.. _configuring-signing: Metadata Signing ---------------- .. note:: Content Signing is in tech-preview and may change in backwards incompatible ways in future releases. Administrators can add signing services to Pulp using the command line tools. Users may then associate the signing services with repositories that support content signing. The example below demonstrates how a signing service can be created using ``gpg``: 1. Create a signing script that accepts a file name as the only argument. The script needs to generate an ascii-armored detached GPG signature for that file. The script should then print out a JSON structure with the following format. All the file names are relative paths inside the current working directory:: {"file": "filename", "signature": "filename.asc", "key": "public.key"} The filename must remain the same for the detached signature, as shown. Below is an example of a signing script: .. code-block:: bash #!/usr/bin/env bash FILE_PATH=$1 SIGNATURE_PATH="$1.asc" PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname $1)" && pwd)/public.key" ADMIN_ID="658285BA1A648083" PASSWORD="password" # Export a public key gpg --armor --export admin@example.com > $PUBLIC_KEY_PATH # Create a detached signature gpg --quiet --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --yes --passphrase \ $PASSWORD --homedir ~/.gnupg/ --detach-sign --default-key $ADMIN_ID \ --armor --output $SIGNATURE_PATH $FILE_PATH # Check the exit status STATUS=$? if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then echo {\"file\": \"$FILE_PATH\", \"signature\": \"$SIGNATURE_PATH\", \ \"key\": \"$PUBLIC_KEY_PATH\"} else exit $STATUS fi .. note:: Make sure the script contains a proper shebang and Pulp has got valid permissions to execute it. 2. Create a signing service consisting of an absolute path to the script and a meaningful name describing the script's purpose. It is possible to insert the signing service in to a database by using the ``pulpcore-manager shell_plus`` interactive Python shell. Here is an example showing how to create one instance pointing to a script: .. code-block:: python from pulpcore.app.models.content import SigningService AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService.objects.create( name="sign-metadata", script="/var/lib/pulp/scripts/sign-metadata.sh" ) .. note:: While creating a signing service, the model ``AsciiArmoredDetachedSigningService`` runs additional checks in order to prevent saving invalid scripts to the database. This feature enables administrators to validate their signing scripts in advance. 3. Retrieve and check the saved signing service via REST API:: $ http :24817/pulp/api/v3/signing-services/ { "count": 1, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "name": "sign-metadata", "pulp_created": "2020-01-20T15:20:40.098923Z", "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/signing-services/601feba7-a5d9-4f0a-919b-77be52fad0f7/", "script": "/var/lib/pulp/scripts/sign-metadata.sh" } ] } Plugin writers are then able to sign selected content by the provided script. To learn more about the signing from a plugin's perspective, see the section :ref:`metadata-signing`.