Plugin Writer’s Guide

If you are extending this migration tool to be able to migrate the plugin of your interest from Pulp 2 to Pulp 3, here are some guidelines.

1. Create a migrator class (subclass the provided Pulp2to3PluginMigrator class). There should be one migrator class per plugin. Define all the necessary attributes and methods for it (see Pulp2to3PluginMigrator for more details)

2. Discovery of the plugins is done via entry_points. Add your migrator class defined in step 1 to the list of the migrators entry_points in

  1. Add a Content model to communicate with Pulp 2.

  • It has to have a field TYPE_ID which will correspond to the _content_type_id of your Content in Pulp 2. Don’t forget to add it to pulp2_content_models in step 1.

4. Add a Content model to pre-migrate Pulp2 content to (subclass the provided Pulp2to3Content class). It has to have:

  • a field pulp2_type which will correspond to the _content_type_id of your Content in Pulp 2.

  • on a Meta class a default_related_name set to <your pulp 2 content type>_detail_model

  • a classmethod pre_migrate_content_detail (see Pulp2to3Content for more details)

  • a coroutine create_pulp3_content (see Pulp2to3Content for more details)

Don’t forget to add this Content model to your migrator class.

If your content has one artifact and if you are willing to use the default implementation of the first stage of DeclarativeContentMigration, on your Content model you also need:

  • an expected_digests property to provide expected digests for artifact creation/validation

  • an expected_size property to provide the expected size for artifact creation/validation

  • a relative_path_for_content_artifact property to provide the relative path for content artifact creation.

Make sure that expected_size or your custom implementation which sets size on the Artifact or RemoteArtifact works with values of BigIntegerField type, not smaller.

5. Subclass the provided Pulp2to3Importer class and define migrate_to_pulp3 method which creates a plugin Remote instance based on the provided pre-migrated Pulp2Importer. When creating a Remote it is important to use update_or_create function in case on re-run Importer has been changed.

6. Subclass the provided Pulp2to3Distributor class and define migrate_to_pulp3 method which creates a plugin Publication and/or Distribution instance (depends on the plugin) based on the provided pre-migrated Pulp2Distributor. When creating a Distribution it is important to use update_or_create function in case on re-run Distributor has been changed. It is also important to relate Distributor to Publication or RepoVersion (depends on the plugin) when defining migrate_to_pulp3 method.