
A Serializer for UpdateRecord.


Name Type Description Notes
pulp_href str [optional] [readonly]
pulp_created datetime Timestamp of creation. [optional] [readonly]
id str Update id (short update name, e.g. RHEA-2013:1777) [optional] [readonly]
updated_date str Date when the update was updated (e.g. '2013-12-02 00:00:00') [optional] [readonly]
description str Update description [optional] [readonly]
issued_date str Date when the update was issued (e.g. '2013-12-02 00:00:00') [optional] [readonly]
fromstr str Source of the update (e.g. security@redhat.com) [optional] [readonly]
status str Update status ('final', ...) [optional] [readonly]
title str Update name [optional] [readonly]
summary str Short summary [optional] [readonly]
version str Update version (probably always an integer number) [optional] [readonly]
type str Update type ('enhancement', 'bugfix', ...) [optional] [readonly]
severity str Severity [optional] [readonly]
solution str Solution [optional] [readonly]
release str Update release [optional] [readonly]
rights str Copyrights [optional] [readonly]
pushcount str Push count [optional] [readonly]
pkglist list[RpmUpdateCollectionResponse] List of packages [optional] [readonly]
references list[object] List of references [optional] [readonly]
reboot_suggested bool Reboot suggested [optional] [readonly]

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