.. _metadata-signing: Metadata Signing ================ .. note:: Content Signing is in tech-preview and may change in backwards incompatible ways in future releases. Plugin writers wishing to enable users to sign metadata need to add a new field ``metadata_signing_service`` to their implementation of a repository and/or publication. This field should be exposed to users who consume content via REST API. The users may afterwards specify which signing service will be used to sign the metadata when creating a publication. Every signing service will always be an instance of a subclass of the ``SigningService`` model. Plugin writers may either use the existing ``AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService``, or use that as a reference for writing their own signing service model. The ``SigningService`` base class already provides the fully implemented ``sign()`` method, the signature of the ``validate()`` method (which must be implemented by each subclass), and the ``save()`` method (which calls the ``validate()`` method, but is otherwise fully implemented). In order to sign metadata, plugin writers are required to call the ``sign()`` method of the signing service being used. This method invokes the signing script (or other executable) which is provided by the administrator who instantiates a concrete signing service. Instantiating/creating a concrete signing service will ultimately call the ``save()`` method, which will in turn call ``validate()``. As a result, it is up to the ``validate()`` method to ensure the signing service script provided by the administrator actually provides any signatures, signature files, and return values, as required by the individual ``SigningService`` subclass. This is why implementing a signing service model other than ``AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService`` simply requires inheriting from ``SiginingService`` and then implementing ``validate()``. .. note:: The existing ``AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService`` requires a signing script that creates a detached ascii-armored signature file, and prints valid JSON in the following format to stdout: {"file": "filename", "signature": "filename.asc"} Here "filename" is a path to the original file that was signed (passed to the signing script by the ``sign()`` method), and "filename.asc" is a path to the signature file created by the script. The script may read the fingerprint of the key it should use for signing, from the ``PULP_SIGNING_KEY_FINGERPRINT`` environment variable. The json is converted to a python dict and returned by the ``sign()`` method. If an error occurs, a runtime error is raised instead. All of this is enforced by the ``validate()`` method at the time of instantiation. For more information see the corresponding :ref:`workflow documentation `. The following procedure may be taken into account for the plugin writers: 1. Let us assume that a file repository contains the field ``metadata_signing_service``: .. code-block:: python metadata_signing_service = models.ForeignKey( AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True ) In the serializer, there is also added a corresponding field that serializes ``metadata_signing_service``, like so: .. code-block:: python metadata_signing_service = serializers.HyperlinkedRelatedField( help_text="A reference to an associated signing service.", view_name="signing-services-detail", queryset=models.AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService.objects.all(), many=False, required=False, allow_null=True ) 2. Retrieve a desired signing script via the field ``metadata_signing_service`` stored in the repository: .. code-block:: python metadata_signing_service = FileRepository.objects.get(name='foo').metadata_signing_service A plugin writer can create a new repository with an associated signing service in the following two ways: - Using Python: .. code-block:: python signing_service = AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService.objects.get(name='sign-metadata') FileRepository.objects.create(name='foo', metadata_signing_service=signing_service) - Using HTTP calls: .. code-block:: bash http POST :24817/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/ name=foo metadata_signing_service=http://localhost:24817/pulp/api/v3/signing-services/5506c8ac-8eae-4f34-bb5a-3bc08f82b088/ 3. Sign a file by calling the method ``sign()``: .. code-block:: python with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory("."): try: signature = metadata_signing_service.sign(metadata.filepath) except RuntimeError: raise add_to_repository(metadata, signature)