

Until Role-Based Access Control is added to Pulp, REST API is not safe for multi-user use. Sensitive credentials can be read by any user, e.g. Remote.password, Remote.client_key.

3.4.1 (2020-06-03)



  • Including requirements.txt on #6888

Plugin API

No significant changes.

3.4.0 (2020-05-27)



  • Implemented incremental-exporting for PulpExport. #6136

  • Added support for S3 and other non-filesystem storage options to pulp import/export functionality. #6456

  • Optimized imports by having repository versions processed using child tasks. #6484

  • Added repository type check during Pulp imports. #6532

  • Added version checking to import process. #6558

  • Taught PulpExport to export by RepositoryVersions if specified. #6566

  • Task groups now have an ‘all_tasks_dispatched’ field which denotes that no more tasks will spawn as part of this group. #6591

  • Taught export how to split export-file into chunk_size bytes. #6736


  • Remote fields username and password show up in: REST docs, API responses, and are available in the bindings. #6346

  • Fixed a bug, where the attempt to cancel a completed task lead to a strange response. #6465

  • Fixed KeyError during OpenAPI schema generation. #6468

  • Added a missing trailing slash to distribution’s base_url #6507

  • Fixed a bug where the wrong kind of error was being raised for href parameters of mismatched types. #6521

  • containers: Fix pulp_rpm 3.3.0 install by replacing the python3-createrepo_c RPM with its build-dependencies, so createrep_c gets installed & built from PyPI #6523

  • Fixed OpenAPI schema for importer and export APIs. #6556

  • Normalized export-file-path for PulpExports. #6564

  • Changed repository viewset to use the general_update and general_delete tasks. This fixes a bug where updating specialized fields of a repository was impossible due to using the wrong serializer. #6569

  • Only uses multipart OpenAPI Schema when dealing with file fields #6702

  • Fixed a bug that prevented write_only fields from being present in the API docs and bindings #6775

  • Added proper headers for index.html pages served by content app. #6802

  • Removed Content-Encoding header from pulpcore-content responses. #6831

Improved Documentation

  • Adding docs for importing and exporting from Pulp to Pulp. #6364

  • Add some documentation around TaskGroups. #6641

  • Introduced a brief explanation about pulp_installer #6674

  • Added a warning that the REST API is not safe for multi-user use until RBAC is implemented. #6692

  • Updated the required roles names #6758

Deprecations and Removals

  • Changed repositories field on /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/ from UUIDs to hrefs. #6457

  • Imports now spawn child tasks which can be fetched via the child_tasks field of the import task. #6484

  • Content of ssl certificates and keys changed to be return their full value instead of sha256 through REST API. #6691

  • Replaced PulpExport filename/sha256 fields, with output_info_file, a ‘<filename>’: ‘<hash>’ dictionary. #6736

Plugin API


  • Added new NoArtifactContentUploadSerializer and NoArtifactContentUploadViewSet to enable plugin writers to upload content without storing an Artifact #6281

  • Added view_name_pattern to DetailRelatedField and DetailIdentityField to properly identify wrong resource types. #6521

  • Added support for Distributions to provide non-Artifact content via a content_handler. #6570

  • Added constants to the plugin API at pulpcore.plugin.constants. #6579

  • TaskGroups now have an ‘all_tasks_dispatched’ field that can be used to notify systems that no further tasks will be dispatched for a TaskGroup. Plugin writers should call “.finish()” on all TaskGroups created once they are done using them to set this field. #6591


  • Added RemoteFilter to the plugin API as it was missing but used by plugin_template. #6563

Deprecations and Removals

  • Fields: username and password will be returned to the rest API user requesting a Remote #6346

  • Rehomed QueryModelResource to pulpcore.plugin.importexport. #6514

  • The pulpcore.content.handler.Handler.list_directory() function now returns a set of strings where it returned a string of HTML before. #6570

3.3.1 (2020-05-07)



  • Fixed partial and general update calls for SecretCharField on the Remote. #6565

  • Fixed bug where TaskGroup was showing up as null for created_resources in tasks. #6573

Plugin API


  • Add TaskGroup to the plugin API. #6603

3.3.0 (2020-04-15)



  • Added support for repairing a RepositoryVersion by redownloading corrupted artifact files. Sending a POST request to /pulp/api/v3/repositories/<plugin>/<type>/<repository-uuid>/versions/<version-number>/repair/ will trigger a task that scans all associated artfacts and attempts to fetch missing or corrupted ones again. #5613

  • Added support for exporting pulp-repo-versions. POSTing to an exporter using the /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/<exporter-uuid>/exports/ API will instantiate a PulpExport entity, which will generate an export-tar.gz file at <exporter.path>/export-<export-uuid>-YYYYMMDD_hhMM.tar.gz #6135

  • Added API for importing Pulp Exports at POST /importers/core/pulp/<uuid>/imports/. #6137

