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Pulp Common#

Ansible role that installs shared components of the Pulp 3 services from PyPi or source and provides basic config.

The default administrative user for the Pulp application is: 'admin'

Role Variables#

  • pulp_install_plugins: Required A nested dictionary of plugins to install & their installation options.
    • Dictionary Key: Required. The pip installable plugin name. This is defined in each plugin's
    • version: Specific release of the plugin to install from PyPI initially, or to upgrade to. If source_dir is set, this has no effect. Note that if the specified release of the plugin is incompatible with pulpcore's version, pulp_installer will fail (and exit the play) before it tries to install or upgrade the plugin. Defaults to nothing, which means the latest release from PyPI will be installed initially, and no upgrades will be performed unless upgrade is set.
    • version and upgrade cannot be used together. Even though a command like pip install --upgrade pulp-file=0.3.0 is valid, the ansible pip module refuses to let you specify version and state=latest (state=latest maps to pip --upgrade, and to our upgrade: true).
    • upgrade: Whether to update/upgrade the plugin to the latest stable release from PyPI. Only affects systems where the plugin is already installed. If source_dir is set, this has no effect and is effectively always true. Mutually exclusive with version. Note that if the latest stable release of the plugin is incompatible with pulpcore's version, pulp_installer will fail (and exit the play) when it goes to upgrade the plugin. Defaults to "false".
    • source_dir: Optional. Absolute path to the plugin source code. If present, plugin will be installed from source in editable mode. Also accepts a pip VCS URL, to (for example) install the main branch.
    • prereq_role: Optional. Name of (or folder path to) Ansible role to run immediately before the venv is created. You will need to download it 1st (with ansible-galaxy.) Needed because many plugins will have OS dependencies in C. See prereq_pip_packages also.
    • collectstatic: Optional. Boolean that specifies if the static files for a plugin should be collected. If set to false the plugin name will be passed as --ignore at collectstatic time.
    • Example:
      pulp_install_source: pip
        pulp-zero: {}
        pulp-one: # plugin name (pulp-ansible, pulp-container, pulp-rpm, ...)
          version: "1.0.1" # specific release (pulp-file-0.3.0)
          upgrade: true # upgrade to the latest stable release from PyPI
          source_dir: "/var/lib/pulp/pulp_three" # path to the plugin source code
          prereq_role: "pulp.pulp_four_role" # role to run immediately before the venv is created
          collectstatic: false
          source_dir: "/path/to/source/code/"
          git_url: "https://github..."  # Optional. URL to the git repo from where plugin will be pulled.
          git_revision: "v3.1.1"   # Optional. The specific git branch/tag/commit to be cheked out.
  • pulp_cache_dir: Location of Pulp cache. Defaults to "/var/lib/pulp/tmp".
  • pulp_config_dir: Directory which will contain Pulp configuration files. Defaults to "/etc/pulp".
  • pulp_install_dir: Location of a virtual environment for Pulp and its Python dependencies. Defaults to "/usr/local/lib/pulp".
  • pulp_user_home: absolute path for pulp user home.
  • pulp_media_root: MEDIA_ROOT for pulpcore. Defaults to "/var/lib/pulp/media".
  • pulp_certs_dir: Path where to generate or drop the TLS certificates (see pulp_webserver role) & keys for authentication tokens (see pulp_api role.) Also to where the user-provided gpg key for the galaxy-ng collection signing service is placed (see galaxy_post_install role.) Defaults to '{{ pulp_config_dir }}/certs' .
  • pulp_scripts_dir: Path to where user-provided scripts (needed by specific plugins) are located. (see galaxy_post_install role.) Defaults to '{{ pulp_user_home }}/scripts'.
  • pulp_source_dir: Optional. Absolute path to pulpcore source code. If present, pulpcore will be installed from source in editable mode. Also accepts a pip VCS URL, to (for example) install the main branch.
  • pulp_git_url: Optional. URL to the git repository from where pulpcore will be checked out if doesn't exists already on source_dir.

    WARNING when pulp_git_url is defined this role will clone the repo if doesn't already exist in the pulp_source_dir location and also checkout/update to specified pulp_git_revision if provided. In the case of existing local repo with unstaged changes the update will NOT be forced. For development purposes the recommendation is to NOT provide pulp_git_url and manage local branches manually.

