

Unit tests are found under the test/unit directory in each subproject. Within the test/unit directory are two subdirectories:

  • data - Holds any data files used by the unit tests

  • unit - Holds the unit tests themselves.

Within the unit directory the tests are to be organized in a directory structure that matches the directory structure of the module they are testing. The test module itself shall be named test_<module_name>.py where <module_name> matches the module that is being tested.

For example: If the module being tested is /common/pulp/common/plugins/progress.py the corresponding unit test module would be /common/test/unit/common/plugins/test_progress.py

Unit tests may use the database but should not make any other external connections, such as to an external repository or the message bus.

Test cases are required for all submitted pull requests.

Python Libraries

The Pulp project uses the mock library as its mocking framework. More information on the framework can be found here: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mock

Tests should not introduce any extra libraries in order to keep the test environment light-weight.

Testing Utilities

Each project contains a number of testing utility modules under the test/unit directory. Of particular interest is the module named base.py. This module provides a number of test case base classes that are used to simulate the necessary state of the different Pulp components. For example, in the platform, base classes are provided that set up the state for client tests (PulpClientTests) or REST API tests (PulpWebserviceTests). Applicability and usage information can be found in the docstrings for each class.

The above base classes should only be used in the event they are needed. The added setup and tear down time should be avoided in the event that those features are not needed, in which case simply subclassing unittest.TestCase is preferred.

If a there are any utilities that are used by many test modules they should be placed in the devel subproject. This subproject contains a number of mock objects and utilities that are used by unit tests in all of the pulp projects.


Each unit test directory contains a subdirectory called server. This distinction is due to the fact that the Pulp client must be Python 2.4 compatible whereas the server need only be Python 2.6 compatible. To keep the project’s continuous integration tests against 2.4 from failing, the server tests are not run in those environments. More information on supported versions can be found on our Compatibility page.

This structure is only present in git repositories that have not yet been migrated into a multiple Python package format. In the latter case, the division between server and client code is expressed by the packages themselves and thus this construct is unnecessary.


Each Pulp git repository contains a script named run-tests.py. This script will run all of the unit tests for that repository and generate coverage reports. The python coverage library is used to produce the reports and must be installed before running that script. An HTML version of the coverage report is created in the git repository root under coverage/index.html.


If you want to see coverage report with lines which were not covered use coverage report -m --omit="*/test/*" after running run-tests.py script.