Upload and Manage Content

Upload a package

To manually upload a package to Pulp, this assumes you to already have a repository created.

List all existing repositories by running the following command:

http get $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/repositories/deb/apt/

This will return a 200 OK response:

    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "description": null,
            "latest_version_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/deb/apt/ff14907e-d1c5-4bac-b8d6-4c534575ed41/versions/0/",
            "name": "vim",
            "pulp_created": "2020-06-29T13:41:29.281602Z",
            "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/deb/apt/ff14907e-d1c5-4bac-b8d6-4c534575ed41/",
            "versions_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/deb/apt/ff14907e-d1c5-4bac-b8d6-4c534575ed41/versions/"

You will need the value of pulp_href of the repository you want to add a package to.

Create Content by Uploading a File

You can directly upload a file to the content API endpoint:

http --form post $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/content/deb/packages/ file@"./vim_8.2.0716-3_arm64.deb"


It is strongly recommended to omit the relative_path and have Pulp generate a common pool location. This will be pool/v/vim/vim_2:8.2.0716-3_arm64.deb as shown below.

When specifying a relative_path, make sure to add the exact name of the package including its version as you’d get via dpkg-deb -I vim_8.2.0716-3_arm64.deb. It is composed of the package name, an underscore, and its version:


This will return a 202 Accepted response:

    "task": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/5cc88067-f03c-4f7b-bda8-f193755a8aa5/"

Run the following command to view the status of the task:

http get $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/tasks/5cc88067-f03c-4f7b-bda8-f193755a8aa5/

This will return a 200 OK response:

    "child_tasks": [],
    "created_resources": [
    "error": null,
    "finished_at": "2020-06-29T07:40:53.307389Z",
    "name": "pulpcore.app.tasks.base.general_create",
    "parent_task": null,
    "progress_reports": [],
    "pulp_created": "2020-06-29T07:40:53.113349Z",
    "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/5cc88067-f03c-4f7b-bda8-f193755a8aa5/",
    "reserved_resources_record": [
    "started_at": "2020-06-29T07:40:53.218540Z",
    "state": "completed",
    "task_group": null,
    "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/50a13e76-fe27-4e3e-8cee-ae5ec41d272a/"


Alternatively, you can upload an artifact to the artifacts API endpoint and then create a content unit of type deb from the exisiting artifact.

  1. Upload a file to the artifacts endpoint

    http --form post $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/artifacts/ file@"./vim_8.2.0716-3_amd64.deb"
  2. Create Content from an exisiting artifact

    http post $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/content/deb/packages/ artifact=/pulp/api/v3/artifacts/<uuid>/

Add Content to Repository

View the list of packages:

http get $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/content/deb/packages/

This will return the necessary uuid for the following step, which is identical to the created_resources from querying the task above.

Once there is a content unit, it can be added to and removed from repositories. This example adds the arm version of vim:

http post $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/repositories/deb/apt/250083a4-8eaa-42b6-a588-c48c2a2935f0/modify/ add_content_units:="[\"http://localhost:24817/pulp/api/v3/content/deb/packages/1eeabd4d-48b3-433e-9732-ce1b56cc9bb9/\"]"

This will return a 202 Accepted response:

    "task": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/ed0dfef8-7e5d-44a1-8f2b-7f7f29aae0dd/"

View the task by running the following command:

http get $BASE_ADDR/pulp/api/v3/tasks/ed0dfef8-7e5d-44a1-8f2b-7f7f29aae0dd/

This will return a 200 OK response:

    "child_tasks": [],
    "created_resources": [
    "error": null,
    "finished_at": "2020-06-29T07:47:50.816567Z",
    "name": "pulpcore.app.tasks.repository.add_and_remove",
    "parent_task": null,
    "progress_reports": [],
    "pulp_created": "2020-06-29T07:47:50.686844Z",
    "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/ed0dfef8-7e5d-44a1-8f2b-7f7f29aae0dd/",
    "reserved_resources_record": [
    "started_at": "2020-06-29T07:47:50.778375Z",
    "state": "completed",
    "task_group": null,
    "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/50a13e76-fe27-4e3e-8cee-ae5ec41d272a/"

Go to publish to make your repository consumable.