
A Serializer for UlnRemote.


Name Type Description Notes
name str A unique name for this remote.
url str The ULN repo URL of the remote content source.\"This is \"uln://\" followed by the channel name. E.g.: \"uln://ol7_x86_64_oracle\"
ca_cert str A PEM encoded CA certificate used to validate the server certificate presented by the remote server. [optional]
client_cert str A PEM encoded client certificate used for authentication. [optional]
client_key str A PEM encoded private key used for authentication. [optional]
tls_validation bool If True, TLS peer validation must be performed. [optional]
proxy_url str The proxy URL. Format: scheme://host:port [optional]
proxy_username str The username to authenticte to the proxy. [optional]
proxy_password str The password to authenticate to the proxy. Extra leading and trailing whitespace characters are not trimmed. [optional]
username str Your ULN account username.
password str Your ULN account password.
pulp_labels dict(str, str) [optional]
download_concurrency int Total number of simultaneous connections. If not set then the default value will be used. [optional]
max_retries int Maximum number of retry attempts after a download failure. If not set then the default value (3) will be used. [optional]
policy PolicyEnum The policy to use when downloading content. The possible values include: 'immediate', 'on_demand', and 'streamed'. 'immediate' is the default. * `immediate` - When syncing, download all metadata and content now. * `on_demand` - When syncing, download metadata, but do not download content now. Instead, download content as clients request it, and save it in Pulp to be served for future client requests. * `streamed` - When syncing, download metadata, but do not download content now. Instead,download content as clients request it, but never save it in Pulp. This causes future requests for that same content to have to be downloaded again. [optional]
total_timeout float aiohttp.ClientTimeout.total (q.v.) for download-connections. The default is null, which will cause the default from the aiohttp library to be used. [optional]
connect_timeout float aiohttp.ClientTimeout.connect (q.v.) for download-connections. The default is null, which will cause the default from the aiohttp library to be used. [optional]
sock_connect_timeout float aiohttp.ClientTimeout.sock_connect (q.v.) for download-connections. The default is null, which will cause the default from the aiohttp library to be used. [optional]
sock_read_timeout float aiohttp.ClientTimeout.sock_read (q.v.) for download-connections. The default is null, which will cause the default from the aiohttp library to be used. [optional]
headers list[object] Headers for aiohttp.Clientsession [optional]
rate_limit int Limits requests per second for each concurrent downloader [optional]
uln_server_base_url str Base URL of the ULN server. If the uln_server_base_url is not provided pulp_rpm willuse the contents of the DEFAULT_ULN_SERVER_BASE_URL setting instead. [optional]

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