
Base serializer for use with :class:pulpcore.app.models.Model This ensures that all Serializers provide values for the 'pulp_href` field. The class provides a default for the ref_name attribute in the ModelSerializers's Meta class. This ensures that the OpenAPI definitions of plugins are namespaced properly.


Name Type Description Notes
pulp_href str [optional] [readonly]
description str A description of the task group.
all_tasks_dispatched bool Whether all tasks have been spawned for this task group.
waiting int Number of tasks in the 'waiting' state [optional] [readonly]
skipped int Number of tasks in the 'skipped' state [optional] [readonly]
running int Number of tasks in the 'running' state [optional] [readonly]
completed int Number of tasks in the 'completed' state [optional] [readonly]
canceled int Number of tasks in the 'canceled' state [optional] [readonly]
failed int Number of tasks in the 'failed' state [optional] [readonly]
canceling int Number of tasks in the 'canceling' state [optional] [readonly]
group_progress_reports list[GroupProgressReportResponse] [optional] [readonly]
tasks list[MinimalTaskResponse] [optional] [readonly]

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