
In order to register a consumer against the Pulp server, the pulp-consumer command line client provides the register command. A consumer must be registered against a server in order to benefit from the administrative functionality provided by Pulp.

$ sudo pulp-consumer register --consumer-id my-consumer
Enter password:
Consumer [my-consumer] successfully registered

Pre-Registration Authentication

The Pulp server’s API is protected by basic authentication requirements. This means that the API is only accessible by defined users with the appropriate credentials.

Before a consumer is registered against a server, the server has no idea who (or what) the consumer is. In order to authenticate against the server’s API to register the consumer, basic HTTP Auth credentials must be supplied along with the registration request.


The pulp-consumer command must be executed with root permissions.

$ sudo pulp-consumer register --consumer-id my-consumer
Enter password:
Consumer [my-consumer] successfully registered

The -u and the -p flags supply the HTTP Basic Auth username and password respectively and must correspond to a user defined on the Pulp server. If the -p flag is not supplied, the command line client will ask for the password interactively.


Entering a password on the command line with the -p option is less secure than giving it interactively. The password will be visible to all users on the system for as long as the process is running by looking at the process list. It will also be stored in your bash history.

Post-Registration Authentication

Once a consumer is registered, a certificate is written into its PKI: /etc/pki/pulp/consumer/consumer-cert.pem

This certificate will automatically suffice for authentication against the server’s API for all future operations until the consumer is unregistered.

It is worth noting that the pulp-consumer command line client should still be executed with root level permissions.

$ sudo pulp-consumer unregister
Consumer [my-consumer] successfully unregistered