
Fetch, Upload, Organize, and Distribute Software Packages

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v3
  • Package version: 3.56.0.dev0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://pulpproject.org


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git)

Then import the package:

import pulpcore.client.pulpcore


Install via Setuptools.

python setup.py install --user

(or sudo python setup.py install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import pulpcore.client.pulpcore

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function

import time
import pulpcore.client.pulpcore
from pulpcore.client.pulpcore.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost:24817
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = pulpcore.client.pulpcore.Configuration(
    host = "http://localhost:24817"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
configuration = pulpcore.client.pulpcore.Configuration(
    username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
    password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
configuration = pulpcore.client.pulpcore.Configuration(
    host = "http://localhost:24817",
    api_key = {
        'sessionid': 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['sessionid'] = 'Bearer'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with pulpcore.client.pulpcore.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = pulpcore.client.pulpcore.AccessPoliciesApi(api_client)
    customized = True # bool | Filter results where customized matches value (optional)
limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
ordering = ['ordering_example'] # list[str] | Ordering  * `pulp_id` - Pulp id * `-pulp_id` - Pulp id (descending) * `pulp_created` - Pulp created * `-pulp_created` - Pulp created (descending) * `pulp_last_updated` - Pulp last updated * `-pulp_last_updated` - Pulp last updated (descending) * `creation_hooks` - Creation hooks * `-creation_hooks` - Creation hooks (descending) * `statements` - Statements * `-statements` - Statements (descending) * `viewset_name` - Viewset name * `-viewset_name` - Viewset name (descending) * `customized` - Customized * `-customized` - Customized (descending) * `queryset_scoping` - Queryset scoping * `-queryset_scoping` - Queryset scoping (descending) * `pk` - Pk * `-pk` - Pk (descending) (optional)
pulp_href__in = ['pulp_href__in_example'] # list[str] | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
pulp_id__in = ['pulp_id__in_example'] # list[str] | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
q = 'q_example' # str |  (optional)
viewset_name = 'viewset_name_example' # str | Filter results where viewset_name matches value (optional)
viewset_name__contains = 'viewset_name__contains_example' # str | Filter results where viewset_name contains value (optional)
viewset_name__icontains = 'viewset_name__icontains_example' # str | Filter results where viewset_name contains value (optional)
viewset_name__iexact = 'viewset_name__iexact_example' # str | Filter results where viewset_name matches value (optional)
viewset_name__in = ['viewset_name__in_example'] # list[str] | Filter results where viewset_name is in a comma-separated list of values (optional)
viewset_name__iregex = 'viewset_name__iregex_example' # str | Filter results where viewset_name matches regex value (optional)
viewset_name__istartswith = 'viewset_name__istartswith_example' # str | Filter results where viewset_name starts with value (optional)
viewset_name__regex = 'viewset_name__regex_example' # str | Filter results where viewset_name matches regex value (optional)
viewset_name__startswith = 'viewset_name__startswith_example' # str | Filter results where viewset_name starts with value (optional)
fields = ['fields_example'] # list[str] | A list of fields to include in the response. (optional)
exclude_fields = ['exclude_fields_example'] # list[str] | A list of fields to exclude from the response. (optional)

        # List access policys
        api_response = api_instance.list(customized=customized, limit=limit, offset=offset, ordering=ordering, pulp_href__in=pulp_href__in, pulp_id__in=pulp_id__in, q=q, viewset_name=viewset_name, viewset_name__contains=viewset_name__contains, viewset_name__icontains=viewset_name__icontains, viewset_name__iexact=viewset_name__iexact, viewset_name__in=viewset_name__in, viewset_name__iregex=viewset_name__iregex, viewset_name__istartswith=viewset_name__istartswith, viewset_name__regex=viewset_name__regex, viewset_name__startswith=viewset_name__startswith, fields=fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AccessPoliciesApi->list: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:24817

