.. _users_and_groups: Users and Groups ================ Users and Groups is always stored in the Django database. This is a requirement so that ``Permissions`` can relate to them. :User: Provided by Django with the ``django.contrib.auth.models.User`` model. :Group: Provided by Django with the ``django.contrib.auth.models.Group`` model. Any permission can be assigned to either users, groups, or both. This includes both Model-level and Object-level permissions. .. _viewing_users_and_groups_via_UI: Viewing Users and Groups via a UI --------------------------------- The built-in django-admin site located at ``/admin/`` provides views into User, Group, and group membership data. .. note:: Any user attempting to access the django-admin site will need to have their ``is_staff`` user attribute set to ``True``. The built-in ``admin`` user will have ``is_staff=True`` by default. .. _model_level_permissions_via_UI: Model-level Permissions via a UI -------------------------------- The django-admin site also provides views into the Permissions that Users and Groups have. Additionally you can add and remove Permissions here as well. Model-level permissions are not associated with a specific instance so they can be managed on the User or Group page itself. Object-level permissions are associated with specific instances, so those can be managed on the django-admin page corresponding with the object itself. .. _enabling_object_views_in_django_admin: Enabling Object Views in django-admin ------------------------------------- The `django-admin site `_ by default does not show objects until the plugin writer has specifically enabled them. Giving users the ability to manage object-level permissions is the primary reason to enable an object in django-admin instead of allowing API-only access or the DRF browseable interface for viewing Pulp data. ``django-guardian`` provides the `GuardedModelAdmin `_ and `GuardedModelAdminMixin `_ objects which provide the ability to manage object-level permissions for objects. Use those when enabling your object in django-admin to provide users with the ability to manage object-level permissions. .. warning:: django-admin objects need to be read-only except for the object-level permissions themselves. This is because Pulp uses DRF serializers for data validation and django-admin bypasses that. It's recommended to declare `readonly_fields `_ with all model field names to ensure the data is readable but not editable. .. _object_level_permissions_via_UI: Object-level Permissions via a UI --------------------------------- If plugin writers have enabled the object in the djano-admin site as described above, users can view, add, and remove object-level permissions in the django-admin site as well. When viewing a specific object instance, e.g. a specific ``Task`` or ``FileRemote`` instance in django-admin, an icon on the top-right will say ``OBJECT PERMISSIONS``. Clicking this will take the user to a page where object-level permissions can be viewed, added, changed, and deleted. If this link is missing, ensure you've enabled the Task as a subclass of ``GuardedModelAdmin``.