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Install a PostgreSQL database server for Pulp.

More specifically, this role does the following:

  1. Call the pulp_repos role to enable the appropriate SCL (EL7)
  2. Call the external role (geerlingguy.postgresql) to install a PostgreSQL database server. This role passes variables to it.
  3. Install the Python bindings to interact with the specified database via the role.
  4. Configures the PostgreSQL database to listen on all addresses if the database is running on separate server.

Role Variables#

None, but see pulp_settings.databases.default below

Shared Variables#

Its variables effectively control the behavior of this role.

This role does not depend on the pulp_common role, but uses some of the same variables. This role provides identical default for these variables. Setting these variables controls the behavior of both roles.

  • pulp_settings.databases.default: A dictionary. Its primary use is by the pulp_common role, where it configures Pulp on how to talk to the database via a larger set of settings. Its secondary use is by the this role, where it configures the database server according to a smaller set of settings. The smaller set of settings is listed below. Note that these default settings are merged by the installer with your own; merely setting pulp_settings with 1 setting under it will not blow away all the other default settings.

    • HOST The hostname or IP address of the pulp database that pulp_common will connect to. This determines the default value of postgresql_global_config_options, as explained below. Defaults to "localhost".
    • NAME The name of the Pulp database to create. Defaults to pulp.
    • USER The user account to be created with permissions on the database. Defaults to pulp.
    • PASSWORD The password to be created for the user account to talk to the Pulp database. Defaults to pulp, but please change it to something secure!
    • Example:
          HOST: localhost
          NAME: pulp
          USER: pulp
          PASSWORD: pulp
  • postgresql_global_config_options: A list of dictionaries. It is a variable for the external role to set multiple options. Pulp has 2 possible default values for this.

If pulp_settings.databases.default.HOST==localhost, which is the default:

  - option: unix_socket_directories
    value: '{{ postgresql_unix_socket_directories | join(",") }}'
  - option: log_directory
    value: 'log'

If pulp_settings.databases.default.HOST!=localhost

  - option: unix_socket_directories
    value: '{{ postgresql_unix_socket_directories | join(",") }}'
  - option: listen_addresses
    value: "*"
  - option: log_directory
    value: 'log'

In other words, if set to "localhost", postgresql will listen on UNIX sockets (which sockets are specified by the external role), in addition to the default of the loopback interface. If not set to "localhost", postgresql will listen on all network interfaces.

If pulp_settings.databases.default.HOST==localhost, which is the default:

  - { type: local, database: all, user: postgres, auth_method: peer }
  - { type: local, database: all, user: all, auth_method: peer }
  - { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '', auth_method: '{{
    postgresql_auth_method }}' }
  - { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '::1/128', auth_method: '{{
    postgresql_auth_method }}' }

If pulp_settings.databases.default.HOST!=localhost

  - { type: local, database: all, user: postgres, auth_method: peer }
  - { type: local, database: all, user: all, auth_method: peer }
  - { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '', auth_method: '{{ postgresql_auth_method }}' }
  - { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '::0/0', auth_method: '{{ postgresql_auth_method }}' }

In other words, if set to localhost, postgresql will authenticate on UNIX sockets and on the loopback interface. If not set to localhost, postgresql will authenticate on a UNIX socket and on all network interfaces.

For security, you may also consider setting it to the following, which will limit it to local networks:

  - { type: local, database: all, user: postgres, auth_method: peer }
  - { type: local, database: all, user: all, auth_method: peer }
  - { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '', auth_method: {{ postgresql_auth_method }}' }
  - { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '::1/128', auth_method: {{ postgresql_auth_method }}' }
  - { type: host, database: all, user: all, ip_address: '{{ }}', ip_mask: '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.netmask }}', auth_method: {{ postgresql_auth_method }}' }

Operating Systems Variables#

Each currently supported operating system has a matching file in the "vars" directory.

Last update: 2023-01-23