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccessPoliciesApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/access_policies/ List access policys
AccessPoliciesApi partial_update PATCH {access_policy_href} Update an access policy
AccessPoliciesApi read GET {access_policy_href} Inspect an access policy
AccessPoliciesApi reset POST {access_policy_href}reset/
AccessPoliciesApi update PUT {access_policy_href} Update an access policy
ArtifactsApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/artifacts/ Create an artifact
ArtifactsApi delete DELETE {artifact_href} Delete an artifact
ArtifactsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/artifacts/ List artifacts
ArtifactsApi read GET {artifact_href} Inspect an artifact
ContentApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/content/ List content
ContentguardsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/ List content guards
ContentguardsCompositeApi add_role POST {composite_content_guard_href}add_role/ Add a role
ContentguardsCompositeApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/composite/ Create a composite content guard
ContentguardsCompositeApi delete DELETE {composite_content_guard_href} Delete a composite content guard
ContentguardsCompositeApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/composite/ List composite content guards
ContentguardsCompositeApi list_roles GET {composite_content_guard_href}list_roles/ List roles
ContentguardsCompositeApi my_permissions GET {composite_content_guard_href}my_permissions/ List user permissions
ContentguardsCompositeApi partial_update PATCH {composite_content_guard_href} Update a composite content guard
ContentguardsCompositeApi read GET {composite_content_guard_href} Inspect a composite content guard
ContentguardsCompositeApi remove_role POST {composite_content_guard_href}remove_role/ Remove a role
ContentguardsCompositeApi update PUT {composite_content_guard_href} Update a composite content guard
ContentguardsContentRedirectApi add_role POST {content_redirect_content_guard_href}add_role/ Add a role
ContentguardsContentRedirectApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/content_redirect/ Create a content redirect content guard
ContentguardsContentRedirectApi delete DELETE {content_redirect_content_guard_href} Delete a content redirect content guard
ContentguardsContentRedirectApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/content_redirect/ List content redirect content guards
ContentguardsContentRedirectApi list_roles GET {content_redirect_content_guard_href}list_roles/ List roles
ContentguardsContentRedirectApi my_permissions GET {content_redirect_content_guard_href}my_permissions/ List user permissions
ContentguardsContentRedirectApi partial_update PATCH {content_redirect_content_guard_href} Update a content redirect content guard
ContentguardsContentRedirectApi read GET {content_redirect_content_guard_href} Inspect a content redirect content guard
ContentguardsContentRedirectApi remove_role POST {content_redirect_content_guard_href}remove_role/ Remove a role
ContentguardsContentRedirectApi update PUT {content_redirect_content_guard_href} Update a content redirect content guard
ContentguardsHeaderApi add_role POST {header_content_guard_href}add_role/ Add a role
ContentguardsHeaderApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/header/ Create a header content guard
ContentguardsHeaderApi delete DELETE {header_content_guard_href} Delete a header content guard
ContentguardsHeaderApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/header/ List header content guards
ContentguardsHeaderApi list_roles GET {header_content_guard_href}list_roles/ List roles
ContentguardsHeaderApi my_permissions GET {header_content_guard_href}my_permissions/ List user permissions
ContentguardsHeaderApi partial_update PATCH {header_content_guard_href} Update a header content guard
ContentguardsHeaderApi read GET {header_content_guard_href} Inspect a header content guard
ContentguardsHeaderApi remove_role POST {header_content_guard_href}remove_role/ Remove a role
ContentguardsHeaderApi update PUT {header_content_guard_href} Update a header content guard
ContentguardsRbacApi add_role POST {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href}add_role/ Add a role
ContentguardsRbacApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/rbac/ Create a rbac content guard
ContentguardsRbacApi delete DELETE {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href} Delete a rbac content guard
ContentguardsRbacApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/rbac/ List rbac content guards
ContentguardsRbacApi list_roles GET {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href}list_roles/ List roles
ContentguardsRbacApi my_permissions GET {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href}my_permissions/ List user permissions
ContentguardsRbacApi partial_update PATCH {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href} Update a rbac content guard
