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Role to enable repositories needed to install pulp. It can be disabled if user already have the repositories enabled.

It is automatically called by the pulp_common role.

This role is meant to be called by `include_role` with specific variable.


All covered by ansible.

Role Variables#

With its defaults.

  • pulp_repos_enable: Effectively can disable enablement of all repositories mentioned below. Defaults to True.

  • pulp_repos_centos_powertools_repo_enable: to enable CentOS/Rocky 8 PowerTools repository (defaults to True)

  • pulp_repos_centos_crb_repo_enable: to enable CentOS/Rocky 8 CRB (CodeReady Builder) repository (defaults to True)
  • pulp_repos_epel_enable: to enable EPEL repository (defaults to True)
  • pulp_repos_rhel_codeready_enable: to enable RHEL8 CodeReady repository (defaults to True)
  • pulp_repos_rhel_optional_enable: to enable RHEL7 Optional repository (defaults to True)
  • pulp_rhel_pulpcore_repo_enable: to add the RHEL/CentOS/Rocky Pulpcore repo to the system (defaults to True).
  • pulp_rhel_scl_repo_enable: to enable SCL repository (defaults to True).

  • pulp_rhel_codeready_repo: List of possible names for rhel8+ CodeReady Builder repo to enable. Once it is found, no further names are attempted. Defaults to ["codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms", "rhui-codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-rpms", "codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-rpms"] Only affects RHEL8+.

  • pulp_rhel7_scl_repo: List of possible names for the rhel7 SCL (Software Collections) repo to enable. Once the 1st name is enabled (or found to already be enabled), no further names are attempted. Defaults to ["rhui-rhel-server-rhui-rhscl-7-rpms", "rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms", "rhel-workstation-rhscl-7-rpms"] Note: This is not needed for CentOS 7, where the repos are enabled by installing centos-release-* packages.
  • epel_release_packages: List of strings (package names, URLs) to pass to yum install to ensure that "epel-release" is installed. Once the 1st string is found to be installed by yum, no further strings are attempted. Also accepts a single string or empty string. Only affects CentOS/RHEL/Rocky. Defaults to ["epel-release",

"{{ ansible_facts.distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm" * rhel7_optional_repo: List of possible names for the rhel7 optional repo to enable. Once the 1st name is enabled (or found to already be enabled), no further names are attempted. Defaults to ["rhui-rhel-7-server-rhui-optional-rpms", "rhel-7-server-rhui-optional-rpms", "rhel-7-server-optional-rpms", "rhel-7-workstation-optional-rpms"] Also accepts a single string or empty string. Only affects RHEL7 (RHEL8 no longer has an optional repo.)

Advenced Role Variables#

These variables corresponding to role repository variables above when is called by another role.

  • __pulp_repos_centos_powertools_repo_enable_default: Defaults to False
  • __pulp_repos_centos_crb_repo_enable_default: Defaults to False
  • __pulp_repos_epel_enable_default: Defaults to False
  • __pulp_repos_rhel_codeready_enable_default: Default to False
  • __pulp_repos_rhel_optional_enable_default: Defaults to False
  • __pulp_rhel_pulpcore_repo_enable_default: Defaults to False
  • __pulp_rhel_scl_repo_enable_default: Defaults to False

Shared Variables#

This role does not depend on the pulp_common role (pulp_common actually depends on pulp_repos) but uses some of the same variables. This role provides identical default for these variables. Setting these variables controls the behavior of both roles.

  • pulp_install_source: If set to packages, and pulp_rhel_pulpcore_repo_enable==true, Add the pulpcore repo to the system.


- name: Enable EPEL repository needed by Pulp
    name: pulp_repos
    __pulp_repos_epel_enable_default: True

Example Usage#

If you want to install Pulp on a device with EPEL repository already enabled, you don't want to enable it second time. In this case it is enough just put line bellow in your Ansible variables:

pulp_repos_epel_enable: False

Last update: 2023-01-23