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Pulp 3 Ansible Installer#

The Pulp 3 Ansible installer is a collection of Ansible roles that you can use to install or upgrade Pulp 3, or add plugins to an existing installation.

Each Ansible role installs and configures a component of Pulp, or other services required by Pulp (PostgreSQL, Redis and a webserver.)

This version of the installer, 3.22.1, installs the latest release of pulpcore 3.22.z.

If run against an older version of Pulp 3, it will upgrade it to 3.22.z.

If run again, the installed version of pulpcore 3.22 is not updated unless pulpcore_update is set to true.

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The installer can be run against a cluster, or against a single host (server). The following is a diagram of a cluster with all the different services of pulp_installer on different hosts, and some services on multiple hosts.


  • Traffic comes into front-end host configured by the role pulp_webserver from your clients. Although not pictured, more than one pulp webserver can be deployed by the installer, but for some content plugins, this would require a load balancer.
  • Content traffic (e.g., downloading software packages from package managers like dnf or pip) gets proxied to one or more hosts configured by the role pulp_content
  • API traffic (e.g., uploading packages) gets proxied to one or more hosts configured by the role pulp_api.
  • One or more hosts are configured by the pulp_workers role to do tasks like synchronize repositories.
  • The content is stored on the "Storage backend", either a shared filesystem (like NFS) or object storage. Or if there is a single pulp_api/pulp_content/pulp_workers server, a single folder on disk (/var/lib/pulp).
  • The rest of the state of the application is stored on a PostgreSQL host configured by the pulp_database role. Although not pictured, this can be an existing PostgreSQL host/cluster.
  • In order to improve performance, a Redis host configured by the pulp_redis serves as a cache. Although not pictured, this can be an existing Redis host/cluster.

More information on the architecture is available in the main Pulp docs.

System Requirements#

Before you install Pulp, review the architecture and component documentation to ensure you understand the deployment structure and concepts.

The Ansible control node (i.e., your workstation) must have Python (>= 2.7) and Ansible (>= 2.9) installed.

Ensure that your server meets the hardware requirements to install and run Pulp.

Ensure that your server, AKA the Ansible managed node, runs one of these currently supported operating systems:

  • CentOS/RHEL/Rocky 7, 8 or 9
  • Fedora 32 or later
  • Debian 11 Bullseye (needs allow_world_readable_tmpfiles = True in ansible.cfg)
  • Debian 22.04 Jammy (needs allow_world_readable_tmpfiles = True in ansible.cfg)

The server must have the command sudo installed. (If you are using an alternative become method, sudo is not needed.)

The server cannot provide any other HTTP (port 80, 443) service on the same hostname as Pulp's API. The only exception is Pulp 2. The REST APIs for Pulp 2 and Pulp 3 can be served on the same hostname as long as the apache webserver is deployed for both.

NOTE: These server requirements assume you are deploying Pulp to a single server. If you are deploying it to a cluster (with multiple tiers), the hardware requirements will differ, and only the webserver (pulp_webserver role) will have the service limitation. Each node must run a supported operating system from the list above, but each node can run a different OS.

If you are using an existing PostgreSQL host/cluster, version 10 or higher is required.

If you are using an existing PostgreSQL host/cluster, and it is at version 10 through 12, you must do one of the following: 1. Create a new database (default name: pulp) and load the postgresql extension hstore for it. 2. Create a new database (default name: pulp) and give the Pulp user account (default name: pulp) superuser permission. The account must also be the owner of the database. After installation (or upgrade to pulpcore 3.22), the superuser permission can be taken away.

If you are using an existing Redis host/cluster, version 3 or higher is required.

The Ansible collection requires geerlingguy.postgresql role, which you can install on the Ansible control node from ansible-galaxy.

ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.postgresql

Ansible Boilerplate#

This collection of roles can be used against any managed node (host/server) and are highly configurable. Knowledge of ansible basics will be helpful, but even if you are new to Ansible, this section will get you started, or you can try the Vagrant installations to bypass the Ansible boilerplate.

First, you will need to configure SSH between your control node and your managed node. With Ansible, typically this is done via the following to eliminate the need to enter a password:

ssh-copy-id <managed_node_username>@<managed_node>

When you can SSH into the managed node without a password, you are ready to move to the next step.

Ensure that Ansible can communicate with the managed node.

ansible all -i <managed_node>, -m ping -u <managed_node_username>

Also, like many Ansible roles/collections, these roles are idempotent.


pulp_installer is equipped with the following roles:

  • pulp_common: installs shared components of the Pulp 3 services from PyPi or source and provides basic config
  • pulp_api: install, configure, and set the state of pulp API service.
  • pulp_content: install, configure, and set the state of pulp content app.
  • pulp_database: install a PostgreSQL database server for Pulp 3.
  • pulp_database_config: configure the database for Pulp 3.
  • pulp_health_check: Verify that Pulp Services are up and listening.
  • pulp_redis: install and start Redis for Pulp 3.
  • pulp_webserver: install, configure, start, and enable a front-end web server that combines pulp_api and pulp_content into 1 service.
  • pulp_workers: install, configure, and set the state of pulp workers.
  • pulp_devel: installs useful tools and adds some config files for a Pulp 3 development environment.

pulp_installer also is equipped with these helper roles for pulp_common:

  • galaxy_post_install: This roles provides post-install configuration for the galaxy-ng plugin.
  • pulp_rpm_prerequisites: This role installs prerequisite python packages and prerequisite linux distribution packages for the pulp-rpm plugin.
  • pulp_repos Role to enable repositories needed to install pulp. It can be disabled if user already have the repositories enabled.

pulp_installer also provides the following meta roles, which depend on a set of other roles. These provide the convenience of writing playbooks that specify one role, rather than a list of roles that often changes.

  • pulp_all_services: A role to install all Pulp services (first-party & third-party) on a single host.
  • pulp_services: A role to install & configure Pulp's first-party services (including the state of the Pulp database) on a single host.

Last update: 2023-01-23