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Install, configure, start, and enable a web server.

This webserver acts as a front-end for the Pulp Application, reverse proxying certain URLs to one or more pulp-api hosts, and other URLs to one or more pulp-content hosts. If there are multiple api or content hosts, load balancing is performed.

No configuration is mandatory if the the web server is installed on the same host as the pulp-api and pulp-content servers/roles.

Nginx and Apache are supported as the web server.

By default TLS will be enabled (with self-signed certificates if none are provided). An automatic redirect from http to https will take place.

Role Variables#

  • pulp_webserver_server Set the webserver Pulp should use to reverse proxy with. Defaults to nginx. The other valid value is apache.
  • pulp_webserver_http_port: Define the HTTP port to listen on. Defaults to 80.
  • pulp_webserver_https_port: Define the HTTPS port to listen on. Defaults to 443.
  • pulp_webserver_disable_https: Whether or not HTTPS should be disabled. Defaults to false.
  • pulp_webserver_disable_hsts: Whether or not HSTS should be disabled. Defaults to false.
  • pulp_webserver_tls_cert: Relative or absolute path to the TLS (SSL) certificate one wants to import.
  • pulp_webserver_tls_key: Relative or absolute path to the TLS (SSL) key one wants to import.
  • pulp_webserver_tls_custom_ca_cert A custom CA certificate to import on the server.
  • pulp_webserver_tls_files_remote: Whether or not pulp_webserver_tls_cert, pulp_webserver_tls_key & pulp_webserver_tls_custom_ca_cert are on the webserver (true) or on the ansible management node (false). Defaults to false.
  • pulp_webserver_httpd_servername: Servername to use when deploying httpd. Defaults to ansible_fqdn.
  • pulp_webserver_static_dir absolute path where to place static files, such as for the .well-known directory for ACME (letsencrypt) files or SSL certs. This is not to be confused with the Pulp application's setting STATIC_ROOT, which is a function of Pulp itself (not the webserver) and servces a different set of files. Defaults to {{ pulp_user_home}}/pulpcore_static, which is /var/lib/pulp/pulpcore_static
  • pulp_client_max_body_size: Sets the maximum allowed size of the client request body.

Role Variables for Clusters#

  1. If the installer is run against a single host, pulp_content_bind and pulp_api_bind are defaulted so that the webserver reverse proxies to the API server and content server running on the single host.
    Thus there is no need to set any cluster variables for a single host.

  2. If the installer is run against a single pulp_content host and a single pulp_api host, setting pulp_content_bind and pulp_api_bind is sufficient for the pulp_webserver host(s) to reverse proxy to them.
    These 2 shared variables need to be set for both the pulp_api/pulp_cluster hosts, and the pulp_webserver hosts.

    pulp_api_bind: "example-pulp-api-server:24817"
    pulp_content_bind: "example-pulp-api-server:24816"
  3. If the installer is run against multiple pulp_content hosts or multiple pulp_api hosts, it becomes necessary to set pulp_api_bind and pulp_content_bind in combination with pulp_webserver_api_hosts and pulp_webserver_content_hosts. These latter 2 variables set the reverse proxy behavior for when there are multiple servers to proxy to.
    pulp_api_bind and pulp_content_bind only need to be set for the pulp_api and pulp_content hosts (they are not shared variables anymore), while pulp_webserver_api_hosts and pulp_webserver_content_hosts only need to be set for the pulp_webserver hosts.
    Additionally, there are optional load balancing variables and optional load balancing nested variables, and they differ based on nginx or apache.
    Here are 3 examples, the 1st example works for either pulp_webserver_server==apache or pulp_webserver_server==nginx, the latter 2 are specific to a apache/nginx.

