Publish and Host

This section assumes that you have a repository with content in it. To do this, see the Synchronize a Repository or Upload and Manage Content documentation.

Create a Publication

Kick off a publish task by creating a new publication. The publish task will generate all the metadata that gem needs to install packages (although it will need to be hosted through a Distribution before it is consumable).

# Create a new publication specifying the repository_version.
# Alternatively, you can specify just the repository, and Pulp will assume the latest version.
pulp gem publication create --repository foo --version 1

# Publications can only be referenced through their pulp_href
PUBLICATION_HREF=$(pulp gem publication list | jq -r .[0].pulp_href)

Publication Create Response:

  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/publications/gem/gem/0188e510-cbbe-7586-b182-927bacc89bdb/",
  "pulp_created": "2023-06-22T21:44:23.230932Z",
  "repository_version": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/gem/gem/0188e4e3-1429-7411-89d7-c87288edf51a/versions/1/",
  "repository": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/gem/gem/0188e4e3-1429-7411-89d7-c87288edf51a/"

Host a Publication (Create a Distribution)

To host a publication, (which makes it consumable by gem), users create a distribution which will serve the associated publication at /pulp/content/<distribution.base_path>

# Distributions are created asynchronously. Create one, and specify the publication that will
# be served at the base path specified.
pulp gem distribution create --name foo --base-path foo --publication "$PUBLICATION_HREF"


  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/distributions/gem/gem/0188e513-594c-7c44-aaff-beed0f97363e/",
  "pulp_created": "2023-06-22T21:47:10.540670Z",
  "base_path": "foo",
  "base_url": "http://localhost:5001/pulp/content/foo/",
  "content_guard": null,
  "hidden": false,
  "pulp_labels": {},
  "name": "foo",
  "repository": null,
  "publication": "/pulp/api/v3/publications/gem/gem/0188e510-cbbe-7586-b182-927bacc89bdb/",
  "remote": null


Alternatively you could specify the repository when creating a distribution in which case Pulp will automatically distribute the latest available publication for the greatest repository version

Enable Pull-Through Caching:

Only gems present in your repository will be available from your index, but adding a remote source to your distribution will enable the pull-through cache feature. This feature allows you to install any gem from the remote source and have Pulp store that gem as orphaned content.

# Add remote to distribution to enable pull-through caching
pulp gem distribution update --name foo --remote gem


Support for pull-through caching is provided as a tech preview in Pulp 3. Functionality may not work or may be incomplete. Also, backwards compatibility when upgrading is not guaranteed.

Use the newly created distribution

The metadata and packages can now be retrieved from the distribution:

$ http $BASE_ADDR/pulp/content/foo/specs.4.8
$ http $BASE_ADDR/pulp/content/foo/gems/panda-1.1.0.gem

The content is now gem installable:

$ gem install --clear-sources --source $BASE_ADDR/pulp/content/foo/ panda