Metadata Signing


Content Signing is in tech-preview and may change in backwards incompatible ways in future releases.

Plugin writers wishing to enable users to sign metadata need to add a new field metadata_signing_service to their implementation of a repository. This field should be exposed to users who consume content via REST API. The users may afterwards specify which kind of a signing service will be used to sign the metadata when creating a publication.

In order to sign metadata, plugin writers are required to call the method sign() of the subclasses inheriting from the model SigningService. This method invokes a signing script which is provided by an administrator and creates a detached ascii-armored signature if called via the class AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService.

The following procedure may be taken into account for the plugin writers:

  1. Let us assume that a file repository contains the field metadata_signing_service:

    metadata_signing_service = models.ForeignKey(

    In the serializer, there is also added a corresponding field that serializes metadata_signing_service, like so:

    metadata_signing_service = serializers.HyperlinkedRelatedField(
        help_text="A reference to an associated signing service.",
  2. Retrieve a desired signing script via the field metadata_signing_service stored in the repository:

    metadata_signing_service = FileRepository.objects.get(name='foo').metadata_signing_service

    A plugin writer can create a new repository with an associated signing service in the following two ways:

    • Using Python:

      signing_service = AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService.objects.get(name='sign-metadata')
      FileRepository.objects.create(name='foo', metadata_signing_service=signing_service)
    • Using HTTP calls:

      http POST :24817/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/ name=foo metadata_signing_service=http://localhost:24817/pulp/api/v3/signing-services/5506c8ac-8eae-4f34-bb5a-3bc08f82b088/
  3. Sign a file by calling the method sign() inside the context manager implemented in pulpcore, i.e. pulpcore.plugin.tasking.WorkingDirectory:

    with WorkingDirectory():
            signature = metadata_signing_service.sign(metadata.filepath)
        except RuntimeError:
        add_to_repository(metadata, signature)


Plugin authors should be aware of the output format returned by a signing service and consider further actions according to that. Currently, only one output format is supported:

{"file": "filename", "signature": "filename.asc", "key": "public.key"}

The method sign() of the model AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService returns a dictionary object in this format when no errors occur during the signing. Otherwise, a runtime error is raised.