    pulp_api_bind: "{{ ansible_facts.fqdn }}:24817"
    pulp_content_bind: "{{ ansible_facts.fqdn }}:24816"
      - address: "pulp-api1:24817"
      - address: "pulp-api2:24817"
      - address: "pulp-content1:24817"
      - address: "pulp-content2:24817"
    pulp_webserver_server: nginx
    pulp_api_bind: "{{ ansible_facts.fqdn }}:24817"
    pulp_content_bind: "{{ ansible_facts.fqdn }}:24816"
      - address: "pulp-api1:24817"
          - weight=1
          - max_conns=100
      - address: "pulp-api2:24817"
          - weight=2
          - max_conns=100
      - address: "pulp-content1:24817"
          - weight=1
          - max_conns=100
      - address: "pulp-content2:24817"
          - weight=2
          - max_conns=100
      - name: zone
        - upstream_dynamic
        - 64k
      - name: zone
        - upstream_dynamic
    pulp_webserver_server: apache
    pulp_api_bind: "{{ ansible_facts.fqdn }}:24817"
    pulp_content_bind: "{{ ansible_facts.fqdn }}:24816"
      - address: "pulp-api1:24817"
          - keepalive=on
          - lbset=1
      - address: "pulp-api2:24817"
          - keepalive=on
          - lbset=2
      - address: "pulp-content1:24817"
          - keepalive=on
          - lbset=1
      - address: "pulp-content2:24817"
          - keepalive=on
          - lbset=2
        - upstream_dynamic
      - lbmethod=bytraffic
      - timeout=10
      - lbmethod=bytraffic
      - timeout=10

    For more info on these optional load balancing variables:

    • apache_parameters for pulp_webserver_api_hosts/pulp_webserver_content_hosts: See the Apache "Worker|BalancerMember parameters" under this link. (Note however that the servers ("BalancerMember") are not specified in the "url" format listed on the link, they must be specified in the "address" format (hostname:port or ip:port) as listed in these docs because pulp generates the URL.)
    • pulp_webserver_content_balancer_apache_parameters/pulp_webserver_api_balancer_apache_parameters: See the Apache "Balancer parameters" under the same link as before.
    • nginx_parameters for pulp_webserver_api_hosts/pulp_webserver_content_hosts: See the Nginx server "parameters" under this link.
    • pulp_webserver_api_balancer_nginx_directives/pulp_webserver_content_balancer_nginx_directives: See the Nginx "Directives" under the same page as before.

Plugin Webserver Configs#

The installer copies config fragments from plugin Python packages, installed on the host that runs the pulp_api role, to either nginx or apache on the pulp_webserver host. These fragments typically provide additional url routing to either the Pulp API or Pulp Content App. pulp_ansible has an example of such configs here.

The Nginx config provides definitions for the location of the Pulp Content App and the Pulp API as pulp-api and pulp-content respectively. To route the url /pulp_ansible/galaxy/ to the Pulp API you could use this definition in a snippet like:

location /pulp_ansible/galaxy/ {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    # we don't want nginx trying to do something clever with
    # redirects, we set the Host: header above already.
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_pass http://pulp-api;

The Apache config provides variables containing the location of the Pulp Content App and the Pulp API as pulp-api and pulp-content respectively. Below is an equivalent snippet to the one above, only for Apache:

ProxyPass /pulp_ansible/galaxy http://${pulp-api}/pulp_ansible/galaxy
ProxyPassReverse /pulp_ansible/galaxy http://${pulp-api}/pulp_ansible/galaxy

Shared variables#

This role does not depend on the pulp_common role, but uses some of the same variables. This role provides identical default for these variables. Setting these variables controls the behavior of both roles.

  • pulp_certs_dir: Path where to generate or drop the TLS certificates. Defaults to '{{ pulp_config_dir }}/certs' .
  • pulp_config_dir: Directory under which pulp_certs_dir is created by default. Defaults to "/etc/pulp".
  • pulp_user_home: The path for the pulp user home directory. Serves as the parent directory for pulp_webserver_static_dir
  • pulp_content_bind Set the host the reverse proxy should connect to for the Content app. Defaults to ''.
  • pulp_api_bind Set the host the reverse proxy should connect to for the API server. Defaults to ''.
  • pulp_settings: A nested dictionary that is used to add custom values to the user's Used by pulp_webserver specifically to provide custom webserver configuration based on the values of pulp_settings.api_root and pulp_settings.content_path_prefix

Last update: 2023-01-23