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Enabling Debug Logging

By default Pulp logs at INFO level, but enabling DEBUG logging can be a helpful thing to get more insight when things don’t go as expected. This can be enabled with dynaconf using the examples below.

Designating a Python-based settings file, and putting the DEBUG logging configuration there:

export PULP_SETTINGS=/etc/pulp/
echo "LOGGING = {'dynaconf_merge': True, 'loggers': {'': {'handlers': ['console'], 'level': 'DEBUG'}}}" >> /etc/pulp/

Or via environment variable:

PULP_LOGGING='@json {"dynaconf_merge": true, "loggers": {"": {"handlers": ["console"], "level": "DEBUG"}}}'


As a workaround, you could specify the entire config with the PULP_LOGGING environment variable and avoid using the “merge” feature from dynaconf. In that case you would specify 'level': 'DEBUG' in addition to your current config shown with dynaconf list.

Then when starting Pulp you should see a lot more information logged.

To ensure you’ve enabled the settings correctly, view them with the dynaconf list command (for more information, see Viewing Settings). If configured correctly you should see:

$ dynaconf list
LOGGING<dict> {'disable_existing_loggers': False,
'loggers': {'': {'filters': ['correlation_id'],
                 'handlers': ['console'],
                 'level': 'DEBUG'},  # <--- the DEBUG level