from a repo (pulp_pkg_repo), and upgrading them (pulp_pkg_upgrade_all==true), pulp_installer will now upgrade all the packages from the repo. This addresses any incorrect dependency declarations in the repo, which would cause pulp_installer to fail on collectstatic. #7646
  • Allow one to customize webserver ports pulp will be listening on via pulp_webserver_http_port (defaults to 80) and pulp_webserver_https_port (defaults to 443). #7662
  • Start rq & gunicorn from the bash wrapper scripts provided by newer pulpcore 3.7 RPM packages, /usr/libexec/pulpcore/{rq,gunicorn}. These scripts enable pulp processes to transitioning to the Pulp SELinux context, rather than the generic rq/gunicorn context. #7667

Deprecations and Removals#

  • pulp_installer will no longer set SELinux to enabled, permissive and enforcing (casually referred to as "disabled") on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora. #7573
  • pulp_installer no longer supports installing from older RPM packages that lack the wrapper scripts /usr/libexec/pulpcore/{rq,gunicorn}. #7667


3.7.8 (2021-08-25)

No significant changes.

3.7.7-1 (2021-07-30)#


  • Adding requires_ansible metadata #8337

3.7.7 (2021-07-28)#


  • Add git repo and revision to pulcore and plugin installer. #6547


  • Fix the "markuppy" pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound error on the task pulp_common : Collect static content. This occurs when installing from RPM packages on EL8 (ever since EPEL8 released python-tablib-3.0.0-1.el8 on approximately 2021-07-23). #9166
  • If you upgrade from older pulpcore to pulpcore 3.7 from RPMs, pulp_common: Collect static content may fail due to dynaconf being too old (3.0.0rc1 is older than 3.0.0 final). If this happens, you can now workaround it by setting pulp_pkg_upgrade_all: true (or upgrading the RPM "python3-dynaconf"). #9181

3.7.6 (2021-04-29)#

No significant changes.

3.7.5 (2021-04-12)#

No significant changes.

3.7.4 (2021-03-16)#


  • Install the Linux distro's gpg binary command for the new SigningService functionality in pulpcore. #8406


  • Fixed inability to install on CentOS 8.3 or CentOS Stream due to the newly renamed "powertools" repo (formerly "PowerTools") not being enabled by the installer. #8407

3.7.3 (2020-10-29)#


  • Backport of a bug fix to import EPEL GPG keys before using EPEL. This is needed due to a recent change in ansible. #7769

3.7.2 (2020-10-21)#

No significant changes.

3.7.1 (2020-09-30)#


  • Fixed Apache config bug that prevented Pulp 2 API from being accessible. #7481

3.7.0 (2020-09-23)#


  • Install patched dependencies that are modified for FIPS compatibility on Red Hat based operating systems. Additionally remove md5 from the ALLOWED_CONTENT_CHECKSUMS setting. Users can override the ALLOWED_CONTENT_CHECKSUMS if a new value is provided. #6988


  • Changed the mechanism to only set the admin password on first installation. Removed the depedency of pulp_health_check on the variable pulp_default_admin_password. #7499


  • pulp_devel role now installs distro-specific packages in parallel, for better performance when run against hosts running multiple distros (like our molecule CI). #7516
  • pulp_installer's CI/molecule "packages mode" tests now test a new Foreman/Katello project URL for RPM packages. Has pulpcore 3.6 rather than 3.4. #7517

3.6.3-1 (2020-09-15)#


  • Changed pulp users main group from 'users' to '{{ pulp_group }}'. #7173
  • Fix auth migrations being run for galaxy_ng. Due to code removal, the pulp_default_admin_password is now set whenever pulpcore is 1st installed, updated/upgraded, or when pulp_upgraded_manually==true. #7493
  • Fix upgrades from pulpcore 3.0 failing at collectstatic by upgrading dynaconf to at least 3.1.1rc2. #7503


  • Install pulp-rpm in the RPM package molecule / CI tests. (In addition to pulp-file.) #7455
  • Molecule & pulp_installer CI no longer update the CentOS 8 container to CentOS Stream. (They were doing it always, since 8.2 released by accident.) #7456
  • CI: Do not install dnf on CentOS 7. So as to actually test yum (yum 3), like most users use. #7473

3.6.5 (2020-11-11)#

This new version of pulp_installer only differs in that it installs the new version 3.6.5.post2 of pulpcore.

3.6.4 (2020-09-23)#

No significant changes, and is created as a compatibility release that can install pulpcore 3.6.4.

3.6.2 (2020-09-02)#

No significant changes.

