
A Serializer for Package. Add serializers for the new fields defined in Package and add those fields to the Meta class keeping fields from the parent class as well. Provide help_text.


Name Type Description Notes
pulp_href str [optional] [readonly]
pulp_created datetime Timestamp of creation. [optional] [readonly]
md5 str The MD5 checksum if available. [optional] [readonly]
sha1 str The SHA-1 checksum if available. [optional] [readonly]
sha224 str The SHA-224 checksum if available. [optional] [readonly]
sha256 str The SHA-256 checksum if available. [optional] [readonly]
sha384 str The SHA-384 checksum if available. [optional] [readonly]
sha512 str The SHA-512 checksum if available. [optional] [readonly]
artifact str Artifact file representing the physical content [optional]
name str Name of the package [optional] [readonly]
epoch str The package's epoch [optional] [readonly]
version str The version of the package. For example, '2.8.0' [optional] [readonly]
release str The release of a particular version of the package. e.g. '1.el7' or '3.f24' [optional] [readonly]
arch str The target architecture for a package.For example, 'x86_64', 'i686', or 'noarch' [optional] [readonly]
pkg_id str Checksum of the package file [optional] [readonly]
checksum_type str Type of checksum, e.g. 'sha256', 'md5' [optional] [readonly]
summary str Short description of the packaged software [optional] [readonly]
description str In-depth description of the packaged software [optional] [readonly]
url str URL with more information about the packaged software [optional] [readonly]
changelogs object Changelogs that package contains [optional] [readonly]
files object Files that package contains [optional] [readonly]
requires object Capabilities the package requires [optional] [readonly]
provides object Capabilities the package provides [optional] [readonly]
conflicts object Capabilities the package conflicts [optional] [readonly]
obsoletes object Capabilities the package obsoletes [optional] [readonly]
suggests object Capabilities the package suggests [optional] [readonly]
enhances object Capabilities the package enhances [optional] [readonly]
recommends object Capabilities the package recommends [optional] [readonly]
supplements object Capabilities the package supplements [optional] [readonly]
location_base str Base location of this package [optional] [readonly]
location_href str Relative location of package to the repodata [optional] [readonly]
rpm_buildhost str Hostname of the system that built the package [optional] [readonly]
rpm_group str RPM group (See: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RPMGroups) [optional] [readonly]
rpm_license str License term applicable to the package software (GPLv2, etc.) [optional] [readonly]
rpm_packager str Person or persons responsible for creating the package [optional] [readonly]
rpm_sourcerpm str Name of the source package (srpm) the package was built from [optional] [readonly]
rpm_vendor str Name of the organization that produced the package [optional] [readonly]
rpm_header_start int First byte of the header [optional] [readonly]
rpm_header_end int Last byte of the header [optional] [readonly]
is_modular bool Flag to identify if the package is modular [optional] [readonly]
size_archive int Size, in bytes, of the archive portion of the original package file [optional] [readonly]
size_installed int Total size, in bytes, of every file installed by this package [optional] [readonly]
size_package int Size, in bytes, of the package [optional] [readonly]
time_build int Time the package was built in seconds since the epoch [optional] [readonly]
time_file int The 'file' time attribute in the primary XML - file mtime in seconds since the epoch. [optional] [readonly]

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