  • Added the new setting CHUNKED_UPLOAD_DIR for configuring a default directory used for uploads #6253

  • Exported SigningService in plugin api #6256

  • Added name filter for SigningService #6257

  • Relationships between tasks that spawn other tasks will be shown in the Task API. #6282

  • Added a new APIs for PulpExporters and Exports at /exporters/core/pulp/ and /exporters/core/pulp/<uuid>/exports/. #6328

  • Added PulpImporter API at /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/. PulpImporters are used for importing exports from Pulp. #6329

  • Added an ALLOWED_EXPORT_PATHS setting with list of filesystem locations that exporters can export to. #6335

  • Indroduced ordering keyword, which orders the results by specified field. Pulp objects will by default be ordered by pulp_created if that field exists. #6347

  • Task Groups added – Plugin writers can spawn tasks as part of a “task group”, which facilitates easier monitoring of related tasks. #6414


  • Improved the overall performance while syncing very large repositories #6121

  • Made chunked uploads to be stored in a local file system instead of a default file storage #6253

  • Fixed 500 error when calling modify on nonexistent repo. #6284

  • Fixed bug where user could delete repository version 0 but not recreate it by preventing users from deleting repo version 0. #6308

  • Fixed non unique content units on content list #6347

  • Properly sort endpoints during generation of the OpenAPI schema. #6372

  • Improved resync performance by up to 2x with a change to the content stages. #6373

  • Fixed bug where ‘secret’ fields would be set to the sha256 checksum of the original value. #6402

  • Fixed pulp containers not allowing commands to be run via absolute path. #6420

Improved Documentation

  • Documented bindings installation for a dev environment #6221

  • Added documentation for how to write changelog messages. #6336

  • Cleared up a line in the database settings documentation that was ambiguous. #6384

  • Updated docs to reflect that S3/Azure are supported and no longer tech preview. #6443

  • Added tech preview note to docs for importers/exporters. #6454

  • Renamed ansible-pulp to pulp_installer (to avoid confusion with pulp-ansible) #6461

  • Fixed missing terms in documentation. #6485

Deprecations and Removals

  • Changing STATIC_URL from /static/ to /assets/ for avoiding conflicts #6128

  • Exporting now requires the configuration of the ALLOWED_EXPORT_PATHS setting. Without this configuration, Pulp will not export content to the filesystem. #6335

Plugin API


  • Tasks can now be spawned from inside other tasks, and these relationships can be explored via the “parent_task” field and “child_tasks” related name on the Task model. #6282

  • Added a new Export model, serializer, and viewset. #6328

  • Added models Import and Importer (as well as serializers and viewsets) that can be used for importing data into Pulp. #6329

  • NamedModelViewSet uses a default ordering of -pulp_created using the StableOrderingFilter. Users using the ordering keyword will be the primary ordering used when specified. #6347

  • Added two new repo validation methods (validate_repo_version and validate_duplicate_content). #6362

  • enqueue_with_reservation() provides a new optional argument for “task_group”. #6414


  • Fixed bug where RepositoryVersion.artifacts returns None. #6439

Improved Documentation

  • Add plugin writer docs on adding entry to include webserver_snippets in the Python package. #6249

  • Updated the metadata signing plugin writers documentation. #6342

Deprecations and Removals

  • Changed master model from FileSystemExporter to Exporter. Plugins will still need to extend FileSystemExporter but the master table is now core_exporter. This will require that plugins drop and recreate their filesystem exporter tables. #6328

  • RepositoryVersion add_content no longer checks for duplicate content. #6362


3.2.1 (2020-03-17)



Plugin API

No significant changes.

3.2.0 (2020-02-26)



  • Added a pulpcore-manager script that is django-admin only configured with DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="". This can be used for things like applying database migrations or collecting static media. #5859

  • Resolve DNS faster with aiodns #6190


  • Considering base version when removing duplicates #5964

  • Renames /var/lib/pulp/static/ to /var/lib/pulp/assets/. #5995

  • Disabled the trimming of leading and trailing whitespace characters which led to a situation where a hash of a certificate computed in Pulp was not equal to a hash generated locally #6025

  • Repository.latest_version() considering deleted versions #6147

  • Stopped HttpDownloader sending basic auth credentials to redirect location if domains don’t match. #6227

Improved Documentation

  • Updated docs to suggest to use pulpcore-manager command instead of django-admin directly. #5859

Deprecations and Removals

  • Renaming Repository.last_version to Repository.next_version #6147


Plugin API


  • Adding not equal lookup to model field filters. #5868

Improved Documentation

  • Adds plugin writer docs on adding custom url routes and having the installer configure the reverse proxy to route them. #6209

3.1.1 (2020-02-17)



  • Content with duplicate repo_key_fields raises an error #5567

  • Resolve content app errors django.db.utils.InterfaceError: connection already closed. #6045

  • Fix a bug that could cause an inability to detect an invalid signing script during the validation #6077

