
Install, configure, and set the state of the pulp resouce manager.

Role Variables

  • pulp_resouce_manager_state: This variable can be configured with any of the states allowed by the systemd module's "state" directive. Defaults to "started."
  • pulp_resouce_manager_enabled: This variable can be configured with any of the states allowed by the systemd module's "enabled" directive. Defaults to "true."

Shared variables

  • ansible_python_interpreter: Required. Path to the Python interpreter.

This role is tightly coupled to the required pulp_common role, and inherits some of its variables.

  • pulp_config_dir
  • pulp_group
  • pulp_install_dir
  • pulp_ld_library_path: An optional LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for the pulpcore-resource-manager systemd process
  • pulp_settings_file
  • pulp_user