Style Guide =========== Python Version -------------- All Pulp 3+ code will use Python 3.6+. It is not necessary to maintain backwards compatibility with Python 2.Y. PEP-8 ----- All code should be compliant with PEP-8_ where reasonable. It is recommended that contributors check for compliance by running flake8_. We include ``flake8.cfg`` files in our git repositories for convenience. .. _PEP-8: .. _flake8: Black ----- All python code (except for the usually generated files in the migration folder) must be formatted according to the ruleset defined by black_. As black_ is able to automatically reformat python code, contributors are supposed to run `black .` in the repositories root directory. For various IDEs / editors, there is also an integration_ for black_. .. _black: .. _integration: Modifications: ************** line length: We limit to 100 characters, rather than 79. .. _google-docstrings: In-code Documentation --------------------- Most classes and functions should have a docstring that follows the conventions described in `Google's Python Style Guide `_. Exceptions and Clarifications ***************************** #. Modules should not include license information. #. The type of each Args value should be included after the variable name in parentheses. The type of each Returns value should be the first item on the line. #. Following the type of Args and Returns values, there will be a colon and a single space followed by the description. Additional spaces should not be used to align types and descriptions. #. Fields and Relations sections will be used when documenting fields on Django models. The Fields section will be used for non-related fields on Model classes. The Relations section will be used for related fields on Model classes. Auto-Documentation ****************** Docstrings will be used for auto-documentation and must be parsable by the `Napoleon plugin for Sphinx `_. Example Docstring ***************** .. code-block:: python def example_function(): """ The first section is a summary, which should be restricted to a single line. More detailed information follows the summary after a blank line. This section can be as many lines as necessary. Args: arg1 (str): The argument is visible, and its type is clearly indicated. much_longer_argument (str): Types and descriptions are not aligned. Returns: bool: The return value and type is very clearly visible. """ Encoding -------- Python 3 assumes that files are encoded with UTF-8, so it is not necessary to declare this in the file.