  • pulp_git_revision: Optional. The specific git branch/tag/commit to be cheked out if git_url is provided.
  • pulp_user: User that owns and runs Pulp. Defaults to "pulp".
  • pulp_user_id: Integer value of uid for the pulp_user. Defaults to nothing and uid is assigned by the system.
  • pulp_group: The group that the pulp_user belongs to. Defaults to pulp.
  • pulp_group_id: Integer value of gid for the pulp_group. Defaults to nothing and gid is assigned by the system.
  • pulp_extra_groups: Optional. A list of additional group names that the pulp_user should be added to. This is site-specific and defaults to nothing.
  • pulp_use_system_wide_pkgs Use python system-wide packages. Defaults to "false".
  • pulp_remote_user_environ_name Optional. Set the REMOTE_USER_ENVIRON_NAME setting for Pulp. This variable will be set as the value of CONTENT_HOST as the base path to build content URLs.
  • pulp_install_object_storage: The preferred object storage. Defaults to filesystem.
  • pulp_settings: A nested dictionary that is used to add custom values to the user's, which will override any default values set by pulpcore. The keys of this dictionary are variable names, and the values should be expressed using the Dynaconf syntax Please see pulpcore configuration docs for documentation on the possible variable names and their values.
  • pulp_settings.content_origin: Required. The URL to the pulp_content host that clients will access, and that will be appended to in HTTP responses by multiple content plugins. Any load balancers / proxies (such as those in the pulp_webserver role) normally should be specified instead of the pulp content host itself. Syntax is (http|https)://(hostname|ip)[:port].
  • pulp_settings.secret_key: Required. Pulp's Django application SECRET_KEY.
  • pulp_settings.cache_enabled: Whether or not to connect to a redis server to use as a cache. Defaults to true.
  • pulp_settings.redis_host: Optional. Hostname or IP of the redis server to connect to. Defaults to localhost.
  • pulp_settings.redis_port: Optional. TCP port of the redis server to connect to. Defaults to 6379.
  • pulp_settings.redis_db: Optional. The name of the redis database to connect to.
  • pulp_settings.redis_password: Optional. Password for connecting to redis.
  • pulp_settings.redis_url: Optional Tells pulp how to connect to redis. If set, the pulp application overrides individual pulp redis_ settings on how to connect, such as redis_host and redis_port. If it is a path to a UNIX domain socket (recommended value is: unix:/var/run/redis/redis.sock), the pulp_common role will add the {{ pulp_user }} user to the redis group, if that group exists. Thus giving pulp access to the redis UNIX domain socket. Make sure to set the same value as you set for pulp_redis_bind, as documented in pulp_redis.

  • pulp_certs_dir: Path where to generate or drop the TLS certificates, key for authentication tokens, and the database fields encryption key. Defaults to '{{ pulp_config_dir }}/certs' .

  • pulpcore_update: Boolean that specifies whether the pulpcore package should be updated to the latest bug fix release within the minor release specified by pulpcore_version. Defaults to false.
  • pulp_install_selinux_policies: Whether or not to download & install the SELinux policies. This performs a operation with the git clone command. Accepts True, False or auto. Defaults to auto, which installs when SELinux is enabled (permissive or enforcing.)
  • pulp_selinux_remount_data_dir: Whether or not to remount the pulp data directory /var/lib/pulp, with pulp's SELinux context (label.) This will only occur when the installer detects that /var/lib/pulp is its own mount point, and is listed in /etc/fstab, but cannot handle labels on individual files/folders (and is not already mounted with the context.) Also only occurs when pulp_install_selinux_policies is set to true or auto. Note that this functionality exists because the SELinux label (pulpcore_var_lib_t) does not exist on the system prior to pulp being installed, and certain filesystem types such as NFS cannot have labels on individual files. Defaults to true.

Role Variables if installing from RPMs#

Normally, Pulp is installed from Python pip packages (from PyPI.) pulp_installer can install Pulp from RPM packages instead if this variable is set. Other distro packaging formats may work as well:

  • pulp_install_source: Whether to install from "pip" (PyPI, python packages) or the Linux distro's (RPM) "packages". Defaults to "pip".

If it is set to "packages", the installer is in packges mode, which has the following limitations:

  • The packages are only built for CentOS/RHEL 7 and CentOS/RHEL 8.
  • Not all plugins are available from the default repo. To determine which plugins are available, follow this link, browse to the repo for your Pulp version and distribution, and search for "pulp-".
  • The default repo (from, see pulp_pkg_repo) is not tested for every possible pulpcore usage, and is thus not officially supported by the Foreman project.
  • pulp_installer may install/upgrade to an older minor branch of pulpcore. E.g., if pulp_installer is version 3.9.z, it may install Pulp 3.8 instead. See pulp_pkg_repo.
  • The version of Pulp installed/upgraded to may be changed to the current minor branch during any pulp_installer micro release. E.g., pulp_installer 3.9.0 may install/upgrade to Pulp 3.8, while pulp_installer 3.9.1 may install/upgrade to Pulp 3.9.