ContentguardsRbacApi read GET {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href} Inspect a rbac content guard
ContentguardsRbacApi remove_role POST {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href}remove_role/ Remove a role
ContentguardsRbacApi update PUT {r_b_a_c_content_guard_href} Update a rbac content guard
DistributionsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/distributions/ List distributions
DistributionsArtifactsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/distributions/core/artifacts/ List artifact distributions
DistributionsArtifactsApi read GET {artifact_distribution_href} Inspect an artifact distribution
DomainsApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/domains/ Create a domain
DomainsApi delete DELETE {domain_href} Delete a domain
DomainsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/domains/ List domains
DomainsApi partial_update PATCH {domain_href} Update a domain
DomainsApi read GET {domain_href} Inspect a domain
DomainsApi update PUT {domain_href} Update a domain
ExportersFilesystemApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/filesystem/ Create a filesystem exporter
ExportersFilesystemApi delete DELETE {filesystem_exporter_href} Delete a filesystem exporter
ExportersFilesystemApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/filesystem/ List filesystem exporters
ExportersFilesystemApi partial_update PATCH {filesystem_exporter_href} Update a filesystem exporter
ExportersFilesystemApi read GET {filesystem_exporter_href} Inspect a filesystem exporter
ExportersFilesystemApi update PUT {filesystem_exporter_href} Update a filesystem exporter
ExportersFilesystemExportsApi create POST {filesystem_exporter_href}exports/ Create a filesystem export
ExportersFilesystemExportsApi delete DELETE {filesystem_filesystem_export_href} Delete a filesystem export
ExportersFilesystemExportsApi list GET {filesystem_exporter_href}exports/ List filesystem exports
ExportersFilesystemExportsApi read GET {filesystem_filesystem_export_href} Inspect a filesystem export
ExportersPulpApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/ Create a pulp exporter
ExportersPulpApi delete DELETE {pulp_exporter_href} Delete a pulp exporter
ExportersPulpApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/ List pulp exporters
ExportersPulpApi partial_update PATCH {pulp_exporter_href} Update a pulp exporter
ExportersPulpApi read GET {pulp_exporter_href} Inspect a pulp exporter
ExportersPulpApi update PUT {pulp_exporter_href} Update a pulp exporter
ExportersPulpExportsApi create POST {pulp_exporter_href}exports/ Create a pulp export
ExportersPulpExportsApi delete DELETE {pulp_pulp_export_href} Delete a pulp export
ExportersPulpExportsApi list GET {pulp_exporter_href}exports/ List pulp exports
ExportersPulpExportsApi read GET {pulp_pulp_export_href} Inspect a pulp export
GroupsApi add_role POST {group_href}add_role/ Add a role
GroupsApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/groups/ Create a group
GroupsApi delete DELETE {group_href} Delete a group
GroupsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/groups/ List groups
GroupsApi list_roles GET {group_href}list_roles/ List roles
GroupsApi my_permissions GET {group_href}my_permissions/ List user permissions
GroupsApi partial_update PATCH {group_href} Update a group
GroupsApi read GET {group_href} Inspect a group
GroupsApi remove_role POST {group_href}remove_role/ Remove a role
GroupsApi update PUT {group_href} Update a group
GroupsRolesApi create POST {group_href}roles/ Create a group role
GroupsRolesApi delete DELETE {groups_group_role_href} Delete a group role
GroupsRolesApi list GET {group_href}roles/ List group roles
GroupsRolesApi read GET {groups_group_role_href} Inspect a group role
GroupsUsersApi create POST {group_href}users/ Create an user
GroupsUsersApi delete DELETE {groups_user_href} Delete an user
GroupsUsersApi list GET {group_href}users/ List users
ImportersPulpApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/ Create a pulp importer
ImportersPulpApi delete DELETE {pulp_importer_href} Delete a pulp importer
ImportersPulpApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/ List pulp importers
ImportersPulpApi partial_update PATCH {pulp_importer_href} Update a pulp importer
ImportersPulpApi read GET {pulp_importer_href} Inspect a pulp importer
ImportersPulpApi update PUT {pulp_importer_href} Update a pulp importer
ImportersPulpImportCheckApi pulp_import_check_post POST /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/import-check/ Validate the parameters to be used for a PulpImport call
ImportersPulpImportsApi create POST {pulp_importer_href}imports/ Create a pulp import
ImportersPulpImportsApi delete DELETE {pulp_pulp_import_href} Delete a pulp import
ImportersPulpImportsApi list GET {pulp_importer_href}imports/ List pulp imports
ImportersPulpImportsApi read GET {pulp_pulp_import_href} Inspect a pulp import
