
Pulp Server keeps track of operations performed on its consumers in the consumer’s history. The events tracked in the history and their respective event types are as follows:

  • Consumer Registered - consumer_registered

  • Consumer Unregistered - consumer_unregistered

  • Repository Bound - repo_bound

  • Repository Unbound - repo_unbound

  • Content Unit Installed - content_unit_installed

  • Content Unit Uninstalled - content_unit_uninstalled

  • Unit Profile Changed - unit_profile_changed

  • Added to a Consumer Group - added_to_group

  • Removed from a Consumer Group - removed_from_group

Note that only operations that are triggered through Pulp are logged. If the consumer installs a content unit through another means (eg. rpm, yum etc.) an event will not be logged. The package profile, however, will eventually be sent to the server and will reflect any changes that have been made.

A consumer can view its own history using the consumer history command. A number of query arguments may be passed in to the consumer history command in order to refine the results. Here are a few examples of querying consumer history:

$ pulp-consumer history --limit 2 --sort ascending --event-type repo_bound
                      Consumer History [consumer1]

Consumer Id:  test-consumer
Type:         repo_bound
  Distributor Id: yum_distributor
  Repo Id:        test-repo1
Originator:   SYSTEM
Timestamp:    2013-01-17T05:43:36Z

Consumer Id:  test-consumer
Type:         repo_bound
  Distributor Id: yum_distributor
  Repo Id:        test-repo2
Originator:   SYSTEM
Timestamp:    2013-01-17T05:49:09Z
$ pulp-consumer history --start-date 2013-01-17T19:00:00Z --end-date 2013-01-17T21:00:00Z
                      Consumer History [consumer1]

Consumer Id:  consumer1
Type:         consumer_registered
Details:      None
Originator:   admin
Timestamp:    2013-01-17T19:14:49Z