Branching Model

Pulp lives on GitHub. The “pulp” repository is for the platform, and then each supported content family (like “rpm” and “puppet”) has its own repository.

Pulp uses a version scheme x.y.z. Pulp’s branching strategy is designed for bugfix development for older x.y release streams without interfering with development or contribution of new features to a future, unreleased x or x.y release. This strategy encourages a clear separation of bugfixes and features as encouraged by Semantic Versioning.


Pulp’s branching model is inspired by the strategy described by Vincent Driessen in this article, but is not identical to it.


This is the latest bleeding-edge code. All new feature work should be done out of this branch. Typically this is the development branch for future, unreleased x or x.y release.

Version-Specific Branches

Each x.y release will have one corresponding branch called x.y-dev. For example, all work for the 2.7.z series of releases gets merged into 2.7-dev.

Build Tags

Builds will be represented only as tags.


In the past, the latest beta and GA release of an x.y stream would be represented additionally by branches, but that is no longer the case as of pulp 2.7.

Build Lifecycle

Alpha and Beta releases will be built from the tip of an x.y-dev branch. If the beta fails testing, blocking issues will have fixes merged to the x.y-dev branch like any other bug fix, and then a new build will be made. Other changes unrelated to the blocking issues may get merged to the x.y-dev branch between builds, and no effort will be made to “freeze” the branch. Any such unrelated changes will be included in the next beta build.

Release candidates will be built from the most recent beta tag. GA releases will be built from the most recent release candidate tag.


When a hotfix needs to be made, a branch will be created from the most recent x.y.z release tag. The fix will be made (via pull request from a personal fork to the hotfix branch), a new tag will be built from the tip of the hotfix branch, and the hotfix branch can be merged to x.y-dev.

Bug Fix Branches

When creating a Pull Request (PR) that fixes a specific bug, title the PR as you would the git commit message.

Feature Branches

Similar to bug fix branches, when creating a pull request that holds features until they are merged into a development branch, the pull request branch should be a brief name relevant to the feature. For example, a branch to add persistent named searches might be named “feature/named-searches”.

Choosing an Upstream Branch

When creating a bug fix or feature branch, it is very important to choose the right upstream branch. The general rule is to always choose the oldest upstream branch that will need to contain your work.

Commit Messages

The primary commit in a bug fix should have a log message that starts with ‘<bug_id> - ‘, for example 123456 - fixes a silly bug.

Cherry-picking and Rebasing

Don’t do it! Seriously though, this should not happen between release branches. It is a good idea (but not required) for a developer to rebase his or her development branch before merging a pull request. Cherry-picking may also be valuable among development branches. However, master and release branches should not be involved in either.

The reason is that both of these operations generate new and unique commits from the same changes. We do not want pulp-x.y and master to have the same bug fix applied by two different commits. By merging the same commit into both, we can easily verify months later that a critical bug fix is present in every appropriate release branch and build tag.


If you are not sure what “rebasing” and “cherry-picking” mean, Pro Git by Scott Chacon is an excellent resource for learning about git, including advanced topics such as these.