
For the most part, models provided by plugin writers are just regular Django Models.


One slight variation is that the validation is primarily handled in the Django Rest Framework Serializer. .clean() is not called.

Most plugins will implement:
  • model(s) for the specific content type(s) used in the plugin, should be subclassed from Content model

  • model(s) for the plugin specific remote(s), should be subclassed from Remote model

Adding Model Fields

Each subclassed Model will typically store attributes that are specific to the content type. These attributes need to be added to the model as fields. You can use any of Django’s field types for your fields. See the Django field documentation, for more in-depth information on using these fields.


One of Pulp’s goals is to work correctly on multiple databases. It is probably best to avoid fields that are not database agnostic. See Database Gotchas below.


It is required to declare the default_related_name.

The TYPE class attribute is used for filtering purposes.

class FileContent(Content):
    The "file" content type.

        digest (str): The SHA256 HEX digest.
    TYPE = 'file'
    digest = models.TextField(null=False)

    class Meta:
        default_related_name = "%(app_label)s_%(model_name)s"

Here we create a new field using use Django’s TextField. After adding/modifying a model, you can make and run database migrations with:

django-admin makemigrations <plugin_app_label>
django-admin migrate

If you recognize this syntax, it is because django-admin is used with the same interace as django admin, but has additional commands.


Model uniqueness (which will also be used as the natural key) is defined by an inner class Meta. Pulp Core enforces uniqueness constraints at the database level.

Adding to the simplified FileContent above:

class FileContent(Content):
    The "file" content type.
    Content of this type represents a single file uniquely
    identified by path and SHA256 digest.
        digest (str): The SHA256 HEX digest.

    TYPE = 'file'

    digest = models.TextField(null=False)

    class Meta:
        # Note the comma, this must be a tuple.
        unique_together = ('digest',)
        default_related_name = "%(app_label)s_%(model_name)s"

In this example the Content’s uniqueness enforced on a single field digest. For a multi-field uniqueness, simply add other fields.

class FileContent(Content):
    The "file" content type.
    Content of this type represents a single file uniquely
    identified by path and SHA256 digest.
        relative_path (str): The file relative path.
        digest (str): The SHA256 HEX digest.

    TYPE = 'file'

    relative_path = models.TextField(null=False)
    digest = models.TextField(null=False)

    class Meta:
        default_related_name = "%(app_label)s_%(model_name)s"
        unique_together = (

The example above ensures that content is unique on relative_path and digest together.

ForeignKey Gotchas

The orphan cleanup operation performs mass-deletion of Content units that are not associated with any repository. Any ForeignKey relationships that refer to Content with a deletion relationship of PROTECT will cause Orphan cleanup errors like:

django.db.models.deletion.ProtectedError: ("Cannot delete some instances of model 'MyContent'
because they are referenced through a protected foreign key: 'MyOtherContent.mycontent'"