Content Sources =============== Pulp supports a generic concept of *Alternate Content Sources* that is independent of Importers and Repositories. Each content source is a potential alternate provider of files that are associated with content units in Pulp. Pulp maintains a catalog of the content provided by each source which is periodically refreshed using a *Cataloger* server-side plugin. During a refresh, the cataloger queries the content source using this information to update the catalog. The next time Pulp needs to download a file associated with a content unit, it searches the catalog for alternate sources based on the source's *priority*. Each alternate source is tried in *priority* order. If the file cannot be successfully downloaded from one of the alternate sources, it is finally downloaded from the original (primary) source. Defining A Content Source ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Content sources are defined in ``/etc/pulp/content/sources/conf.d``. Each file with a .conf suffix may contain one or more sections. Each section defines a content source. The [section] defines the content source ID. The following properties are supported: - **enabled** The content source is enabled. Disabled sources are ignored. - **name** The content source display name. - **type** The type of content source. Must correspond to the ID of a cataloger plugin ID. - **priority** The *optional* source priority used when downloading content. (0 is highest and the default). - **expires** How long until cataloged information expires. The default unit is seconds but and optional suffix can (and should) be used. Supported suffixes: (s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days) - **base_url** The URL used to fetch info used to refresh the catalog. - **paths** An *optional* list of URL relative paths. Delimited by space or newline. - **max_concurrent** An *optional* limit to the number of concurrent downloads. - **max_speed** An *optional* limit to the bandwidth used during downloads. - **ssl_ca_cert** An *optional* SSL CA certificate (absolute path). - **ssl_validation** An *optional* flag to validate the server SSL certificate using the CA. - **ssl_client_cert** An *optional* SSL client certificate (absolute path). - **ssl_client_key** An *optional* SSL client key (absolute path). - **proxy_url** An *optional* URL for a proxy. - **proxy_port** An *optional* proxy port#. - **proxy_username** An *optional* proxy userid. - **proxy_password** An *optional* proxy password. - **basic_auth_username** An *optional* basic auth username. - **basic_auth_password** An *optional* basic auth password. Example: :: [content-world] enabled: 1 priority: 0 expires: 3d name: Content World type: yum base_url: http://content-world/content/ paths: f18/x86_64/os/ \ f18/i386/os/ \ f19/x86_64/os \ f19/i386/os max_concurrent: 10 max_speed: 1000 ssl_ca_cert: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ ssl_client_key: /etc/pki/tls/private/content-world.key ssl_client_cert: /etc/pki/tls/certs/content-world.crt Recipes ^^^^^^^ The pulp-admin client can be use to list all defined content sources as follows:: $ pulp-admin content sources list +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Content Sources +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Base URL: http://content-world/content/ Enabled: 1 Expires: 3d Max Concurrent: 2 Name: Content World Paths: f18/x86_64/os/ f18/i386/os/ f19/x86_64/os f19/i386/os Priority: 0 Source Id: content-world SSL Validation: true Type: yum The pulp-admin client can be used to delete entries contributed by specific content sources as follows:: $ pulp-admin content catalog delete -s content-world Successfully deleted [10] catalog entries. The pulp-admin client can be used to refresh content catalog using all content sources:: $ pulp-admin content sources refresh +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Refresh Content Sources +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ This command may be exited via ctrl+c without affecting the request. Refreshing content sources [==================================================] 100% 2 of 2 items ... completed Task Succeeded The pulp-admin client can be used to refresh content catalog using a specific content source:: $ pulp-admin content sources refresh --source-id content-zoo +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Refresh Content Sources +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ This command may be exited via ctrl+c without affecting the request. Refreshing content sources [|] ... completed Task Succeeded