
DistributionTree serializer.


Name Type Description Notes
pulp_href str [optional] [readonly]
header_version str Header Version.
release_name str Release name.
release_short str Release short name.
release_version str Release version.
release_is_layered bool Typically False for an operating system, True otherwise.
base_product_name str Base Product name.
base_product_short str Base Product short name.
base_product_version str Base Product version.
arch str Tree architecturerch.
build_timestamp float Tree build time timestamp.
instimage str Relative path to Anaconda instimage.
mainimage str Relative path to Anaconda stage2 image.
discnum int Disc number.
totaldiscs int Number of discs in media set.
addons list[AddonResponse]
checksums list[ChecksumResponse]
images list[ImageResponse]
variants list[VariantResponse]

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