User Setup ========== Ansible Installer (Recommended) ------------------------------- We recommend that you install `pulpcore` and `pulp-container` together using the `Ansible installer `_. If you install this way, pulpcore installation and all the following steps will be done for you. Install ``pulpcore`` -------------------- Follow the `installation instructions `__ provided with pulpcore. Install plugin -------------- This document assumes that you have `installed pulpcore `_ into a the virtual environment ``pulpvenv``. Users should install from **either** PyPI or source. From PyPI ********* .. code-block:: bash sudo -u pulp -i source ~/pulpvenv/bin/activate pip install pulp-container Install ``pulp_container`` from source ************************************** .. code-block:: bash sudo -u pulp -i source ~/pulpvenv/bin/activate cd pulp_container pip install -e . Make and Run Migrations ----------------------- .. code-block:: bash django-admin migrate container Configure Required Settings --------------------------- The plugin expects to have defined additional settings. These settings are required if a user wants to use the token authentication while serving content, see :ref:`authentication`. Run Services ------------ .. code-block:: bash django-admin runserver 24817 gunicorn pulpcore.content:server --bind 'localhost:24816' --worker-class 'aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker' -w 2 sudo systemctl restart pulpcore-resource-manager sudo systemctl restart pulpcore-worker@1 sudo systemctl restart pulpcore-worker@2 OCI Container Image building ---------------------------- The plugin can be used to build an OCI format image from a Containerfile. The plugin uses podman to build containers. Refer to `podman-build documentation `_ for more details.