

By default, pulp authenticates each request with a username and password against its own user database. Requests can also authenticate with a client-side SSL certificate that was provided by pulp’s login feature.

Apache Preauthentication

If other forms of authentication are desired, authentication can be delegated to apache, which comes with a variety of authentication plugins that are well-documented and feature-rich. In order for users to then be authorized for any operation, they must have already been added to the Pulp user database using the pulp-admin auth user commands.

Once an apache authorization module is configured, pulp will read and trust the REMOTE_USER variable from apache.


Enabling apache preauthentication as described below disables authorization against the built-in user database, so you will not be able to authenticate as admin after you have enabled it. It’s important that you configure a user in the super-users role before you enable apache preauthentication. Pulp’s native (and deprecated) LDAP authentication is also disabled; OAuth will continue to work.

Pulp’s apache config file (/etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp.conf) contains an example of how to configure an apache auth module. The examples below demonstrate two different approaches.

LDAP Whole-API Example

To set up apache authentication for the entire REST API, modify the <Files webservices.wsgi> stanza in /etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp.conf to resemble the following:

<Files webservices.wsgi>
    # pass everything that isn't a Basic auth request through to Pulp
    SetEnvIfNoCase ^Authorization$ "Basic.*" USE_APACHE_AUTH=1
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from env=!USE_APACHE_AUTH
    Satisfy Any

    # configure basic auth
    AuthType basic
    AuthBasicProvider ldap
    AuthName "Pulp"
    AuthLDAPURL "ldaps://"
    AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=pulp,..."
    AuthLDAPBindPassword "adpassword"
    AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute sAMAccountName
    AuthzLDAPAuthoritative On
    Require valid-user

    # Standard Pulp REST API configuration goes here...

Note that this requires LDAP authentication for the initial login, and allows either LDAP or Pulp certificate authentication on the entire API.

Basic Auth Login Example

Many deployments will only use a third-party authentication source for the login call, and then use pulp’s certificate-based auth for successive calls.

You are responsible for ensuring that a user gets created in pulp prior to any login attempt. Pulp does not support auto-creation of users that exist in your external source.

Below is a “basic” example that works for demos, but a stronger mechanism is recommended.

<Location /pulp/api/v2/actions/login>
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Pulp Login"
    AuthUserFile /var/lib/pulp/.htaccess
    Require valid-user

For this basic-auth example, the .htaccess file must then be created using the htpasswd command.

Note that this requires Apache authentication for the initial login, and also requires Pulp certificate authentication on the entire API.


Deprecated since version 2.4: Please use apache’s mod_authnz_ldap to provide preauthentication per instructions above.

Pulp supports LDAP authentication by configuring the [ldap] section in server.conf. An LDAP user who logs in for the first time will have a local account automatically created in the Pulp database.

The following options are supported:

  • enabled: Boolean; controls whether or not LDAP authentication is enabled. Default: false.

  • uri: URL of LDAP server. Default: ldap://localhost

  • base: Location in the directory from which the LDAP search begins. Default: dc=localhost

  • tls: Boolean; controls whether or not to use TLS security. Default: false.

  • default_role: Role ID to assign LDAP users to by default. This role must first be created on the Pulp server. If default_role is not set or doesn’t exist, LDAP users are given same default permissions as local users.

  • filter: LDAP filter to limit the LDAP users who can authenticate to Pulp.

For example:

enabled = true
uri = ldap://
base = ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
tls = true
default_role = ldap-users
filter = (gidNumber=200)


Deprecated since version 2.4.0: OAuth support will be removed in a future release of Pulp. Please do not write new code that uses OAuth against Pulp, and please find a suitable replacement if you are already using it.

OAuth can be enabled by configuring the [oauth] section in server.conf. In order for a user or consumer to authenticate via OAuth, they must have already been added to the Pulp user database with the pulp-admin auth user commands. The following options are supported:

  • enabled: Boolean; controls whether OAuth authentication is enabled. Default: false

  • oauth_key: Key to enable OAuth style authentication. Required.

  • oauth_secret: Shared secret that can be used for OAuth style authentication. Please be sure to choose a secret that is long enough for your desired level of security. Required.

For example:

enabled = true
oauth_key = ab3cd9j4ks73hf7g
oauth_secret = xyz4992k83j47x0bBoo8fue3yohneepo


Do not use the key or secret given in the above example. It is important that you use unique and secret values for these configuration items.