3.6.1 (2020-09-02)#


  • Restart services after collect static #7366
  • Fixed bug where pulp_install_plugins source_dir vcs was being used when checking depdencies via pip-compile #7382

3.6.0-1 (2020-08-20)#


  • pulp_installer now uses ansible_facts namespaced vars instead of relying on INJECT_FACTS_AS_VARS=True <>_. #7322
  • Assuring to restart only pulpcore services #7334
  • Fix template for pulp_health_check #7335
  • Accept unix socket on pulp_health_check #7349
  • Fix failure on task "pulp_common: Make /var/lib/pulp world executable" by creating the directory (and giving it owner user permissions as well). Occurs when specifying an existing user account as pulp_user but not having /var/lib/pulp (pulp_user_home) already present. pulplift would trigger this. #7359

Deprecations and Removals#

  • The default location for Pulp Webserver's TLS certificates was changed from /etc/pulp to /etc/pulp/certs/ . Users that wish to continue using their current certificate and key must run sudo mv -t /etc/pulp/certs/ /etc/pulp/pulp_webserver.{key,crt} before upgrading / running the new pulp_installer version. Alternatively, users can control the directory with the variable pulp_certs_dir, which was renamed from pulp_webserver_tls_folder. pulp_certs_dir now also controls where the keys for API authentication tokens are installed as well. #7328

3.6.0 (2020-08-13)#


  • Allow an installer user to configure Pulp to run with TLS enabled using custom provided certificates. #6845
  • Misc webserver changes so that Let's Encrypt and other ACME protocol CAs can be used via 3rd-party ansible roles, primarily for HTTP-01 verification. See docs/ for a full HTTP-01 example playbook and explanation. #6846
  • Allow an installer user to configure Pulp to run with TLS enabled using self-signed certificates. #6847
  • A key for token authentication is installed from either a specified file or a newly generated one. #7098
  • Enable resource accounting via systemd. #7192
  • Verify if Pulp Services are up & listening #7259


  • Fix the tasks "Install pulpcore via PyPI" & "Install Pulp plugins via PyPI" always reporting CHANGED when pip 20.2 is installed. #7254
  • Fix services not starting due to pulp_installer putting the wrong path to binaries like gunicorn in systemd unit files. Only occured when installing in packages mode. #7255
  • Fix pulp_installer failing on the task "pulp_common: Add pulpcore RPM repositories" when installing in packages mode, and when ansible_user is not root. #7275
  • Fix pulp_installer failing on task "pulp_webserver : Set httpd_can_network_connect flag on and keep it persistent across reboots" on hosts with SELinux enabled (enforcing/permissive) by installing the SELinux python RPM dependencies. #7276

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Remove the systemd sandboxing features from the pulpcore-api systemd unit file. This was preventing pulpcore-api from starting on containers running systemd (due to namespace capabilities), such as our molecule tests & CI. #6586
  • Installations will have https enabled by default. Users need to configure their CONTENT_ORIGIN accordingly. #6845



  • Fix molecule (CI or local) often failing to test more than 1 OS a time. #7263
  • Add verification that Pulp is running at the end of pulp_installer CI, via inspec. #7272

3.5.0 (2020-07-09)#

Breaking Change#

  • New list of Ansible roles to run - blog post


  • Add the ability to install Pulp from Linux distro (RPM) packages. #6793
  • Let users specify an RPM repo containing Pulp. Introduces the new variable: pulp_pkg_repo #6794
  • Add variables so users can specify the names of each RPM package to install (pulp_pkg_pulpcore_name & pulp_install_plugins's pkg_name) or to just override the prefix (pulp_pkg_name_prefix). #6795
  • Merging the pulp_rpm_prerequisites role into pulp_installer #6799
  • Allow user to specify redis package and service name. #6895
  • Allow one to specify a pulp_ld_library_path when wanted #6913
  • Unify the use of pulp_content_bind and pulp_api_bind across all network facing role. this inherently allow one to rely on Unix Domain Socket (UDS) if wanted based on the deployment scenario. #6921
  • Allow Nginx to listen for both IPv4 and IPv6 connections. #6923
  • Allow a user to use Unix Domain Socket (UDS) for the redis server. #6931
  • Set httpd_can_network_connect SELinux boolean when needed. #6998
  • Provide a single "pulp_all_services" role that users can specify instead of the current role list, and refactor the underlying roles and their dependency tree. #7005
  • Split the pulp_database role into pulp_database (installs postgres database) and pulp_database_config (configures Pulp database) for the sake of proper design. pulp_database no longer depends on pulp_common, so it can now be run against a separate database server without Pulp installed. #7037
  • Provide the "pulp_services" role that users can specify to install all of Pulp's first-party services, but not its third-party services (database server, redis server & webserver.) #7038


