Push content to a RepositoryΒΆ

Users can push a container image to the repositories hosted by the Container Registry


If token auth is enabled admin credentials will be required during the push operation. Provide them in the login to the registry or in each API call.

$ podman tag d21d863f69b5 localhost:24817/test/this:mytag1.8
$ push d21d863f69b5 localhost:24817/test/this:mytag1.8
  Getting image source signatures
  Copying blob 210dda196ec1 done
  Copying config d21d863f69 done
  Writing manifest to image destination
  Storing signatures

$ http GET $BASE_ADDR/v2/test/this/tags/list
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Connection: close
  Content-Length: 40
  Content-Type: application/json
  Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2020 18:25:46 GMT
  Docker-Distribution-API-Version: registry/2.0
  Server: gunicorn/20.0.4
  Vary: Accept
  X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    "name": "test/this",
    "tags": [


Content is pushed to a push repository type. A push repository supports neither mirroring of the remote content nor addition or removal of the content via Pulp API.


Rollback to the previous repository versions is not possible with a push repository. Its latest version will always be served.