.. _repository-version-repairing: Repository Version Repairing ---------------------------- .. note:: Repairing a Repository Version is in tech-preview and may change in backwards incompatible ways in future releases. Pulp allows users to repair repository versions where artifacts in the storage went missing or got corrupted in some way (i.e. bit rot). .. warning:: This repair feature looks for missing or corrupted files that are supposed to be in the internal storage. It attempts a redownload of these files from known upstream urls. In case upstream stopped serving the corresponding files Pulp is unable to remedy the situation. To start a repair task on a specific repository version, send a POST request to its `repair` endpoint: .. code-block:: bash $ REPAIR_TASK=$(http POST :24817${REPOSITORY_VERSION}repair/ | jq -r '.task') $ http --body :24817$REPAIR_TASK { "child_tasks": [], "created_resources": [], "error": null, "finished_at": "2020-04-07T08:36:52.373633Z", "name": "pulpcore.app.tasks.repository.repair_version", "parent_task": null, "progress_reports": [ { "code": "repair.repaired", "done": 2, "message": "Repair corrupted units", "state": "completed", "suffix": null, "total": null }, { "code": "repair.corrupted", "done": 2, "message": "Identify corrupted units", "state": "completed", "suffix": null, "total": null } ], "pulp_created": "2020-04-07T08:36:52.274985Z", "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/530302b4-8674-4db3-8a13-99febef80830/", "reserved_resources_record": [ "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/47a3f651-aaa6-4026-b649-130c45ab38ea/" ], "started_at": "2020-04-07T08:36:52.348381Z", "state": "completed", "task_group": null, "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/f2fe2811-74a1-463f-93d2-53c7b302115c/" } The result of this task can be read in the `progress_report` section. If the number of `done` differs between the reports, pulp was unable to repair all artifacts.