
If you want to have a quick introduction on how to use this plugin and mirror an example remote, this is the right place.

Example for a mirror

After you’ve added the CLI plugin, you can start by creating a repository:

export name=test
pulp deb repository create --name "${name}"

As an example remote we are going to add the nginx repository. Once the remote is added, you should sync it directly. You can still sync it later if you want, therefore look a bit further down. If you want to mirror only on demand (and have only the meta-data information available), use --no-mirror instead of --mirror.

pulp deb remote create --name "${name}" --url http://nginx.org/packages/debian --distribution buster
pulp deb repository sync --name "${name}" --mirror --remote "${name}"

Once synced, you can create the publication (the metadata) and continue with creating a distribution to make the content publicly available with a given base-path.

pulp deb publication create --repository "${name}"
pulp deb distribution create --name "${name}" --base-path "${name}" --repository "${name}"

Sync (again) AFTER distribution and publication

If you need to sync after you have already distributed and published a repository, use the following commands to do so. The autopublish feature like in pulp_rpm is not implemented (yet). Though, auto-distributing is enabled already.

pulp deb repository sync --name "${name}" --mirror --remote "${name}"
pulp deb publication create --repository "${name}" --simple True