  • Fix webserver snippets not being installed when pulp_install_dir is changed from the default value. #6956
  • Fix documentation about certain variables being required, and error early with clear error messages if they are unset or set to empty strings. #6958
  • Add new RHUI repo name rhel-7-server-rhui-optional-rpms in rhel7_optional_repo. #6960
  • Fix apache installation #7010
  • Fix issue whereby for certain users, the firewall may not be configured. Also fix an issue whereby for certain pulp_devel role users, the Galaxy NG WebUI may not be built. #7062

Improved Documentation#

  • Adding changelog to readthedocs site #7033
  • Removing outdated reference to unavailablity of Roles on Ansible Galaxy. #7055

Deprecations and Removals#

  • The pulp_api_host ( and pulp_api_port (24817) have been removed and replaced by pulp_api_bind ( Same happened for pulp_content_host and pulp_content_port in favor of pulp_content_bind. #6921
  • Removed pulp_redis dependency from pulp_workers and pulp_resource_manager. Users need to adjust their playbook to run the pulp_redis role. #6975
  • pulp_database, which is now separate from pulp_database_config, no longer understands the variable pulp_install_db. Installing the postgres database server is now controlled by whether or not pulp_database is in the role list, and pulp_database_config must be in the list. #7037
  • Removed the task to add a redis PPA on all Ubuntu releases. Existing Ubuntu Pulp installations will still have the PPA enabled. #7063



  • For developers, enable source-checkout of a plugin without also having a source checkout of pulpcore #6910
  • Adding dev type changelog #7034

3.4.1 (2020-06-03)#


  • Ensure that pip-tools is at least 5.2.0, so that the pre-flight (compatibility) check does not error on the attribute "editable". #6864

Improved Documentation#

  • Document how to install from galaxy #6836
  • Replaced root with a short pointing users to the docs site #6843
  • Added a contributing guide, and moved testing out of the home page to it. #6862
  • Added a documentation section on Recommended Versioning Workflows #6874
  • Document how to file an issue #6879

3.4.0 (2020-05-27)#


  • Make gunicorn --workers parameter configurable #6727


  • Enforce new lines when listing plugins on #6697
  • Fixed CodeReady repo name for RHEL8 AWS installations #6805

Improved Documentation#

  • Document the conflict between version and upgrade when configuring plugins #6669
  • Documented system requirements for ansible when using the installer. #6725

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Fitting directories into collection structure #6458
  • Renaming roles to use underscores rather than dashes #6663
  • Replaced pulp_workers dictionary variable with the pulp_workers integer variable. pulp_workers is now simply the number of workers. #6774

3.3.1 (2020-05-08)#


  • Introduced a CentOS version check #6102
  • Replaced nginx/apache alias with proxying to whitenoise #6561
  • Created a directory for Pulp nginx snippets #6594


  • Fixed: pulp_installer devel role failing on CentOS 8 Stream (pre-8.2) with a module metadata error for the dependency criu. #6509
  • Fixed several issues that cause the pre-flight check to not enforce (not terminating the install early on), which would lead to the instaler erroring at collectstatic, and leave users with a broken pulp installation. #6623
  • Fixed the pulpcore/plugin compatibility check not enforcing on upgrades from Pulp prior to 3.2.0, potentially resulting in a failure on collectstatic. #6642
  • Fixed the pulpcore/plugin compatibility check accidentally enforcing on upgrades when plugins have their upgrade variable specified, and the latest version of the plugin actually is compatible. #6643
  • Fixed the pulpcore/plugin compatibility check not enforcing on upgrades when some currently installed plugins are not specified by the user in pulp_install_plugins. #6644
  • Fixed the pulpcore/plugin compatibility check getting not enforcing when it needs the prereq roles applied to evaluate compatibility. It now runs before (and if necessary, after) the prereq roles. #6645
  • Fixed pre-flight check producing an error (and accidentally enforcing) when a package is installed system-wide at a version that is not available on PyPI. This issue was never present on the previous release, only on the develoment branch. #6689
  • Fixed pre-flight check producing an error (and accidentally enforcing) when trying & failing to build certain packages from PyPI that are actually available as a system-wide (RPM/deb-installed) package in the virtualenv. This issue was never present on the previous release, only on the develoment branch. #6690

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Removed the pulp_webserver_static_dir option. This fixes a bug where installations served content they should not. #6601


Last update: 2023-01-23