User Setup

All workflow examples use the Pulp CLI. Install and setup from PyPI:

pip install pulp-cli[pygments] pulp-cli-gem
pulp config create -e
pulp status # Check that CLI can talk to Pulp

If you configured the admin user with a different password, adjust the configuration accordingly. If you prefer to specify the username and password with each request, please see Pulp CLI documentation on how to do that.

Containerized Installation

Follow the Pulp in One Container instructions to get started with Pulp by leveraging OCI images. Further details are discussed in the pulpcore documentation.

From Source

sudo -u pulp -i
source ~/pulp/bin/activate
cd pulp_gem
pip install -e .
django-admin runserver 24817

Make and Run Migrations

pulp-manager makemigrations pulp_gem
pulp-manager migrate pulp_gem

Run Services

pulp-manager runserver
gunicorn pulpcore.content:server --bind 'localhost:24816' --worker-class 'aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker' -w 2
sudo systemctl restart pulpcore-resource-manager
sudo systemctl restart pulpcore-worker@1
sudo systemctl restart pulpcore-worker@2