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Let's Encrypt#


The Pulp 3 Ansible Installer supports obtaining TLS/SSL Certificates via Let's Encrypt (or other ACME compatible CAs), using your choice of 3rd-party Ansible role.

The pulp_webserver role supports HTTP-01 verification for Let's Encrypt (the most common verification method), but must be called in a particular manner, as shown in the example playbook below.

DNS-01 verification is also supported, and guidance is offered below.

Let's Encrypt HTTP-01 Requirements#

Let's Encrypt HTTP-01 verification requires that:

  1. The server be accessible over the internet on both ports 80, and 443 (and 443 per pulp_installer's design.) The Pulp 3 Ansible Installer will configure the OS's firewall, but any firewall/router in front of it (such as a security group on a cloud provider) must allow them.

  2. The server has a DNS name it can be reached at, such as . This is what must be filled in at << domain name >> in the example playbook below. Note that many auto-generated DNS names by cloud providers are blocked per Let's Encrypt policy.

These requirements must be satisfied before running The Pulp 3 Ansible Installer.

Let's Encrypt HTTP-01 Example Playbook#

As an example, we are going to write a playbook for installing pulp_file, with Let's Encrypt and HTTP 01 verification.

The 3rd-party role listed below, lexa-uw.letsencrypt, is an example. The variables listed below are meant for it, and can serve as a guide for other roles.

You can learn more about the variables on the roles section

1 - Install the pulp_installer collection:

ansible-galaxy collection install pulp.pulp_installer

2 - Install the geerlingguy.postgresql role:

ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.postgresql

3 - Install your preferred 3rd-party role from Ansible Galaxy.

For the example of the role in the playbook below:

ansible-galaxy install lexa-uw.letsencrypt

4 - Write the following playbook:

vim install.yml

- hosts: << domain name >>
  force_handlers: True
    pulp_webserver_httpd_servername: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    lets_encrypt_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    lets_encrypt_directories_certs: "/etc/letsencrypt"
    lets_encrypt_directories_data: "/var/lib/pulp/pulpcore_static"
    pulp_default_admin_password: << YOUR PASSWORD HERE >>
      # galaxy-ng:
      # pulp-2to3-migration:
      # pulp-ansible:
      # pulp-certguard:
      # pulp-container:
      # pulp-cookbook:
      # pulp-deb:
      # pulp-gem:
      # pulp-maven:
      # pulp-npm:
      # pulp-python:
      # pulp-rpm:
      secret_key: << YOUR SECRET HERE >>
      content_origin: "https://{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    # Includes running pulp_webserver. letsencrypt depends on a webserver
    # that can host the .well-known directory.
    - pulp.pulp_installer.pulp_all_services
    - role: lexa-uw.letsencrypt
      become: true
    # Must be run via a task so that it can be run more than once.
    - name: Run pulp_webserver a 2nd time to import the key
        name: pulp.pulp_installer.pulp_webserver
        pulp_webserver_tls_key: "/etc/letsencrypt/private_key.pem"
        pulp_webserver_tls_cert: "/etc/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem"
        pulp_webserver_tls_files_remote: true
4 - Run the playbook:

ansible-playbook install.yml -u <managed_node_username> --ask-become-pass

Let's Encrypt DNS-01 Verification#

This is supported as well.

The main differences from the above example are:

  1. The dropping of the internet accessible requirement, and DNS requirements instead.
  2. The 3rd party role for Let's Encrypt is run before pulp_all_services/pulp_webserver, and needs a different set of variables.
  3. pulp_webserver does not need to be run a 2nd time.
  4. When pulp_all_services/pulp_webserver is run the 1st & only time, specify the pulp_webserver_tls variables that point to the certificate and key received in the global vars section at the top of the playbook.

Last update: 2023-01-23