LivezApi livez_read GET /pulp/api/v3/livez/ Inspect liveness of Pulp's REST API.
OrphansApi delete DELETE /pulp/api/v3/orphans/ Delete orphans
OrphansCleanupApi cleanup POST /pulp/api/v3/orphans/cleanup/
PublicationsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/publications/ List publications
RemotesApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/remotes/ List remotes
RepairApi post POST /pulp/api/v3/repair/ Repair Artifact Storage
RepositoriesApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/repositories/ List repositories
RepositoriesReclaimSpaceApi reclaim POST /pulp/api/v3/repositories/reclaim_space/
RepositoryVersionsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/repository_versions/ List repository versions
RolesApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/roles/ Create a role
RolesApi delete DELETE {role_href} Delete a role
RolesApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/roles/ List roles
RolesApi partial_update PATCH {role_href} Update a role
RolesApi read GET {role_href} Inspect a role
RolesApi update PUT {role_href} Update a role
SigningServicesApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/signing-services/ List signing services
SigningServicesApi read GET {signing_service_href} Inspect a signing service
StatusApi status_read GET /pulp/api/v3/status/ Inspect status of Pulp
TaskGroupsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/task-groups/ List task groups
TaskGroupsApi read GET {task_group_href} Inspect a task group
TaskSchedulesApi add_role POST {task_schedule_href}add_role/ Add a role
TaskSchedulesApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/task-schedules/ List task schedules
TaskSchedulesApi list_roles GET {task_schedule_href}list_roles/ List roles
TaskSchedulesApi my_permissions GET {task_schedule_href}my_permissions/ List user permissions
TaskSchedulesApi read GET {task_schedule_href} Inspect a task schedule
TaskSchedulesApi remove_role POST {task_schedule_href}remove_role/ Remove a role
TasksApi add_role POST {task_href}add_role/ Add a role
TasksApi delete DELETE {task_href} Delete a task
TasksApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/tasks/ List tasks
TasksApi list_roles GET {task_href}list_roles/ List roles
TasksApi my_permissions GET {task_href}my_permissions/ List user permissions
TasksApi purge POST /pulp/api/v3/tasks/purge/ Purge Completed Tasks
TasksApi read GET {task_href} Inspect a task
TasksApi remove_role POST {task_href}remove_role/ Remove a role
TasksApi tasks_cancel PATCH {task_href} Cancel a task
UploadsApi add_role POST {upload_href}add_role/ Add a role
UploadsApi commit POST {upload_href}commit/ Finish an Upload
UploadsApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/uploads/ Create an upload
UploadsApi delete DELETE {upload_href} Delete an upload
UploadsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/uploads/ List uploads
UploadsApi list_roles GET {upload_href}list_roles/ List roles
UploadsApi my_permissions GET {upload_href}my_permissions/ List user permissions
UploadsApi read GET {upload_href} Inspect an upload
UploadsApi remove_role POST {upload_href}remove_role/ Remove a role
UploadsApi update PUT {upload_href} Upload a file chunk
UpstreamPulpsApi add_role POST {upstream_pulp_href}add_role/ Add a role
UpstreamPulpsApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/upstream-pulps/ Create an upstream pulp
UpstreamPulpsApi delete DELETE {upstream_pulp_href} Delete an upstream pulp
UpstreamPulpsApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/upstream-pulps/ List upstream pulps
UpstreamPulpsApi list_roles GET {upstream_pulp_href}list_roles/ List roles
UpstreamPulpsApi my_permissions GET {upstream_pulp_href}my_permissions/ List user permissions
UpstreamPulpsApi partial_update PATCH {upstream_pulp_href} Update an upstream pulp
UpstreamPulpsApi read GET {upstream_pulp_href} Inspect an upstream pulp
UpstreamPulpsApi remove_role POST {upstream_pulp_href}remove_role/ Remove a role
UpstreamPulpsApi replicate POST {upstream_pulp_href}replicate/ Replicate
UpstreamPulpsApi update PUT {upstream_pulp_href} Update an upstream pulp
UsersApi create POST /pulp/api/v3/users/ Create an user
UsersApi delete DELETE {auth_user_href} Delete an user
UsersApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/users/ List users
UsersApi partial_update PATCH {auth_user_href} Update an user
UsersApi read GET {auth_user_href} Inspect an user
UsersApi update PUT {auth_user_href} Update an user
UsersRolesApi create POST {auth_user_href}roles/ Create an user role
UsersRolesApi delete DELETE {auth_users_user_role_href} Delete an user role
UsersRolesApi list GET {auth_user_href}roles/ List user roles
UsersRolesApi read GET {auth_users_user_role_href} Inspect an user role
WorkersApi list GET /pulp/api/v3/workers/ List workers
WorkersApi read GET {worker_href} Inspect a worker

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: sessionid
  • Location:

