
All exceptions documented here should be imported directly from the pulpcore.plugin.exceptions namespace.

exception pulpcore.plugin.exceptions.DigestValidationError

Raised when a file fails to validate a digest checksum.


error_code (str) – unique error code

exception pulpcore.plugin.exceptions.MissingDigestValidationError

Raised when attempting to save() an Artifact with an incomplete set of checksums.

exception pulpcore.plugin.exceptions.PulpException(error_code)

Base exception class for Pulp.


error_code (str) – unique error code

exception pulpcore.plugin.exceptions.SizeValidationError

Raised when a file fails to validate a size checksum.


error_code (str) – unique error code

exception pulpcore.plugin.exceptions.UnsupportedDigestValidationError

Raised when an attempt is made to use a checksum-type that is not enabled/available.