
There are several commands for managing consumers. Other type-specific commands, such as bind, are provided by type-specific extensions.


Pulp keeps a history of the operations that pertain to each consumer. The history command has several options for filtering and limiting its output.

$ pulp-admin consumer history --help
Command: history
Description: displays the history of operations on a consumer

Available Arguments:

  --consumer-id - (required) unique identifier; only alphanumeric, -, and _
  --event-type  - limits displayed history entries to the given type; supported
                  types: ("consumer_registered", "consumer_unregistered",
                  "repo_bound", "repo_unbound","content_unit_installed",
                  "content_unit_uninstalled", "unit_profile_changed",
  --limit       - limits displayed history entries to the given amount (must be
                  greater than zero)
  --sort        - indicates the sort direction ("ascending" or "descending")
                  based on the entry's timestamp
  --start-date  - only return entries that occur on or after the given date in
                  iso8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
  --end-date    - only return entries that occur on or before the given date in
                  iso8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)

The history command shows the most recent operations first.

$ pulp-admin consumer history --consumer-id=consumer1
                        Consumer History [ consumer1 ]

Consumer Id:  consumer1
Type:         repo_bound
  Distributor Id: puppet_distributor
  Repo Id:        repo1
Originator:   admin
Timestamp:    2013-01-22T16:07:52Z

Consumer Id:  consumer1
Type:         consumer_registered
Details:      None
Originator:   admin
Timestamp:    2013-01-22T15:09:58Z


This command retrieves a list of consumers. “Confirmed” bindings are those for which the agent on the remote consumer has performed a bind action. “Unconfirmed” bindings are waiting for that remote action to take place.

$ pulp-admin consumer list --help
Command: list
Description: lists a summary of consumers registered to the Pulp server

Available Arguments:

  --fields   - comma-separated list of consumer fields; Example:
               "id,display_name". If specified, only the given fields will be
  --bindings - if specified, the bindings information is displayed
  --details  - if specified, all of the consumer information is displayed

$ pulp-admin consumer list

Id:            consumer1
Display Name:  Consumer 1
Description:   The first consumer.
  Confirmed:   repo1


Registration must be initiated from pulp-consumer, but unregistering can be done from either end.

$ pulp-admin consumer unregister --help
Command: unregister
Description: unregisters a consumer

Available Arguments:

  --consumer-id - (required) unique identifier; only alphanumeric, -, and _

$ pulp-admin consumer unregister --consumer-id=consumer1
Consumer [ consumer1 ] successfully unregistered


Basic attributes of consumers can be modified using the update command.

$ pulp-admin consumer update --help
Command: update
Description: changes metadata on an existing consumer

Available Arguments:

  --display-name - user-readable display name (may contain i18n characters)
  --description  - user-readable description (may contain i18n characters)
  --note         - adds/updates/deletes notes to programmatically identify the
                   resource; key-value pairs must be separated by an equal sign
                   (e.g. key=value); multiple notes can be changed by specifying
                   this option multiple times; notes are deleted by specifying
                   "" as the value
  --consumer-id  - (required) unique identifier; only alphanumeric, -, and _

$ pulp-admin consumer update --consumer-id=consumer1 --description='First consumer.'
Consumer [ consumer1 ] successfully updated