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This roles provides post-install configuration for the galaxy-ng plugin.

It runs by default when galaxy-ng is part of pulp_install_plugins variable. It is called by the pulp_common role.

Role Variables#

  • galaxy_importer_settings: Key-value dictionary that contains the content of galaxy-importer.cfg to be overwritten.
  • galaxy_create_default_collection_signing_service Boolean on whether or not to create collection signing service. See Variables for the Collection Signing Service for additional variables that must be set. Defaults to false
  • galaxy_create_default_container_signing_service Boolean on whether or not to create container signing service. See Variables for the Container Signing Service for additional variables that must be set. Defaults to false

Shared Variables#

This role is tightly coupled with the required the pulp_common role and uses some of variables which are documented in that role:

  • pulp_certs_dir: The collection signing service gpg key file is placed under this directory.
  • pulp_scripts_dir: The collection signing service script is placed under this directory.

Variables for the Collection Signing Service#

If galaxy_create_default_collection_signing_service==true:

  1. pulp_settings.galaxy_collection_signing_service must be set to "ansible-default". This variable sets the name of the default collection signing service to use. Defaults to nothing.
  2. 2 files must either be specified by these variables:

    • galaxy_collection_signing_service_key: Specify a filepath on the ansible management node. This is the gpg private key that will be imported to performan the gpg signing of the collections. Defaults to undefined.
    • galaxy_collection_signing_service_script Specify a filepath on the ansible management node. This is the script that performs the gpg signing of the collections. Defaults to undefined.

Or they must exist on disk (on all pulp hosts e.g. API, content & worker) (these are the paths that the variables install them to):

  • {{ pulp_certs_dir }}/galaxy_signing_service.gpg (default: /etc/pulp/certs/galaxy_signing_service.gpg):
  • {{ pulp_scripts_dir }}/ (default: /var/lib/pulp/scripts/

Variables for the Container Signing Service#

If galaxy_create_default_container_signing_service==true:

  1. pulp_settings.galaxy_container_signing_service must be set to "container-default". This variable sets the name of the default container signing service to use. Defaults to nothing.

  2. 2 files must either be specified by these variables:

    • galaxy_container_signing_service_key: Specify a filepath on the ansible management node. This is the gpg private key that will be imported to performan the gpg signing of the containers.. Defaults to undefined.
    • galaxy_container_signing_service_script Specify a filepath on the ansible management node. This is the script that performs the gpg signing of the containers. Defaults to undefined.

Or they must exist on disk (on all pulp hosts e.g. API, content & worker) (these are the paths that the variables install them to):

  • {{ pulp_certs_dir }}/container_signing_service.gpg (default: /etc/pulp/certs/container_signing_service.gpg):
  • {{ pulp_scripts_dir }}/ (default: /var/lib/pulp/scripts/



Last update: 2023-01-23