Every remote defined by a plugin should have a Remote serializer that inherits from this class. Please import from pulpcore.plugin.serializers
rather than from this module directly.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pulp_href | str | [optional] [readonly] | |
pulp_created | datetime | Timestamp of creation. | [optional] [readonly] |
pulp_last_updated | datetime | Timestamp of the most recent update of the remote. | [optional] [readonly] |
name | str | A unique name for this remote. | |
url | str | The URL of an external content source. | |
ca_cert | str | A PEM encoded CA certificate used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote server. | [optional] |
client_cert | str | A PEM encoded client certificate used for authentication. | [optional] |
tls_validation | bool | If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. | [optional] |
proxy_url | str | The proxy URL. Format: scheme://host:port | [optional] |
pulp_labels | dict(str, str) | [optional] | |
download_concurrency | int | Total number of simultaneous connections. If not set then the default value will be used. | [optional] |
max_retries | int | Maximum number of retry attempts after a download failure. If not set then the default value (3) will be used. | [optional] |
policy | PolicyEnum | The policy to use when downloading content. * `immediate` - immediate * `When syncing, download all metadata and content now.` - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. | [optional] |
total_timeout | float | (q.v.) for download-connections. The default is null, which will cause the default from the aiohttp library to be used. | [optional] |
connect_timeout | float | aiohttp.ClientTimeout.connect (q.v.) for download-connections. The default is null, which will cause the default from the aiohttp library to be used. | [optional] |
sock_connect_timeout | float | aiohttp.ClientTimeout.sock_connect (q.v.) for download-connections. The default is null, which will cause the default from the aiohttp library to be used. | [optional] |
sock_read_timeout | float | aiohttp.ClientTimeout.sock_read (q.v.) for download-connections. The default is null, which will cause the default from the aiohttp library to be used. | [optional] |
headers | list[object] | Headers for aiohttp.Clientsession | [optional] |
rate_limit | int | Limits requests per second for each concurrent downloader | [optional] |
hidden_fields | list[RemoteResponseHiddenFields] | List of hidden (write only) fields | [optional] [readonly] |