.. _rq: http://python-rq.org .. _deployment: Architecture and Deploying ========================== Pulp's architecture has three components to it: a REST API, a content serving application, and the tasking system. Each component can be horizontally scaled for both high availability and/or additional capacity for that part of the architecture. REST API -------- Pulp's REST API is a Django application which runs under any WSGI server. It serves the following things: * The REST API hosted at ``/pulp/api/v3/`` * The browse-able documentation at ``/pulp/api/v3/docs/`` * Any viewsets or views provided by plugins * Static content used by Django, e.g. images used by the browse-able API. This is not Pulp content. .. note:: A simple, but limited way to run the REST API as a standalone service using the built-in Django runserver. The ``pulpcore-manager`` command is ``manage.py`` configured with the ``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="pulpcore.app.settings"``. Run the simple webserver with:: $ pulpcore-manager runserver 24817 .. warning:: Until Role-Based Access Control is added to Pulp, REST API is not safe for multi-user use. Sensitive credentials can be read by any user, e.g. ``Remote.password``, ``Remote.client_key``. The REST API can be deployed with any any WSGI webserver like a normal Django application. See the `Django deployment docs `_ for more information. Content Serving Application --------------------------- An aiohttp.server based application that serves content to clients. The content could be :term:`Artifacts` already downloaded and saved in Pulp, or :term:`on-demand content units`. When serving :term:`on-demand content units` the downloading also happens from within this component as well. .. note:: Pulp installs a script that lets you run the content serving app as a standalone service as follows::: $ pulp-content The content serving application can be deployed like any aiohttp.server application. See the `aiohttp Deployment docs `_ for more information. Tasking System -------------- Pulp's tasking system has two components: a resource manager and workers, all of which are run using `rq`_. Worker Pulp workers perform most tasks "run" by the tasking system including long-running tasks like synchronize and short-running tasks like a Distribution update. Each worker handles one task at a time, and additional workers provide more concurrency. Workers auto-name and are auto-discovered, so they can be started and stopped without notifying Pulp. Resource Manager A different type of Pulp worker that plays a coordinating role for the tasking system. You must run exactly one of these for Pulp to operate correctly. The ``resource-manager`` is identified by configuring using exactly the name ``resource-manager`` with the ``-n 'resource_manager'`` option. *N* ``resource-manager`` rq processes can be started with 1 being active and *N-1* being passive. The *N-1* will exit and should be configured to auto-relaunch with either systemd, supervisord, or k8s. .. note:: Pulp serializes tasks that are unsafe to run in parallel, e.g. a sync and publish operation on the same repo should not run in parallel. Generally tasks are serialized at the "repo" level, so if you start *N* workers you can process *N* repo sync/modify/publish operations concurrently. Static Content -------------- When browsing the REST API or the browsable documentation with a web browser, for a good experience, you'll need static content to be served. In Development ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If using the built-in Django webserver and your settings.yaml has ``DEBUG: True`` then static content is automatically served for you. In Production ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Collect all of the static content into place using the ``collectstatic`` command. The ``pulpcore-manager`` command is ``manage.py`` configured with the ``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="pulpcore.app.settings"``. Run ``collectstatic`` as follows:: $ pulpcore-manager collectstatic