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Django Rest Framework Serializers work “both ways”, translating user input to Python objects, and translating Python objects to user-facing responses. Generally, plugins will create a serializer field for each field on their model that should be user-facing.

Most plugins will implement:
  • serializer(s) for plugin specific content type(s), should be subclassed from one of NoArtifactContentSerializer, SingleArtifactContentSerializer, or MultipleArtifactContentSerializer, depending on the properties of the content type(s)

  • serializer(s) for plugin specific remote(s), should be subclassed from RemoteSerializer

  • serializer(s) for plugin specific publisher(s), should be subclassed from PublisherSerializer

Adding Fields

For each field on the corresponding model that should be readable or writable by the user, the serializer needs to add that field as well.

class FileContentSerializer(SingleArtifactContentSerializer):
    Serializer for File Content.

    relative_path = serializers.CharField(
        help_text="Relative location of the file within the repository"

class Meta:
      fields = SingleArtifactContentSerializer.Meta.fields + ('relative_path',)
      model = FileContent

Help Text

The REST APIs of Pulp Core and each plugin are automatically documented using swagger. Each field’s documentation is generated using the help_text set on the serializer field, so please be sure to set this for every field.