Storage ======= .. _storage: ----------- Pulp uses `django-storages `_ to support multiple storage backends. If no backend is configured, Pulp will by default use the local filesystem. If you want to use another storage backend such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), you'll need to configure Pulp. Amazon S3 ^^^^^^^^^ .. warning:: Support for Amazon S3 is provided as a tech preview in Pulp 3.0. Functionality may not work or may be incomplete. Also, backwards compatibility when upgrading is not guaranteed. Setting up S3 ------------- In order to use Amazon S3, you'll need to set up an AWS account. Then you'll need to create a bucket for Pulp to use. Then you'll need to go into Identity and Access Management (IAM) in AWS to create a user that Pulp will use to access your S3 bucket. Save the access key id and secret access key. Configuring Pulp ---------------- To have Pulp use S3, you'll need to install the optional django-storages Python package in the pulp virtual environment:: pip install django-storages Next you'll need to set ``DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`` to ``storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage`` in your Pulp settings. At a minimum, you'll also need to set ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID``, ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY``, and ``AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME``. For more S3 configuration options, see the `django-storages documents `_. You will also want to set the ``MEDIA_ROOT`` configuration option. This will be the path in your bucket that Pulp will use. An empty string is acceptable as well if you want Pulp to create its folders in the top level of the bucket. Here is an example configuration that will use a bucket called ``pulp3`` that is hosted in region ``eu-central-1``:: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'AKIAIT2Z5TDYPX3ARJBA' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'qR+vjWPU50fCqQuUWbj9Fain/j2pV+ZtBCiDiieS' AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'pulp3' AWS_DEFAULT_ACL: None S3_USE_SIGV4 = True AWS_S3_SIGNATURE_VERSION = "s3v4" AWS_S3_ADDRESSING_STYLE = "path" AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "eu-central-1" DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage' MEDIA_ROOT = '' If the system that hosts Pulp is running in AWS and has been configured with an `instance profile `_ that provides access to the S3 bucket you can omit the ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` and ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` parameters as the underlying ``boto3`` library will pick them up automatically. It is only necessary to set ``AWS_DEFAULT_ACL`` to ``None`` if you have set the ``BlockPublicAcls`` option in the Block Public Access settings of your bucket or of your AWS account. The default setting in the latest version of django-storages is `public-read`, which will get blocked. This is set to change in a `future release `_.