Furthermore, the following variables are used, or behave differently from above:

  • pulp_install_plugins: Required A nested dictionary of plugins to install & their installation options.
    • Dictionary Key: Required. The plugin name.
    • pkg_name: If this is left undefined, each Linux distro package will be installed by the name pulp_pkg_name_prefix with the Dictionary Key appended to it. pulp_pkg_name_prefix defaults to "python3-", so if the Dictionary key is "pulp-file", the package python3-pulp-file will be installed. This variable overrides the entire package name.
    • version: Like with pip, a user can specify a specific version of a package one wants installed.
    • Example:
      pulp_install_source: packages
        pulp-zero: {} # Effectively python3-pulp-zero
          pkg_name: python3-pulp-one-ng
          pkg_name: pulp_two_underscores
          version: 2.2.0
  • pulp_install_dir: Location of the filesystem prefix where package installed python programs (gunicorn & rq) are looked for on the filesystem. Defaults to "/usr" (such as for "/usr/bin/gunicorn").
  • pulp_pkg_name_prefix: The beginning of the Linux distro (RPM) package names for pulp, that is appended to in order to install "pulpcore" and the plugins. Defaults to "python3-".
  • pulp_pkg_pulpcore_name: The entire name of the Linux distro (RPM) package for pulpcore. Defaults to: "python3-pulpcore"
  • pulp_pkg_repo: yum/dnf package repo to add to the system to install Pulp from. Consists simply of the URL to the repo. Does not support any other repo type yet. Defaults to either the corresponding minor branch (3.y) repo from, or an older minor branch. See the limitations above.
  • pulp_pkg_repo_gpgcheck: Whether the package signatures should be checked or not. Defaults to True.
  • pulp_pkg_undeclared_deps: Additional Linux distro (RPM) packages to install before installing pulpcore. See defaults/main.yml for default values.
  • pulp_pkg_upgrade_all: Whether to upgrade all Pulp Linux distro (RPM) packages (including the pulp_pkg_undeclared_deps packages.)
  • pulp_upgraded_manually: Set this to true if you updated/upgraded Pulp manually beforehand, without using the installer. (e.g., you ran yum update and your Pulp installation is broken. Re-running the installer will fix it.) Defaults to false.
  • pulp_pkg_selinux_name The name of the package containing the SELinux policies to install. See pulp_install_selinux_policies, except git is not used; the package manager is used instead. Defaults to "pulpcore-selinux".
  • pulp_pkg_exclude_from_upgrade: Optional. A list of packages that should be excluded from upgrade (Can be used when pulp_pkg_upgrade_all=true).
  • pulp_pkg_upgrade_repo_name: Optional. yum/dnf package repo to enable during upgrade (Can be used when pulp_pkg_upgrade_all=true).

Role Variables for advanced usage#

  • pulpcore_version: Specify a minor version of pulpcore (e.g.: 3.15) one would like to install or upgrade to. By default the installer will do the right thing by using the minor version of pulpcore it is designed for and tested with. This can also be a specific patch release (e.g.: 3.15.2).
  • pulp_service_timeout: Set timeout value for pulp services. Defaults to 90.
  • galaxy_lock_requirements: If set to 0, when installing the plugin galaxy-ng from a source directory (e.g., cloned via git), unlock the version requirements (i.e., install the latest versions) of its dependency plugins, which are listed in galaxy_dev_source_path. If set to 1, the version constraints that galaxy-ng has for them are preserved. Defaults to 0 if galaxy-ng's git_revision isn't specified or if it is set to "main". Defaults to 1 if galaxy-ng's git_revision is set to any other git commitish (e.g., another branch.)
  • galaxy_dev_source_path: See galaxy_lock_requirements. Defaults to pulpcore:pulp_ansible:pulp_container:galaxy_ng:galaxy-importer.

Shared Variables#

  • ansible_python_interpreter: Required. Path to the Python interpreter.

  • prereq_pip_packages: A List of additional pip packages to install in the virtual environment before installing pulp or its content plugins. Defaults to a list containing the single item "Jinja2" (which is necessary for pulp_installer to function). Also, a prereq_role may append to it.

This role is required by the pulp_database role and uses some variables from it.

  • pulp_settings_db_defaults: See pulp_database README.

Operating System Variables#

Each currently supported operating system has a matching file in the "vars" directory.


This role is idempotent by default. It is dependent on these settings remaining false: * Every upgrade under pulp_install_plugins * pulp_upgraded_manually



Author Information#

Pulp Team

Last update: 2022-09-29