  • Fixing broken S3 redirect #6154

  • Pin idna==2.8` to avoid a version conflict caused by the idna 2.9 release. #6169

Plugin API


  • A new method _reset_db_connection has been added to content.Handler. It can be called before accessing the db to ensure that the db connection is alive. #6045

3.1.0 (2020-01-30)



  • Allow administrators to add a signing service #5943

  • Adds which can be used to verify authentication in the webserver, but will not automatically create users like django.contrib.auth.backends.RemoteUserBackend does. #5949

  • Allow Azure blob storage to be used as DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE for Pulp #5954

  • Allow to filter publications by repository_version and pulp_created #5968

  • Adds the ALLOWED_IMPORT_PATHS setting which can specify the file path prefix that file:/// remote paths can import from. #5974

  • Allow the same artifact to be published at multiple relative paths in the same publication. #6037


  • Files stored on S3 and Azure now download with the correct filename. #4733

  • Adds operation_summary to the OpenAPI schema definition of repository modify operation #6002

  • Temporarily pinned redis-py version to avoid a task locking issue. #6038

Improved Documentation

  • Rewrote the Authentication page for more clarity on how to configure Pulp’s authentication. #5949

Deprecations and Removals

  • Removed the django.contrib.auth.backends.RemoteUserBackend as a default configured backend in settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS. Also removed from the DRF configuration of DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES. #5949

  • Importing from file:/// now requires the configuration of the ALLOWED_IMPORT_PATHS setting. Without this configuration, Pulp will not import content from file:/// locations correctly. #5974


Plugin API


  • Allow awaiting for resolution on DeclarativeContent. #5668

  • Add a previous() method to RepositoryVersion. #5734

  • Enable plugin writers to sign selected content with signing scripts provided by administrators #5946

  • Add a batching content iterator content_batch_qs() to RepositoryVersion. #6024

Deprecations and Removals

  • The `Handler._handle_file_response` has been removed. It was renamed to ``_serve_content_artifact and has the following signature:

    def _serve_content_artifact(self, content_artifact, headers):


  • Remove get_or_create_future and does_batch from DeclarativeContent. Replaced by awaiting for resolution on the DeclarativeContent itself. #5668

3.0.1 (2020-01-15)



  • Fix bug where content shows as being added and removed in the same version. #5707

  • Fix bug where calling Repository new_version() outside of task raises exception. #5894

  • Adjusts classifier to show 3.0 as Production/Stable. #5896

  • Importing from file:/// paths no longer destroys the source repository. #5941

  • Webserver auth no longer prompts for csrf incorrectly. #5955

Deprecations and Removals

  • Removed from the default middleware section. Also replaced rest_framework.authentication.RemoteUserAuthentication with in the Django Rest Framework portion of the config. #5955

Plugin API


  • Added an optional parameter base_version to RepositoryVersion add() and removed() methods. #5706

Deprecations and Removals

  • Saving an Artifact from a source that is outside of settings.MEDIA_ROOT will copy the file instead of moving the file as it did in previous versions. This causes data imported from file:/// sources to be left in tact. #5941

3.0.0 (2019-12-11)


Task names, e.g., are subject to change in future releases 3.y releases. These are represented in the Task API as the “name” attribute. Please check future release notes to see when these names will be considered stable. Otherwise, the REST API pulpcore provides is considered semantically versioned.



  • Pulp will do validation that a new repository version contains only content which is supported by the Repository type. Using the same a-priori knowledge of content types, increase performance of duplicate removal. #5701


  • Improve speed and memory performance. #5688

Improved Documentation

  • Fix an incorrect license claim in the docs. Pulp is GPLv2+. #4592

  • Labeling 3.0 features as tech preview. #5563

  • Simplified docs index page. #5714

  • Add text to Promotion page. #5721

  • Fixes and updates to the glossry page. #5726

Plugin API


  • Added a new required field called CONTENT_TYPES to the Repository model. #5701


Comprehensive list of changes and bugfixes for rc 2.

Breaking Changes

Default port changes happened in the Ansible Installer for Pulp and pulpcore was updated to match with this PR. Existing installs are unaffected. This was done to avoid conflicts that would prevent Pulp from starting by default in many environments; the previous ports (8000 & 8080) are commonly used by management webGUIs, development webservers, etc.

Publications are now Master/Detail which causes any Publication URL endpoint to change. To give an example from pulp_file see the URL changes made here as an example. See plugin docs compatible with 3.0.0rc2 for more details.

Distributions are now Master/Detail which causes the Distribution URL endpoint to change. To give an example from pulp_file see the URL changes made in this PR as an example. See plugin docs compatible with 3.0.0rc2 for more details.

The semantics of Remote attributes ssl_ca_certificate, ssl_client_certificate, and ssl_client_key changed even though the field names didn’t. Now these assets are saved directly in the database instead of on the filesystem, and they are prevented from being read back out to users after being set for security reasons. This was done with these changes.