Pulp Import/Export

The Pulp Import/Export process is based around the Django Import/Export library . To be ‘exportable/importable’, your plugin must define a modelresource module at <plugin>/app/modelresource.py. The module must contain a ModelResource subclass for each Model you want to expose, and it must define an IMPORT_ORDER ordered list for all such ModelResources.


If you don’t need to do anything “special” to export your Model you can subclass pulpcore.plugin.importexport.QueryModelResource. This only requires you to provide the Meta.model class for the Model being export/imported, and to override the set_up_queryset(self) method to define a limiting filter. QueryModelResource is instantiated by the export process with the RepositoryVersion being exported (self.repo_version).

An example QueryModelResource subclasses, for import/exporting the Bar Model from pulp_foo, would look like this:

class BarResource(QueryModelResource):
    Resource for import/export of foo_bar entities

    def set_up_queryset(self):
        :return: Bars specific to a specified repo-version.
        return Bar.objects.filter(pk__in=self.repo_version.content)

    class Meta:
        model = Bar


A simple modelresource.py module is the one for the pulp_file plugin. It looks like this:

from pulpcore.plugin.importexport import QueryModelResource
from pulp_file.app.models import FileContent

class FileContentResource(QueryModelResource):
    Resource for import/export of file_filecontent entities

    def set_up_queryset(self):
        :return: FileContents specific to a specified repo-version.
        return FileContent.objects.filter(pk__in=self.repo_version.content)

    class Meta:
        model = FileContent

IMPORT_ORDER = [FileContentResource]