
Yum Importer Configuration

The yum importer is configured by editing /etc/pulp/server/plugins.conf.d/yum_importer.json. This file must be valid JSON.

The importer supports the settings documented in Pulp’s importer config docs.

ISO Importer Configuration

The ISO importer is configured by editing /etc/pulp/server/plugins.conf.d/iso_importer.json. This file must be valid JSON.

The importer supports the settings documented in Pulp’s importer config docs.

Protected Repositories

Repository authentication allows the creation of protected repositories in the Pulp server. Consumers attempting to access protected repositories with yum operations require some form of authentication in order to be granted access.

Two configuration file changes are necessary to enable repository authentication.

  • Edit /etc/pulp/server.conf and set the ssl_ca_certificate option to the full path of the CA certificate that signed the Pulp server’s httpd SSL certificate. If this option is not set, it will default to /etc/pki/pulp/ssl_ca.crt. This file must be readable by the apache user.


If the default self signed certificate that is generated when mod_ssl is installed is being used as the Pulp server’s certificate, copying that certificate to /etc/pki/pulp/ssl_ca.crt and making it apache readable will suffice. The default location for that certificate is /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt or /etc/pki/tls/certs/<hostname>.crt.

  • Edit /etc/pulp/repo_auth.conf and set the enabled option to true. Save the file and restart Apache.

Validation With Your Web Server

If you are using the repository protection feature and if you do not require different certificate authorities on each repository, it is recommended that you configure your web server to validate client certificates against trusted certificate authorities instead of having Pulp do it. For Apache, please see their documentation if you wish to learn how to do this. You can set the new verify_ssl setting to false in the [main]] section of /etc/pulp/repo_auth.conf if you wish to configure Pulp not to check the certificate signatures. There is a performance advantage to configuring this setting this way if you are able to use your web server to validate client certificates instead of Pulp.

Global Repo Authentication

Repository authentication may be configured globally for all repositories in the Pulp server or individually on a per repo basis. In the event that both are specified, only the individual repository authentication check will take place.

Global repository authentication is enabled by placing the authentication credentials under /etc/pki/pulp/content/. The following files are relevant:

CA certificate used to validate inbound consumer certificates. If the consumer’s certificate cannot be validated by this CA, the consumer is automatically rejected as being unauthorized.


Certificate to provide to consumers when they bind to repositories. If a repository overrides global repository authentication at the repository level, the certificate provided for the repository itself is used in place of this file. This file is optional; if unspecified, bound consumers will need to acquire a valid certificate for accessing the repository through other means.


If the private key for the consumer certificate above is not included in the certificate itself, it may be located in this file and will be sent to bound consumers at the same time as the certificate.

Individual Repository Authentication

Individual repositories can be setup to do SSL authentication. This allows you to use authentication on only specific repositories while leaving others unprotected, or to have different credentials for some repositories than others.

The three certificates listed above can be passed to the repository create or update command using the following options respectively:

  • --feed-ca-cert

  • --feed-cert

  • --feed-key