Unit Profiles

Create A Profile

Create a unit profile and associate it with the specified consumer. Unit profiles are associated to consumers by content type. Each consumer may be associated with one profile of a given content type at a time. If a profile of the specified content type is already associated with the consumer, it is replaced with the profile supplied in this call.

Method: POST
Path: /pulp/api/v2/consumers/<consumer_id>/profiles/
Permission: create
Request Body Contents:
  • content_type (string) - the content type ID

  • profile (object) - the content profile

Response Codes:
  • 201 - if the profile was successfully created

  • 400 - if one or more of the parameters is invalid

  • 404 - if the consumer does not exist

Return: the created unit profile object

Sample Request:

  "content_type": "rpm",
  "profile": [{"arch": "i686",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "glib2",
               "release": "2.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": "2.32.4"},
              {"arch": "x86_64",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "rpm-libs",
               "release": "8.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": ""}]

Sample 201 Response Body:

  "profile": [{"arch": "i686",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "glib2",
               "release": "2.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": "2.32.4"},
              {"arch": "x86_64",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "rpm-libs",
               "release": "8.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": ""}],
  "_ns": "consumer_unit_profiles",
  "consumer_id": "test-consumer",
  "content_type": "rpm",
  "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/consumers/test-consumer/profiles/rpm/",
  "profile_hash": "2ecdf09a0f1f6ea43b5a991b468866bc07bcf8c2ac8251395ef2d78adf6e5c5b",
  "_id": {"$oid": "5008500ae138230abe000095"},
  "id": "5008500ae138230abe000095"

Replace a Profile

Replace a unit profile associated with the specified consumer. Unit profiles are associated to consumers by content type. Each consumer may be associated to one profile of a given content type at one time. If no unit profile matching the specified content type is currently associated to the consumer, the supplied profile is created and associated with the consumer using the specified content type.

Method: PUT
Path: /pulp/api/v2/consumers/<consumer_id>/profiles/<content-type>/
Permission: update
Request Body Contents:
  • profile (object) - the content profile

Response Codes:
  • 201 - if the profile was successfully updated

  • 400 - if one or more of the parameters is invalid

  • 404 - if the consumer does not exist

Return: the created unit profile object

Sample Request:

  "profile": [{"arch": "i686",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "glib2",
               "release": "2.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": "2.32.4"},
              {"arch": "x86_64",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "rpm-libs",
               "release": "8.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": ""}]

Sample 201 Response Body:

  "profile": [{"arch": "i686",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "glib2",
               "release": "2.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": "2.32.4"},
              {"arch": "x86_64",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "rpm-libs",
               "release": "8.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": ""}],
  "_ns": "consumer_unit_profiles",
  "consumer_id": "test-consumer",
  "content_type": "rpm",
  "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/consumers/test-consumer/profiles/rpm/",
  "profile_hash": "2abcf09a0f1f6ea43b5a991b468866bc07bcf8c2ac8251395ef2d78adf6e5c5b",
  "_id": {"$oid": "5008500ae138230abe000095"},
  "id": "5008500ae138230abe000095"

Delete a profile

Removes a profile associated with a consumer.

Method: DELETE
Path: /pulp/api/v2/consumers/<consumer_id>/profiles/<content_type>/
Permission: delete
Query Parameters:
Response Codes:
  • 200 - if the profile was successfully deleted

  • 404 - if there is no consumer with the given ID or profile

Return: null

Retrieve All Profiles By Consumer Id

Retrieves information on all unit profile entries associated with a consumer.

Method: GET
Path: /pulp/api/v2/consumers/<consumer_id>/profiles/
Permission: read
Query Parameters: None; There are no supported query parameters
Response Codes:
  • 200 - regardless of whether any profiles exist

  • 404 - if the consumer does not exist

Return: an array of unit profile objects or an empty array if none exist

Sample 200 Response Body:

