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Pull Request Checklist#

  1. Unless a change is small or doesn't affect users, create an issue on github.
  2. Add a changelog update.
  3. Write an excellent Commit Message. Make sure you reference and link to the issue.
  4. Push your branch to your fork and open a Pull request across forks.
  5. Add GitHub labels as appropriate.


The tests can be run with the following command:

make test

If you want to run the tests inside your editor/IDE, you may need download the required binaries, you can do it by running:

make testbin

Docs Testing#


pip install -r docs/doc_requirements.txt


mkdocs serve
Click the link it outputs. As you save changes to files modified in your editor, the browser will automatically show the new content.


  1. Ensure you have a cluster
    minikube start --vm-driver=docker --extra-config=apiserver.service-node-port-range=80-32000
  2. Build and apply the manifests
    make local
  3. Apply your custom resource
    kubectl apply -f config/samples/simple.yaml

The following steps are biased towards vscode:

  1. Make sure you have the Go extension installed
  2. Make sure you have a .vscode/launch.json file with at least this config:
          "version": "0.2.0",
          "configurations": [
              "name": "Launch Operator",
              "type": "go",
              "request": "launch",
              "mode": "auto",
              "program": "${workspaceFolder}",
              "args": [ "--zap-log-level=debug", "--zap-stacktrace-level=error" ]
    You can learn more about debugging settings here