Pulp 2.5 Release Notes

Pulp 2.5.3

This release fixes #1185367

To upgrade, shut down all Pulp services:

$ for s in {goferd,pulp_celerybeat,pulp_resource_manager,pulp_workers,httpd}; do sudo systemctl stop $s; done;

Next, update the packages:

$ sudo yum update

Run the pulp-manage-db script as the apache user:

$ sudo -u apache pulp-manage-db

Once pulp-manage-db is finished, start all Pulp services.

Pulp 2.5.2

This release fixes #1179463,

#1178920, #1171278 and #1159040.

To upgrade, shut down all Pulp services:

$ for s in {goferd,pulp_celerybeat,pulp_resource_manager,pulp_workers,httpd}; do sudo systemctl stop $s; done;

Next, update the packages:

$ sudo yum update

Run the pulp-manage-db script as the apache user:

$ sudo -u apache pulp-manage-db

Restart the pulp services and apache

Pulp 2.5.1

This is a an important bugfix release that contains the fix for #1165355 and #1171509. Additional bugs that were fixed in Pulp 2.5.1.

Upgrade Instructions for 2.5.0 –> 2.5.1

Perform the upgrade instructions for upgrading from 2.4.x

Additionally for systems that are being upgraded from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 and are using pulp_rpm to manage yum repositories you will need to manually remove the published repositories from disk and republish due to 1171509 This is only necessary if you have been running Pulp 2.5.0. If you are upgrading from 2.4.x these steps are not required:

$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/pulp/published/yum/*

For each of your rpm repositories:

$ pulp-admin rpm repo publish run --repo-id <repo-id>

Pulp 2.5.0

New Features

  • pulp-admin now has a bash tab completion script.

  • A new selinux policy is introduced which confines the pulp_workers, pulp_celerybeat, and pulp_resource_manager processes.

  • Pulp 2.5.0 works with pulp_docker, an optional plugin to manage Docker repositories. In Pulp 2.5.0 this optional plugin is considered “tech preview” and did not undergo the same level of testing as other plugins. Please refer to the pulp_docker documentation for usage information.

  • Pulp now supports SSL on its connection to MongoDB. It is strongly recommended that you configure MongoDB to perform SSL, and configure Pulp to require a validly signed certificate from Mongo. If you wish to do this, edit /etc/pulp/server.conf and configure ssl and verify_ssl to true in the [database] section.

  • When the pulp_workers service is stopped, it will now cancel tasks that the workers are processing instead of waiting for those tasks to finish.


  • The task_type attribute of a Task Report is deprecated with Pulp 2.5.0. This attribute will be removed in a future release.

  • Many API calls return an attribute named _ns. This attribute will be removed in a future release and should not be used.


You can see the complete list of bugs that were fixed in Pulp 2.5.0.

Upgrade Instructions for 2.4.x –> 2.5.x

To upgrade, shut down all Pulp services:

$ for s in {goferd,pulp_celerybeat,pulp_resource_manager,pulp_workers,httpd}; do sudo systemctl stop $s; done;

Next, update the packages:

$ sudo yum update

Run the pulp-manage-db script as the apache user:

$ sudo -u apache pulp-manage-db

Restart the pulp services and apache

Next, run pulp-manage-db:

$ sudo -u apache pulp-manage-db

And lastly, restart the Pulp services:

$ for s in {goferd,pulp_celerybeat,pulp_resource_manager,pulp_workers,httpd}; do sudo systemctl start $s; done;


If you are using Upstart instead of systemd, you should use service $s {stop,start} in the lines above.

Thank You

Thank you to all of Pulp’s contributors, especially these new ones!

  • Irina Gulina

  • Peter Gustafsson

  • Petter Hassberg

  • Dennis Kliban

  • Christoffer Kylvåg

  • Austin Macdonald