 {"_href": "/pulp/api/v2/consumers/test-consumer/profiles/test-content-type/",
  "_id": {"$oid": "521d92b1e5e7102f7500004a"},
  "_ns": "consumer_unit_profiles",
  "consumer_id": "test-consumer",
  "content_type": "test-content-type",
  "id": "521d92b1e5e7102f7500004a",
  "profile": [{"arch": "i686",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "glib2",
               "release": "2.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": "2.32.4"},
              {"arch": "x86_64",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "rpm-libs",
               "release": "8.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": ""}],
  "profile_hash": "15df1c6105edacd6b167d2e9dd87311b069f50cebb2f7968ef185c1d6eae5197"
 {"_href": "/pulp/api/v2/consumers/test-consumer/profiles/rpm/",
  "_id": {"$oid": "5217d77de5e710796700000c"},
  "_ns": "consumer_unit_profiles",
  "consumer_id": "test-consumer",
  "content_type": "rpm",
  "id": "5217d77de5e710796700000c",
  "profile": [{"arch": "i686",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "glib2",
               "release": "2.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": "2.32.4"}],
  "profile_hash": "15df1c6105edacd6b167d2e9dd87311b069f50cebb2f7968ef185c1d6eae5197"

Retrieve a Profile By Content Type

Retrieves a unit profile associated with a consumer by content type.

Method: GET
Path: /pulp/api/v2/consumers/<consumer_id>/profiles/<content_type>/
Permission: read
Query Parameters: None; There are no supported query parameters
Response Codes:
  • 200 - if profile exists

  • 404 - if the consumer or requested profile does not exists

Return: the requested unit profile object

Sample 200 Response Body:

  "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/consumers/test-consumer/profiles/test-content-type/",
  "_id": {"$oid": "521d92b1e5e7102f7500004a"},
  "_ns": "consumer_unit_profiles",
  "consumer_id": "test-consumer",
  "content_type": "test-content-type",
  "id": "521d92b1e5e7102f7500004a",
  "profile": [{"arch": "i686",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "glib2",
               "release": "2.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": "2.32.4"},
              {"arch": "x86_64",
               "epoch": 0,
               "name": "rpm-libs",
               "release": "8.fc17",
               "vendor": "Fedora Project",
               "version": ""}],
  "profile_hash": "15df1c6105edacd6b167d2e9dd87311b069f50cebb2f7968ef185c1d6eae5197"

Retrieve All Profiles

Retrieves information on all unit profile entries.

Method: GET
Path: /pulp/api/v2/consumers/profile/search/
Permission: read
Query Parameters: None; There are no supported query parameters
Response Codes:
  • 200 - containing the array of items

Return: array of unit profiles

Sample 200 Response Body:

    "profile": [{"arch": "i686",
                "epoch": 0,
                "name": "glib2",
                "release": "2.fc17",
                "vendor": "Fedora Project",
                "version": "2.32.4"},
                {"arch": "x86_64",
                "epoch": 0,
                "name": "rpm-libs",
                "release": "8.fc17",
                "vendor": "Fedora Project",
                "version": ""}],
    "_ns": "consumer_unit_profiles",
    "profile_hash": "d20dc2d0fce88a064a2f7309863da7ebd068969de0150fd8ff83c220a0785d8a",
    "consumer_id": "test-consumer",
    "content_type": "rpm",
    "_id": {"$oid": "545cacf09cd4ca28c83dd9f5"},
    "id": "545cacf09cd4ca28c83dd9f5"

Searching Profiles

Returns items that match the search parameters. To understand how to use the SearchAPI look at the Search Criteria page. This call will never return a 404; an empty array is returned in the case where there are no items in the database.

Method: POST
Path: /pulp/api/v2/consumers/profile/search/
Permission: read
Request Body Contents: include the key “criteria” whose value is a mapping structure as defined in Search Criteria
Response Codes:
  • 200 - containing the result of the query

Return: elements matching the query

Sample Request:

  "criteria" : {
    "filters" : { "profile.name"  : "pulp-consumer-client" },
    "fields" : [ "consumer_id", "profile.$" ]

Sample 200 Response Body:

  "profile": [
      "vendor": "Koji",
      "name": "pulp-consumer-client",
      "epoch": 0,
      "version": "2.4.3",
      "release": "1.el6",
      "arch": "noarch"
  "_id": {"$oid": "545cacf09cd4ca28c83dd9f5"},
  "id": "545cacf09cd4ca28c83dd9f5",
  "consumer_id": "pulp-test"