Consumer Groups

Consumer Groups allow you to associate any number of consumers with a named group and perform different actions on it.

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group --help

Usage: pulp-admin [SUB_SECTION, ..] COMMAND
Description: consumer group commands

Available Sections:
  members - manage members of repository groups
  package - consumer group package installation management

Available Commands:
  bind   - binds each consumer in a consumer group to a repository
  create - creates a new consumer group
  delete - deletes a consumer group
  list   - lists consumer groups on the Pulp server
  search - searches for consumer groups on the Pulp server
  unbind - unbinds each consumer in a consumer group from a repository
  update - updates the metadata about the group itself (not its members)

Create, Update, Delete

To create a consumer group, the only required argument is a unique ID.

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group create --group-id test-group

Consumer Group [test-group] successfully created

The update command takes similar arguments to the create command. This call updates metadata about the consumer group itself (not the members).

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group update --group-id test-group --display-name new-name

Consumer Group [test-group] successfully updated

The new consumer group can be seen with its unique ID and display name.

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group list
                          Consumer Groups

Id:           test-group
Display Name: new-name
Description:  None
Consumer Ids:

Consumer groups can be removed from the Pulp server using the delete command. Deleting a consumer group has no effect on the consumers that are members of the group.

pulp-admin rpm consumer group delete --group-id test-group

Consumer Group [test-group] successfully deleted

Group membership

Consumers can be associated and unassociated with any existing consumer group.

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group members

Usage: pulp-admin [SUB_SECTION, ..] COMMAND
Description: manage members of repository groups

Available Commands:
add    - add consumers to an existing group
list   - list the consumers in a particular group
remove - remove consumers from a group

The call is idempotent if the consumer is already memeber of the group.

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group members add --group-id test-group --str-eq='id=consumer1'

Consumer Group [test-group] membership updated

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group list
                          Consumer Groups

Id:           test-group
Display Name: None
Description:  None
Consumer Ids: consumer1

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group members list --group-id test-group
                       Consumer Group Members

Id:           consumer1
Display Name: consumer1
Description:  None

Now you can see that consumer1 is part of the group. Similarly, you can remove consumers from consumer groups.

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group members remove --group-id test-group --str-eq='id=consumer1'

Consumer Group [test-group] membership updated

Repository Binding

The bind command allows to bind each consumer in a consumer group to a repository.

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group bind --consumer-group-id test-group --repo-id zoo

Consumer Group [test-group] successfully bound to repository [zoo]

You can also use the unbind command to unbind each consumer in a consumer group from a repo.

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group unbind --consumer-group-id test-group --repo-id zoo

Consumer Group [test-group] successfully unbound from repository [zoo]

Content Management

This section manages content on each consumer belonging to the group.

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group package

Usage: pulp-admin [SUB_SECTION, ..] COMMAND
Description: consumer group package installation management

Available Commands:
install   - install packages
uninstall - uninstall packages
update    - update (installed) packages

$ pulp-admin rpm consumer group package install --name zsh --consumer-group-id test

This command may be exited via ctrl+c without affecting the request.


Install on consumer [c1] succeeded

Name:    zsh
Version: 5.0.7
Arch:    x86_64
Repoid:  updates-testing